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丘斌,汉族人,1952年7月出生于江东北 昌,别名丘琭,福建上抗人。现从事专业为艺术设计,1981年毕业于江西师院南昌分院,于2001年10月晋升为教授。2000年9月起任硕士生导师,已指点 硕士生6名,研讨 方向是艺术设计与传统设计。
江西师范大学美术学院教授,硕士研讨 生导师.
江西师范大学民间美术研讨 中心主任
中国漆画研讨 会会员
作品《民间刺绣艺术火柴包装设计》获全国第5 届包装设计评比金奖
作品《粒粒皆辛劳 》第十届全国美术作品展入选
作品《民间刺绣艺术火柴包装设计》获第八届华东地区包装装璜 设计评比博览会 华东大奖
作品获江西省第十二届美术作品展1 等奖
专著《中国民间美术丛书——民间壶具》,《丘斌商品包装设计教程》,《色彩构成设计》,《艺术设计高考应对装潢 画设计举1 反三》,《设计思维》,《装璜 设计教学》,《最新服饰吊牌设计》,《景德镇青花瓷片图案集》出版于湖北美术出版社、江西美术出版社和辽宁美术出版社等
论文《与民间美术对话》,《弹拨民间艺术与古代 设计的和弦》等获省高等学校社科优秀成果奖、中国包装
设计教育论坛优秀奖《江西民间刺绣》,《红土地.红石雕》,《无限 中的无穷 》,《论乐平古戏台的艺术特征》等论文发表于核心期刊《美术观察》、《中华文明 画报》,《装潢 》,《东南文明 》等。
1997年全国第5 届包装设计评比金奖中国包协设计委员会
1997年江西省高校第5 届社会科学优秀成果(论文)二等奖江西省教育委员会
1999年第九届全国美术作品展铜奖文明 部中国美协
2004年江西省第十二届美展1 等奖江西省文联

Introduction to the artist

Qiu Bin, person of the Han nationality, was born in Jiangxi Nanchang in July 1952, alias grave , the person is fought on Fujian. Be engaged in major be artistic design now, was graduated from branch department of Nanchang of Jiangxi division courtyard 1981, it is a professor at promoting to a high office in October 2001. Removed Ren Shuo person to lay a teacher in September 2000, directive already Master gives birth to 6, studying way is artistic design and traditional design.

Academy of fine arts of Jiangxi Normal University is taught, adviser of Master graduate student.
Design of academy of fine arts of Jiangxi Normal University fastens a vice director
Director of research center of art of folk of Jiangxi Normal University
Chinese artist academician
Academician of Chinese arts and crafts
Member of seminar of Chinese lacquer painting
Association of Jiangxi province artist is standing director
Jiangxi saves artist association plane to design committee chairman

Work " match of civilian inwrought art packs a design " the astral " the whole audience that wins 98 years of worlds to pack federation " world is large award
Work " match of civilian inwrought art packs a design " the astral " the whole audience that wins 98 years of Asias to pack federation " Asia is large award
Work " match of civilian inwrought art packs a design " obtain the whole nation to pack gold prize of design appraise through comparison the 5th times
Work " bead bead is all painstaking " work of art of the 10th whole nation is exhibited selected
Work " match of civilian inwrought art packs a design " obtain work of art of the 9th whole nation to exhibit cupreous award
Work " net " work of art of the 8th whole nation is exhibited selected
Work " pleasance Jing dream " work of art of the 7th whole nation is exhibited selected
Work " wet " work of art of the 7th whole nation is exhibited selected
Work " water " work of art of the 7th whole nation is exhibited selected
Work " red beard " obtain first lacquer painting of Chinese to exhibit outstanding work reward
Work " match of civilian inwrought art packs a design " obtain the 8th Hua Dong area to pack decorate to design large award of Hua Dong of exhibition of appraise through comparison
Work obtains Jiangxi the province is dozenth art work exhibits first prize
The member that China wrapped furnish committee of planning 2001 can award " China packs a design to highlight contributive award " " China packs a design advanced worker "
Monograph " collection of Chinese folk art -- civilian crock is provided " , " grave Bin commodity packs design tutorial " , " colour constitutes a design " , " artistic design the university entrance exam should draw design draw inferences about other cases from one instance to adornment " , " design thinking " , " decorate designs education " , " newest dress tag is designed " , " Jingdezhen blue and white porcelain piece design collect " publishing house of art of North America of publication Yu Hu, Jiangxi art publishing house and Liaoning art publishing house
Paper " speak with civilian art " , " the chord that plays batch of folk art and contemporary design " wait for division of company of the colleges and universities that capture a province outstanding achievement award, China is packed
Design education forum is outstanding award " Jiangxi folk is inwrought " , " laterite ground. Red stone carving " , " finite medium infinite " , " the artistic trait that talks happy smooth ancient stage " wait for a paper to be published at core periodical " art observes " , " China culture pictorial " , " decorate " , " southeast culture " wait.
China of gold prize of appraise through comparison of the 5th the design that pack was wrapped 1997 assist design committee
Hua Dong designed China of large stake award to wrap 1997 assist set Hua Dong of committee of planning hold appoint
Jiangxi saved a college 1997 science of the 5th society is outstanding achievement (paper) province of second-class award Jiangxi teachs committee
1998 98 year " the star of the world " world of design large award packs federation
Work of art of the 9th whole nation exhibited beauty of China of ministry of cupreous award culture 1999 assist
Quality of old outstanding teacher and student chose Jiangxi division 2001 division of outstanding award Jiangxi is old
Jiangxi province is dozenth 2004 the United States exhibits first prize Jiangxi to save article couplet
China packed a design to highlight contributive award China to pack design committee 2001
China packed a design 2001 advanced worker China packs design committee

