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2022-03-11 17:35:08 3536




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吴明儿,浙江省淳安县人。1993年在中国美术学院国画系学习,2002年毕业于解放军艺术学院美术系国画人物专业。现任武警浙江省总队政治部干事,中国美术家协会会员,中国人民武装警察部队美术书法研讨 院研讨 员,武警部队院校书画院理事、武警警官学院特聘画师,浙江省文学艺术界联合会委员,杭州西泠书画院特聘画师。作品《载誉归来》、《5 彩毽》、《红色记忆》分别参加了第十、第十1 、第十二届全军美展,《花开解禅意》入选首届全国当代花鸟画艺术大展,《那年那月》获武警文艺大赛1 等奖,《嫂子》、《钢铁兵士 》荣获第三、第四届全国“长城杯”书画作品展评金奖,国画《绿旋风》入选第十二届全国美展。出版有《吴明儿人物画作品集》。

Introduction to the artist

Zhejiang saves honest to bring prefectural person. Study was fastened in traditional Chinese painting of Chinese academy of fine arts 1993, was graduated from art of institute of liberation army art to fasten major of character of traditional Chinese painting 2002. Currently hold the post ofarmed police Zhejiang to save a secretary in charge of sth of ministry of total fleet politics, chinese artist academician, researcher of academy of calligraphy of art of force of Chinese people armed police, institute of police officer of director of courtyard of painting and calligraphy of school of armed police army, armed police hires painter especially, zhejiang visits committee member of union of literary art group, courtyard of painting and calligraphy of Hangzhou Xi Ling hires painter especially. Work " come back winning high praise " , " multicoloured shuttlecock " , " gules memory " attended respectively the 10th, eleventh, dozenth the United States exhibits a horse and foot, " the flower opens Jie Chanyi " selected art of painting of contemporary painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of first whole nation is exhibited greatly, " " obtain an armed police literary contest first prize, " elder brother's wife " , " steely soldier " have the honor to win the 3rd, the 4th whole nation " Great Wall cup " work of painting and calligraphy is exhibited judge a gold prize, traditional Chinese painting " green tornado " selected dozenth the United States exhibits a whole nation. Publish have " the character will draw work volume tomorrow " .

