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中国美术家协会会员,中国壁画协会会员,中国工艺美术学会员,新疆美术家协会会员,新疆师范大学美术学院教授、硕士生导师。深圳大芬美术家协会会员。编入《中国艺术家大辞典》。曾经研讨 设计构成、壁画艺术、新疆民间装潢 艺术。《装潢 壁画》1999年上海人民美术出版社出版,在新疆师范大学第四届科研大会获优秀奖。《新疆师范大学美术学院教师作品集-----杨晓康》2004年由新疆美术出版社出版。论文十余篇?其中《古代 装潢 外型 教学研讨 》2003年在全国艺术类核心期刊发表,2004年获?第四届中国科学家论坛科研创新1 等奖。《新疆少数民族民间器皿器具图案意味 性研讨 》2003年在全国艺术设计类核心期刊《装潢 》发表。《古代 壁画艺术极其装潢 风》2005年在全国艺术设计类核心期刊发表
次要 美术作品?:《传丝公主》入选2004年中国美术家协会举办的《全国第十届美术作品展》。《高原情歌·葡萄乐园》入选2004年中国美术家协会举办的《全国首届壁画大展》并获佳作奖。《传丝公主》入选2004年中国美术家协会举办的《全国首届壁画大展》2004年9月10日?任教30年之即举办了个人画展。新疆电视台给予报道。油画《幸福的日子》《聆听》《新疆姑娘》《春天里的纳孜库》2017年参展中国当代油画《融-当代油画言语 研讨 展》并发表于《当代油画》23辑。油画《丝路舞魂系列》30幅参展2018年5月在?北京中国国家展览中心?举办的《不忘初心,艺路前行中国当代艺术名家约请 展》。

Introduction to the artist

Chinese artist academician, chinese mural academician, chinese arts and crafts learns a member, xinjiang artist academician, professor of academy of fine arts of Xinjiang Normal University, Master lays a teacher. Shenzhen is big fragrance artist academician. Be classified " Chinese artist big dictionary " . Once studied the design is formed, Xinjiang folk adornment is mural art, artistic. " adornment mural " publishing house of Shanghai people art was published 1999, in Xinjiang Normal University congress of the 4th scientific research wins outstanding award. " collect of work of teacher of academy of fine arts of Xinjiang Normal University-----Yang Xiaokang " published by Xinjiang art publishing house 2004. Paper more than 10? Among them " education of contemporary adornment modelling studies " was in 2003 the whole nation is artistic periodical publishs kind of core, obtained 2004? First prize of innovation of scientific research of forum of scientist of the 4th China. " pattern of appliance of household utensils of Xinjiang minority folk is typical research " kind of core periodical was designed in countrywide art 2003 " adornment " publish. " contemporary mural art decorates wind extremely " kind of core periodical was designed to publish in countrywide art 2005
Main art work? : " the princess that pass silk " selected Chinese artist association held 2004 " work of the 10th art of countrywide is exhibited " . " Eden of grape of · of downy love song " selected Chinese artist association held 2004 " first mural of countrywide is exhibited greatly " win award of an excellent work. " the princess that pass silk " selected Chinese artist association held 2004 " is first mural of countrywide exhibited greatly " on September 10, 2004? Teach 30 years held individual art exhibition namely. Xinjiang TV station gives a report. Canvas " happy life " " listen respectfully " " Xinjiang girl " " the Naziku in spring " joined 2017 exhibit Chinese contemporary oil painting " be in harmony - contemporary canvas language considers to exhibit " publish at " contemporary canvas " 23 collect. Canvas " series of fetch of filar road dance " are 30 ginseng exhibited be in in May 2018? Does Beijing China country exhibit a center? Hold " do not forget first heart, artistic now a person of academic or artistic distinction invites China of the travel before art road exhibit " .

