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罗敏,1968年出生于四川泸州,毕业于解放军艺术学院,获硕士学位,原成都军区创作室专业画家,现北京画院专职画家,国家1 级美术师。
次要 参展情况:个展:2011年在今日美术馆举办“日常之镜——2011罗敏绘画展”。2013年于今日美术馆举办“路过,既成为风景”罗敏纸本绘画展。
群展:“最绘画”中国青年油画作品展;“可见之诗”中国写生油画展;首届“艺术凤凰”中国当代青年油画展;第四届全国青年美展;“研讨 与超越”—第二届中国小幅油画展;第36届日本横滨国际海外艺术家约请 展;“灵感高原”—中国美术作品展;“油画艺术与当代社会”—中国油画展;《灵感高原——中国美术作品展》;首届中国百家金陵油画展;第11届全国美展;第六、七届全国体育美展,;第九、十、十1 届全军美展;艺术家眼中的当代中国—中国油画艺术展;
绘画对于我,是1 种寻求人格自在 的方式,它不应当 是压制 和牺牲本身 的个性来求得大同。我喜欢画布与笔触的感觉,我试图用1 种纯粹而朴素的言语 去作画,从而寻觅 到通往本身 绝对 独立、封闭、单纯的精神家园。作为1 个艺术工作者,绘画是我的职业,也是我的兴味 所在,而作为女性和军人这1 双重的身份定位,艺术创作和创作中的观念构成 又总是游离于两者之间,理想 生活的体验和社会角色的定位总是以种种方式安排 着本身 的认识 形状 和艺术创作,使其在各种矛盾中找到和谐并彼此 影响调和 起来。但不管 是进行主题性创作(如女兵、西藏题材等),还是非主题创作(游泳、植物、石榴题材等),内容切点的个性化和绘画言语 的个性化都是我寻觅 的根本核心,由于 艺术家的目的是想通过对作品的描绘来完成本身 的心灵诉求。真实存在的个性是艺术的魅力所在,是艺术作品的终究 气质。所以在生活中用心感受,用本身 的心灵描绘真实而独特的自我尤其 重要。不管 是在题材还是言语 方面,用本身 的感觉、用本身 的心灵,在生活中找到1 个真实而有个性的自我。哪怕是对于画布、颜料、笔的属性,我都进行了大量的思考和实验,尽量用1 种具有与本身 相称的绘画方式和气质,去实施真实的个性体现。在创作中,如果我们用出自于某家某派的言语 去描述去表现,用固定的理念和模式去观察生活,这就使得生活的真实性和原发性从来没有真正进入我们的大脑。我们再用1 种固有的价值和审美来指点 我们的创作方向,真正生活的本质却被遗忘在死角。我们的良知、品格和判断在1 切“固有式”中被逐渐 弱化。其实绘画除了大众化的“审美”之外 ,它应当 发出1 种强音,1 种对于社会,对于生活的觉悟、责任和热爱。我们利用 本身 独有的眼睛去看,去感悟生活的真实美。
12月由艺术跟踪出版中心出版《罗敏个展示 场跟踪》
油画作品《祝愿 》入选在中国军事博物馆举办的四川更美丽—四川优秀美术作品展;
油画作品《2009年秋天》、《安静时能听到泥土的心跳》入选成都文轩美术馆举办的没法 缺席--文轩美术馆开馆展;
出版画册《罗敏油画作品全集 》
油画作品《藏北印象》入选在时代美术馆举办的具象研讨 ——重回经典;
油画作品《夏天》入选在中国美术馆举办的研讨 与超越—第二届中国小幅油画展;
油画作品《盆·景》系列入选在横滨美术馆举办的第36届日本横滨国际海外艺术家约请 展;
油画作品《祝愿 》、《SUMMER》入选在上海大学举办的“离合之道”当代艺术家提名展;
2009年油画作品《石榴》系列参加上海索美画廊《生:纪念的1 种》群展;
油画作品《新兵营的小丫头》入选在湖北武汉举办的第“十1 届全国美展”;
油画作品《祝愿 》《新兵营的小丫头》参加重庆江山美术馆她世界-2009国际当代新锐女艺术家约请 展;
油画作品《祝愿 》入选在中国美术馆举办的《灵感高原——中国美术作品展》;
2008年油画作品《记忆中的红飘带》入选在军事博物馆举办的解放军美术书法研讨 院首届院展;
油画作品《石榴》入选首都博物馆“融合与创造--2007中国油画名家学术约请 展”;油画作品《红石榴》入选“艺术中国”全国画展;
1994年油画作品《存在的方式》入选首届四川省大先生 艺术节美术作品展
2013年12月由艺术跟踪出版中心出版《罗敏个展示 场跟踪》
《新兵营的小丫头》、《夏河街头迎面走来的他们》、《祝愿 》、《藏北印象》、《盆·景》系列、《石榴》系列、《记忆中的红飘带》、、《新兵女孩阳光下》、《花草集》系列、《游泳》系列

Introduction to the artist

Luo Min, was born in Sichuan Lu city 1968, be graduated from institute of liberation army art, obtain master's degree, former Chengdu military region creates room major painter, show artist of full-time of Beijing imperial art academy, country division of one class art.
Main ginseng extends a case: Exhibit: Now art gallery was held 2011 " daily lens -- art exhibition of 2011 Luo Min draw " . Now art gallery was held 2013 " transient, make a view already " this brushwork exhibits Luo Min paper.
Group exhibit: "The most painterly " work of Chinese youth canvas is exhibited; "Visible poem " China writes unboiled oil art exhibition; First " artistic phoenix " canvas of Chinese contemporary youth is exhibited; Beauty of youth of the 4th whole nation is exhibited; "Research and surmount " , the 2nd China is small oily art exhibition; Abroad artist invites international of yokohama of the 36th Japan exhibit; "Inspirational highland " , Chinese art work is exhibited; "Canvas art and contemporary society " , Chinese canvas is exhibited; " inspirational highland -- Chinese art work is exhibited " ; Canvas of hill of gold of first China a hunderd schools is exhibited; Beauty of the 11st whole nation is exhibited; The 6th, beauty of sports of 7 whole nations is exhibited, ; The 9th, 10, beauty of 11 horse and foot is exhibited; The contemporary China in artist eye, Chinese canvas art is exhibited;
