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刘文清,云南昆明人。擅长中国画、油画。1941年毕业于地方 大学艺术科,1949年留学巴黎研讨 油画。历任东南 师范学院教师、兰州艺术学院教师,甘肃师范大学美术系主任、教授。作品有《伊尔哈的傍晚》等。
在读中学时就喜欢画画,走到哪里画到哪里。他的父亲不仅爱画画,还特别喜欢收集古董,家庭的艺术陶冶 对他有很大的影响。抗日和平 时期,内地各院校搬迁东北 ,他考入重庆地方 大学艺术系。徐悲鸿当时任艺术系主任,对刘文清的绘画才能相当赏识,常以书画作品赠与勉励。张书也在中大艺术系任教,在国画方面,刘文清最推崇张书,艺术风格受其影响很大。由于刘文清学习成绩优秀,1942年毕业后被留校当助教。学校校址当时在重庆沙坪坝,日本飞机常来轰炸,学校1 度被迫停课。他只好回昆明教书,1943年在昆明举办过他的个人画展,曾引发 美术界的注视 。他前后 在护国中学、云瑞中学、临安中学教美术,他的英语和法语相当好。这期间他还担任过昆明女画家刘自鸣的家庭图画老师,也曾担任过几个月大观公园的经理。他始终刻苦自励,研究 绘画艺术。1947年他终究 考取了云南人民企业公司投资的官费留学资历 ,赴法国留学。

Introduction to the artist

Is Liu language clear? Yunnan Kunming person. Be good at Chinese picture, canvas. Was graduated from division of central university art 1941, studied abroad 1949 Parisian research canvas. Have successively held the posts of teacher of teacher of college of northwest normal school, Lanzhou art college, art of Gansu Province Normal University fastens director, professor. Work has " Yierha's dusk " etc.
Like a painting when reading a middle school, walk along where to draw. His father loves a picture not only, still like to collect antique particularly, artistic edification of the family has very big effect to him. Period of War of Resistance Against Japan, inland each school removes southwest, he takes an examination of Chongqing central university art is. Xu Beihong holds the post of art to fasten a director at that time, clear to Liu article painterly ability comparatives appreciate, chang Yishu draws work donative encourage. Zhang Shu also is in in large artistic department teachs, in respect of traditional Chinese painting, liu Wenqing most praise highly Zhang Shu, artistic style suffers his the impact is very big. Because result of Liu Wenqing study is outstanding, after graduating 1942, be left school when assistant. School the location of a school is in at that time dam of Chongqing sanded level ground, japanese plane often comes bomb, the school is forced for a time suspend class. He is forced to answer Kunming teach, his individual art exhibition had been held in Kunming 1943, ever brought those who have art group to fix eyes upon. He learns in the middle school that protect a country, Yun Ruizhong early or late, face install a middle school to teach art, his English and French are quite good. He still has held the position of the domestic picture teacher of Kunming paintress Liu Ziming during this, ever also had held the position of the manager of park of grand sight of a few months. He is assiduous from beginning to end from encourage, study painterly art. 1947 he eventually pass an entrance examination the government-owned cost that company of Yunnan people company invests studies abroad qualification, go to France to study abroad.

