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1 九八六年生于山东济南。
地方 美术学院中国画学院学士,
地方 美术学院壁画系第1 工作室硕士。
2013年,研讨 生毕业创作《错位》获得『地方 美术学院研讨 生毕业展』优秀奖(最高奖);六月,作品入选『千里之行地方 美术学院二~1 三届毕业生优秀作品展』;5 月,被选为2013年英国LiquitexSponsorship丽维特援助 艺术家。
2012年,在伦敦举办『FoulPerfection联展』;作品参加在伦敦RoundChapel举办的『伦敦沙龙系列联展』;在伦敦举办『PaintinginConversation联展』;作为唯一 的华人被提名『英国格瑞费艺术奖』;作品《Mental3》参加『英国格瑞费获奖艺术家作品展』。
2010年,作品《云上的日子》获『第二届中国画线描艺术展』优秀奖;作为次要 参与者进行了山西大同华严寺、善化寺、云冈石窟壁画的设计和绘制工作。
2009年,作品《飘浮的影》入选『第十1 届全国美展』;毕业创作《飘浮的影》获『地方 美术学院本科生毕业展』1 等奖,并被地方 美院美术馆收藏,并入选『千里之行—地方 美术学院二~~九届毕业生优秀作品展』,并入编作品集;作品入选《地方 美术学院中国画学院优秀先生 作品集》;作品《微山湖的故事》(合作)入选『第十1 届全国美展』,并获『庆祝中华人民共和国成立六十周年山东省美术作品展』1 等奖;作品《v》(合作)入选『第七届全国体育美术展览』。
2008年,作品入选『地方 美术学院九十年校庆优秀先生 作品展』。
2007年,作品入选『地方 美术学院优秀先生 作业展』获1 等奖,并留校收藏。
作品曾发表于《国家美术》、《东方艺术·国画》、《美术报》、《水墨丹青》、《工笔人物画作品精选》、《人物画抽象 参考丛书》等美术专业书刊。

Introduction to the artist

Yue Xiaofei
Was born at Shandong Jinan 1986.
China of central academy of fine arts draws academic bachelor,
University of British London art Qieerxi art and design institute Master.
Mural of central academy of fine arts fastens Master of the first atelier.
Chinese artist academician.
Exhibition and bear the palm
2013, graduate student graduation is created " amlposition " obtain " graduation of graduate student of central academy of fine arts is exhibited " outstanding award (top prize) ; In June, work is selected " a central academy of fine arts of a thousand li 13 graduate outstanding work exhibit 2 ~ " ; May, be chosen to be British LiquitexSponsorship Li Wei sponsorred an artist especially 2013.
2012, hold in London " FoulPerfection couplet is exhibited " ; Work attends to be held in London RoundChapel " couplet of London salon series is exhibited " ; Hold in London " PaintinginConversation couplet is exhibited " ; The Chinese that serves as only is nominated " British case luck expends artistic award " ; Work " Mental3 " attend " work of artist of bear the palm of cost of British case luck is exhibited " .
2011, work " cornfield · keeps watch " selected " brushwork of the 8th labour strokes of countrywide is exhibited " ; Work " you dare " obtain " love city beauty is exhibited " outstanding award.
2010, work " the day on the cloud " obtain " art of line drawing of picture of the 2nd China is exhibited " outstanding award; Undertook Shanxi as main participator the design that severe temple of Great Harmony China, be apt to changes mural of grotto of ridge of temple, cloud and scale job.
2009, work " float shadow " selected " eleventh countrywide beauty is exhibited " ; Graduation is created " float shadow " obtain " graduation of undergraduate students of central academy of fine arts is exhibited " first prize, be collected by art gallery of central beautiful courtyard, selected " the travel of a thousand li, the academy of fine arts central 9 graduate outstanding work exhibit 2 ~~ " , merge into write work part; Work is selected " institute of the traditional Chinese painting in central academy of fine arts is outstanding student writing collect " ; Work " the story of small hill lake " (collaboration) selected " eleventh countrywide beauty is exhibited " , obtain " congratulatory People's Republic of China establishs Shandong 60 years to save art work to exhibit " first prize; Work " V " (collaboration) selected " art of sports of the 7th whole nation is exhibited " .
2008, work is selected " central academy of fine arts 90 years outstanding student writing postpones anniversary of the founding of a school or college " .
2007, work is selected " outstanding student exercise exhibits central academy of fine arts " win first prize, stay school collect.