An account in one's own words
Painterly to me, it is a kind of way that seeks character freedom, the character that it should not be depression and him sacrifice will get Great Harmony. I like the sense of canvas and brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy, I try to use a kind of dinkum and simple language to draw, search thereby become independent relatively to oneself, close, pure mental home. As an artistic worker, brushwork is my profession, also be my interest place, and as female and soldier this one double identity locates, the idea in artistic creation and creation is formed always is free at both between, what the fixed position of the experience of real life and social part always is controlling him with a variety of means is ideological create with art, make its find harmonious mutual influence to coordinate in all sorts of contradiction rise. But no matter be to undertake thematic sex is created (wait like subject matter of female soldiers, Tibet) , still be not a theme to create (swim, subject matter of plant, pomegranate) , the individuation of the individuation of content point of tangency and pictorial language is the essential core that I search, because the artist's purpose is,think those who carry pair of work to depict will finish oneself heart to appeal to beg. The individual character of actual existence is artistic glamour place, it is the final temperament of work of art. In the life so the intention is experienced, the heart that uses oneself depicts true and distinctive ego to be weighed particularly should. No matter be,be being returned in subject matter is language respect, with the oneself feeling, heart that uses oneself, one is found in the life true and individualizing ego. Even if be the attribute to canvas, painty, pen, I had many reflection and test, have as proportional as oneself brushwork with a kind as far as possible means pledges compatibly, go carrying out real individual character to reflect. In creation, if we use out to be described at the language of some some clique,go behaving, go observing the life with fixed concept and mode, this makes the authenticity of the life and the brain that send a gender to never enter us truly formerly. A kind of intrinsic value mixes our reoccupy aesthetic will coach our creation direction, the essence of real life is forgotten to be in however blind angle. Our conscience, character and morals and judgement are in everything " inherent type " in be lost to change stage by stage. Draw actually besides in a popular style " aesthetic " beyond, it should give out a kind of ictus, a kind to the society, the awareness to the life, responsibility and have deep love for. We apply our particular eye to look, go comprehending the real beauty of the life.
