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李也青:1961年生,湖北荆州人,荆州师院美术专业毕业获文学学士学位,1990年师承孙克先生,1992年入中国美院刘国辉教授中国人物画高研班深造。现为中国美术家协会会员、中国民主促进会会员、中国壁画学会会员、《中国写意》杂志主编、中国艺术研讨 院冯远工作室助理、湖北师范学院美术学院院长、教授、硕士生导师。
作品多次参加中国美协等主办的各类大展或获奖,出版教材发表论文十余万字,出版画集十余种。应邀赴美国、马来西亚、香港等地进行学术交流和讲学。在美国、马来西亚、香港、新加坡、台湾、北京、杭州、广州、武汉、上海、济南、合肥、青岛、烟台、金华、等地举办个人画展和联展。1997年香港回归为国家博物馆绘制大型壁画《伎乐天》并长时间 存列。多幅作品入香港佳士德等拍卖行拍卖,并为中国美术馆及国内外艺术机构和收藏家收藏。
次要 作品参展及获奖

中国美院人物画高研班约请 展台湾
1995.《荷风轻轻 》纪念抗日和平 胜利5 十周年全国中国画展


《无题》全国首届中国画约请 展中国美术馆


1999.《云母》跨世纪暨建国5 十周年全国山水画展中国美术馆

2000.《秋水旭日 》全国第二届花鸟画展中国美术馆







2006.《花发江边二月晴》全国中国画名家约请 展天津美协

《水墨人物系列》西部风韵全国中国画名家约请 展西安美协

2007.《呤蕉》“走进经典”全国知名画家作品约请 展天津美协


2008.策划在中国艺术研讨 院成立人物画创作研讨 班任班长、任冯远工作室助理

《生命大救援 》(合作)参加心系汶川全国美术特展中国美协


2008年5月四川地震期间携救灾物资 赴四川地震灾区都江堰、徳阳、什方、汉旺等地做自愿者,同时收集大量抗震救灾图片材料 。短时间内创作出抗震救灾写生组画,在《美术报》、《中国文明 报》、《中国艺术报》、《文艺报》、《国画家》、《美术》及人民网、新华网等介绍。在全国引发 极大反响。



《大时代建设者》、《建设者之歌》巨作及20余幅作品“水墨形相”——中国艺术研讨 院冯远工作室水墨人物画作品展中国美术馆。


中国文联、日本世界文明 复兴 协会第八回东方美术家作品交流展作代表团副团长带队访问日本东京银座美术馆


回顾与瞻望 ---湖北中国画艺术展湖北省美术馆

中国艺术研讨 院、台湾中华画院举办纪念辛亥100周年两岸百家水墨大展随团访问台湾


靑岛莱西美术馆落成开馆暨全国名家约请 展

‘水墨形相’中国艺术研讨 院冯远工作室人物画作品无锡展




参加湖北省第5 届高校美术与设计作品展

Introduction to the artist

Li Yeqing: Unripe 1961, person of city of Hubei chaste tree, graduation of major of art of courtyard of division of chaste tree state obtains literary bachelor's degree, shi Chengsun overcame a gentleman 1990, into Chinese beautiful courtyard Liu Guohui taught Chinese content picture to grind high 1992 the class takes advanced courses. It is democracy of Chinese artist academician, China to promote academician of mural of conference member, China now, " China is enjoyable " magazine chief editor, China is artistic academy Feng is far dean of academy of fine arts of institute of normal school of atelier assistant, Hubei, professor, Master lays a teacher.
Work attends Chinese beauty for many times assist etc those who sponsor is of all kinds be exhibited greatly or bear the palm, publication teaching material publishs a paper ten words, publication picture collect more than 10 kinds. Go to and other places of the United States, Malaysia, Hong Kong to undertake academic communication is mixed on invitation discourse on an academic subject. Individual art exhibition and couplet are held to exhibit in the United States, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Beijing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Shanghai, Jinan, Hefei, Qingdao, Yantai, Jin Hua, and other places. Hong Kong regression was national museum scale 1997 large mural " ability is carefree " put a line for a long time. Many work enters Hong Kong beautiful the auction travel auction such as person heart, it is Chinese art gallery and domestic and international artistic orgnaization and collector to collect.
Main work ginseng is exhibited reach bear the palm
1992. " the first month of the lunar year of happy and harmonious " China is beautiful assist contest of the traditional Chinese painting in sponsorring Hainan international is outstanding award
1993. " autumn wind " art gallery of China of silver-colored award of contest of the traditional Chinese painting in Oriental cup " day and night " wait for picture of character of 3 Zhejiang beautiful courtyard to grind high class work exhibits Chinese art gallery
1994. " Chu Deqiu is deep " , " wind of carry on one's shoulder comes into the lake " work of art of the 8th whole nation exhibits Chinese art gallery

