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刘建 - 剑锋磨砺来—记书法家刘建民

2022-03-11 17:19:28 3608




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刘建,1960年6月生。现为中国国家画院研讨 员,中国美术家协会理事,地方 文史研讨 馆书画院研讨 员,中国政协文史馆中国山水画研讨 院副院长,中国长城书画院副院长,中国友联画院画家,中国画学会理事,安徽师范大学兼职教授,深圳大学艺术设计学院客座教授,山东省美术家协会特聘顾问。
次要 展览、获奖:
次要 收藏机构:
中国美术馆、上海美术馆、青岛美术馆、印度国家美术院、保加利亚人民图书馆、中国展览交流中心、江苏国际文明 交流中心等
次要 著作被收入:
《中国古代 美术全集》

Introduction to the artist

Liu Jian, unripe in June 1960. It is researcher of Chinese country imperial art academy now, director of Chinese artist association, researcher of courtyard of painting and calligraphy of house of research of central literary history, assistant dean of academy of landscape painting of China of Rearch Institute of Culture and History of Chinese the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, assistant dean of courtyard of painting and calligraphy of Chinese Great Wall, painter of imperial art academy of Chinese friendly couplet, traditional Chinese painting learns director in, part-time job of Anhui Normal University is taught, shenzhen university art designs academic visiting professor, shandong saves artist association to hire adviser especially.
Main exhibition, bear the palm:
1989: "Work of art of the 7th whole nation is exhibited " silver-colored award
"Work of art of the 7th whole nation is exhibited " cupreous award
1987: "Souvenir founds an army 60 years countrywide art work is exhibited " award of an excellent work
2014: "Chinese ink of caky water of musical · Liujian builds art exhibition " , (Shenzhen)
Basically collect an orgnaization:
Courtyard of art of country of Chinese art gallery, Shanghai art gallery, Qingdao art gallery, India, Bulgarian civilian culture of international of center of communication of exhibition of the library, China, Jiangsu communicates a center to wait
Main composing by income:
" complete works of Chinese modern art "
" contemporary China " (art coils)
" Chinese contemporary art: 1979 - 1999 "
" famous work of Chinese contemporary art admires · 1979 - 1999 "
" art of China of · of reforming and opening 30 years "