Artistic achievement
Art gallery was held now in November 2013 " transient, make a view already " this brushwork exhibits Luo Min paper, show work in all 66;
Will publish in November " transient, make a view already / Luo Min paper draws originally " ;
In December canvas work " swim " be collected by Beijing imperial art academy;
Will dog by art in December publication center is published " Luo Min exhibit the spot to dog "
In December canvas work " Xia He street goes head on they " selected " the character and morals of brushwork " contemporary China canvas is exhibited;
2012 canvas work " edition accept female soldiers " selected found an army 85 years in what Chinese art gallery holds beauty of horse and foot is exhibited;
Canvas work " miniascape · orchid " selected China art gallery holds " work of Chinese youth canvas is exhibited -- the most painterly " ;
Canvas work " the children of elementary school of river cropland phoenix " be collected by Beijing imperial art academy;
Canvas work " collect of flowers and plants " series attends to be sponsorred by Macao administrative office " couplet of canvas of 13 outstanding paintress is exhibited "
Canvas work " the little girl of recruit battalion " have the honor to win " the 7th Sichuan saves Ba Shuwen art award " art kind silver-colored award;
2011 canvas work " basin · scene " series is selected first when hold in Chinese art gallery " artistic phoenix " contemporary youth canvas is exhibited;
Canvas work " below recruit girl sunshine " selected the beauty of youth of the 4th whole nation that holds in Chinese art gallery is exhibited;
Canvas work " below recruit girl sunshine " selected in the found a party that museum of Chinese military affairs holds work of 90 years of art is exhibited;
Canvas work " the little girl of recruit battalion " selected the cradle of the army brigade artist that holds in Chinese art gallery- - fine art work postpones college of liberation army art;
Canvas work " blessing " selected the Sichuan that holds in museum of Chinese military affairs is more beautiful, fine art work exhibits Sichuan;
Canvas work " be astonished " selected the contemporary China in the artist key point that in Guan Shan lunar art gallery runs- - Chinese canvas art is exhibited and obtain " award of an excellent work " ;
Canvas work " Summer 2009 " , " quiet when the heartbeat that can hear clay " art gallery of selected Chengdu Wen Xuan holds cannot absent- - Wen Xuan art gallery opens a house to exhibit;
Art gallery is held now " daily lens -- art exhibition of 2011 Luo Min draw " , showed canvas work many 50, gain wide attention, this person art exhibition is legionary artist first place now art gallery holds such contemporary sex learning to show reward) ;
Publication an album of paintings " anthology of work of Luo Min canvas "
2010 canvas work " No.5 of basin · scene " series is selected the Chinese young person that holds in Beijing times art gallery art is exhibited greatly and win outstanding work award realistically;
Canvas work " summer of 12 years old No.3 " selected hold in Chinese art gallery " canvas art and contemporary society " , Chinese canvas is exhibited;
Canvas work " quiet when the heartbeat that can hear clay " selected Chengdu Shanghai holds jointly " east form is Western-style " communication of work of Shanghai Sichuan canvas is exhibited;
Canvas work " impression Tibetan north " selected the research providing an elephant that conducts in times art gallery -- regain is classical;
Canvas work " scenery series " selected roam in what Shanxi Taiyuan holds 3 advance, paint from life of a person of academic or artistic distinction of Chinese contemporary canvas is exhibited;
Canvas work " summer " selected the research that conducts in Chinese art gallery and surmount, the 2nd China is small oily art exhibition;
Canvas work " basin · scene " series is selected in the international of yokohama of the 36th Japan that yokohama art gallery holds abroad artist invites exhibit;