Picture of character of Chinese beautiful courtyard grinds high the class invites exhibit Taiwan
1995. " wind of carry on one's shoulder slightly " commemorative War of Resistance Against Japan wins 50 years countrywide China art exhibition

1997. " Hunan Tian Qingqiu " art gallery of China of art exhibition of first Chinese content of countrywide

" no title " picture of first China of countrywide invites exhibit Chinese art gallery

" the dance of hill " silver-colored award of Chinese landscape art exhibition is phlogistic the 3rd now yellow artistic house

1999. " micaceous " cross century and found a state 50 years art gallery of China of countrywide landscape art exhibition

2000. " autumn water the setting sun " art gallery of China of art exhibition of the 2nd painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of countrywide

2001. " river of gold of green jade plain " new China landscape painting 200 China art gallery

2002. " month of cool and refreshing carry on one's shoulder " souvenir delays a speech to publish beauty of 60 anniversary whole nation to exhibit

2003. " fine mountain puts in the cloud 's charge " Xiamen of art exhibition of the 2nd China of countrywide

2004. " convention of part of chaste tree Hunan pursues " first mural of countrywide exhibits art gallery of China of award of an excellent work greatly

2005. " Qiu Lan brings new rain " beautiful association of the 2nd China of countrywide member high-quality goods is exhibited

" the fellow of Ba sand " art gallery of China of first enjoyable art exhibition of countrywide

2006. " by the side of Hua Fajiang in Feburary fine " a person of academic or artistic distinction of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation invites exhibit Tianjin beauty assist

" series of character of water Chinese ink " western a person of academic or artistic distinction of the traditional Chinese painting in charm whole nation invites exhibit Xi'an beauty assist

2007. " Ling broadleaf plant " " walk into classical " work of countrywide famous artist invites exhibit Tianjin beauty assist

" Miao Zu character " collect folk songs of new rural area of Chinese youth artist exhibits Chinese beauty assist

2008. plan establishs a character to draw creation to study the class holds the post of assistant of atelier of monitor, Ren Fengyuan in Chinese artistic academy

" life is rescued greatly " (collaboration) attend art of whole nation of heart Ji Wenchuan to exhibit Chinese beauty especially assist

" series of the work that build a road " archives of division of name of the traditional Chinese painting in walking into academic ﹒ contemporary college exhibits art gallery of national imperial art academy

Material providing disaster relief was carried to go to Sichuan earthquake disaster area during Sichuan earthquake in May 2008 and other places of square, Chinese flourishing does this world of Jiang Yan, , assorted freewill person, collect data of a large number of aseismatic picture providing disaster relief at the same time. The creation inside short time gives group of aseismatic paint from life providing disaster relief to draw, in " art signs up for " , " Chinese culture signs up for " , " Chinese art signs up for " , " literary newspaper " , " home of traditional Chinese painting " , " art " reach people net, xinhua net to wait for the introduction. Great echo is caused in the whole nation.

Be judged to be award of nomination of 2008 year figure by art newspaper

Hefei of ﹒ of 6 people Jin Hua exhibits a person of academic or artistic distinction of the traditional Chinese painting in altar of the traditional Chinese painting in 2009. aggregate ﹒

" old age builder " , " the song of builder " gigantic make reach more than 20 work " look of look of water Chinese ink " -- work of picture of character of Chinese ink of atelier water of Feng Yuan of Chinese artistic academy exhibits Chinese art gallery.

2010. " the labour that build a road " " laborer effigies " Chinese art gallery is collected

Culture of world of Chinese article couplet, Japan revitalizes association the 8th times communication of Oriental artist work exhibits delegacy deputy regimental commander to take a team to visit Japanese Tokyo silver art gallery

2011. Work of outstanding painting and calligraphy of 3 whole nations exhibits bed committee of major of painting and calligraphy of society of Chinese arts and crafts

Review with look into---Art of the traditional Chinese painting in Hubei exhibits Hubei to save art gallery

Imperial art academy of China of Chinese artistic academy, Taiwan holds commemorative laborious the last of the twelve Earthly Branches 100 years Chinese ink of water of cross-strait a hunderd schools exhibits Taiwan of the visit that follow a group greatly

Hubei saved commissioner of title of college teacher series 2011

Art gallery completion opens Zuo island Lai on the west house and countrywide a person of academic or artistic distinction invite exhibit

' look of look of water Chinese ink ' work of picture of character of atelier of Feng Yuan of Chinese artistic academy is exhibited without stannum

2012. Attend ' hind work of teacher of art of college of academic art Hubei is exhibited ' take up the post of a commissioner

Visit Northern Ireland bay this special the university makes academic communication

Hubei saved commissioner of title of college teacher series 2012

Attend Hubei to save art of the 5th college and design work to exhibit