Canvas work " blessing " , " SUMMER " selected hold in Shanghai university " the path of separation and reunion " contemporary artist nomination is exhibited;
2009 canvas work " pomegranate " series enters beautiful gallery of Shanghai all alone " unripe: A kind of souvenir " group exhibit;
Canvas work " gules memory " " pomegranate " series attends Beijing 789 pairs year exhibit- - green is spatio-temporal exhibit especially;
Canvas work " the little girl of recruit battalion " selected hold in Hubei Wuhan " beauty of 11 whole nations is exhibited " ;
Canvas work " SUMMER " selected the beauty of sports of 7 whole nations that holds in Shandong Jinan is exhibited;
Canvas work " blessing " " the little girl of recruit battalion " ginseng accentuation celebrates country art gallery her world - artist of Xin Rui daughter invites 2009 international now exhibit;
Canvas work " blessing " selected hold in Chinese art gallery " inspirational highland -- Chinese art work is exhibited " ;
" the red ribbon in memory " selected " celebrate new China to establish work of art of the Chinese People's Liberation Army 60 years to exhibit;
Was judged to be courtyard of horse and foot in Feburary award of ability of first school Yo " gold prize " .
2008 canvas work " the red ribbon in memory " selected first courtyard exhibits the academy of calligraphy of liberation army art that runs in martial museum;
Canvas work " pomegranate " series attends Chengdu airport 10 artistic orgnaizations open a house to exhibit " the brushwork of number resembling times and sculpture " ;
2007 canvas work " the red ribbon in memory " selected the beauty of the 10th horse and foot that holds in Chinese art gallery is exhibited;
Canvas work " pomegranate " selected hold in Tsinghua college library " artistic China " countrywide art exhibition;
Canvas work " pomegranate " series in all 8 work attend to be sponsorred by gallery of K of nomination of Mr. He Duoling, Chengdu " 5+3 Hua Jujin government-owned city " couplet exhibits female artist;
Canvas work " pomegranate " selected capital museum " confluence and creation- - learning of a person of academic or artistic distinction of 2007 China canvas invites exhibit " ; Canvas work " red pomegranate " selected " artistic China " countrywide art exhibition;
2006 canvas work " beautiful world series " , " the means of existence " series is selected the 19th newlywed person that holds in Lanzhou art gallery is made newly exhibit;
Canvas work " gules memory " the canvas of hill of gold of Chinese a hunderd schools that selected Nanjing museum holds is exhibited;
2005 canvas work " · of laterite blue sky is noonday " selected the beauty of sports of the 6th whole nation that holds in Nanjing museum is exhibited;
2002 canvas work " atelier of early morning · " selected the beauty of the 9th horse and foot that holds in martial museum is exhibited
1997 canvas work " extraordinary years " selected found an army 70 years in what Sichuan art gallery holds Sichuan art work is exhibited;
Canvas work " new long march -- green apple " selected the commemorative long march that holds in Sichuan art gallery wins 60 years Sichuan art work is exhibited;
Canvas work " armour A is apocalyptic " beauty of sports of selected Sichuan province is exhibited;
1996 canvas work " static · content " selected first Chengdu canvas is exhibited
1994 canvas work " the means of existence " selected work of art of section of art of undergraduate of first Sichuan province is exhibited
Publication circumstance
Published an album of paintings 2011 " collect of work of Luo Min canvas " , " elegant demeanour of famous expert of Chinese contemporary art----Collect of Luo Min canvas " , " brushwork exhibits daily lens · Luo Min " ;
Published in November 2013 " transient, make a view already / Luo Min paper draws originally " ;
Dogged by art in December 2013 publication center is published " Luo Min exhibit the spot to dog "
Represent work
" the little girl of recruit battalion " , " Xia He street goes head on they " , " bless " , " impression Tibetan north " , " basin · scene " series, " pomegranate " series, " the red ribbon in memory " , ,

