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向东文,1987年毕业于湖北美术学院外型 艺术专业,获文学学士学位,后攻读艺术硕士,博士在读。1987年至今在中国地质大学(武汉)工作,教授、硕士生导师、湖北省高等教育学会艺术设计专业委员会学会副理事长。2006年获中国地质大学优秀硕士生导师称号。
1997年在中国地质大学(武汉)创办环境艺术设计专业方向,1999年至2000年创办资讯艺术设计,2004年创办数字动画专业方向。2003年组织论证获得设计艺术硕士点,2004年招收第1 届硕士研讨 生。2007年设计艺术学科进入全国高等院校同类学科二十强,实现设计艺术学科历史性的跨越,进入国家A等学科行列。
2003年担任中国地质大学人文与经济学院副院长,2004年负责该院的本科评估工作,因事迹 突出受到学校的表彰。
次要 科研项目
(5)中原油田物探公司企业抽象 展现
(6)江汉油田企业文明 及抽象 展现
(7)新疆自治区温泉县四乡1 场整体 编制
(8)宜都县旅游开发整体 规划
(9)天星供电无限 公司企业文明 展现
(10)河南伏牛山地质公园(栾川/嵩县)电视抽象 片
(13)西藏扎囊县旅游发展整体 规划及重要节点详细规划
次要 作品
(3)湖北省财政厅办公大楼全体 室内设计
(5)中国人保咸宁分公司办公大楼全体 室内设计
(9)知音科技文明 园景观概念策划
(2)“北京奥林匹克公园环境设计”获得全体 方案提名奖
(3)中国地质大学博物馆为素材的展现 设计方案,获“为中国而设计”首届全国环境艺术设计大展优秀奖
(7)2008年指点 的硕士学位论文《原生态景观元素在旅游景区设计中的应用 研讨 》(作者闫森)被评为2008年度中国地质大学优秀硕士学位论文。
(8)2009年指点 的硕士学位论文《湿地景观设计与中国哲学的融合浅析——以武汉金银湖湿地公园设计方案为例》(作者陈杰)被评为2009年度中国地质大学优秀硕士学位论文。
(9)2010年指点 的硕士学位论文《乡土景观资源的保护与重构》(作者张欢)被评为2010年度中国地质大学优秀硕士学位论文。
(2)2002年编著《室内陈设设计》1 书,由湖北美术出版社出版
(6)2009年主编《建筑装潢 工程》学习指点 书由华中科技大学出版社出版。
(7)论文《网络广告的优势及发展趋势浅析》(第1 作者)发表于CSSCI来源期刊《中国地质大学学报·社会科学版》2009年增刊

Introduction to the artist

Eastwards civil, was graduated from major of plastic arts of Hubei academy of fine arts 1987, obtain literary bachelor's degree, artistic Master is assiduously studied after, the doctor is being read. Was in Chinese geological university up to now 1987 (Wuhan) the job, unripe adviser of professor, Master, Hubei saves higher education to learn art to design professional committee to learn a vice-president. Obtained Chinese geological university 2006 name of outstanding Master unripe teacher.
Working experience
Was in Chinese geological university 1997 (Wuhan) establish environmental art devises professional way, came to established 2000 1999 information art is designed, established 2004 direction of digital animation major. Constituent argumentation won design art Master degree program 2003, recruited graduate student of the first Master 2004. Designed artistic course to enter countrywide institution of higher learing 2007 congener course 20 strong, implementation designs artistic course to span historicly, enter the course range such as national A.
Held the position of director of artistic staff room 1997.
Held the position of Chinese geology 2003 the university is humanitarian as assistant as economics courtyard dean, the undergraduate course that was in charge of this courtyard 2004 evaluates the work, because outstanding achievement is outstanding,get of the school commend.
Held the position of assistant dean of art of Chinese geological university and medium college up to now 2006.
Course of give a lecture and high-quality goods course edit
(1) landscape vocabulary and urban element
(2) environmental art space is analytic
(3) animation originality and compositive
(4) animation part design
(5) course of school level high-quality goods " animation generality "
(6) course of school level high-quality goods " headgear is designed "
Project of main scientific research
(1) originality of landscape of Guang Gu square engineers Wuhan
(2) the whole world 2 fold a department -- layer of the 3 borderline that fold a department " golden nail " commemorative garden and monumental design
(3) " Eden of the Cretaceous age " notional plan
(4) design of concept of establishment of environment of Beijing Olympic park
(5) image of business of company of detective of content of Central Plains oil field is revealed
(6) culture of company of Jiang Han oil field and figure are revealed
(7) county of Xinjiang municipality hot spring 4 countryside a total staff
(8) appropriate prefectural travel develops overall planning
(9) culture of company of limited company of day star power supply is revealed
(10) qualitative park of country of ox of Henan bend over (Luan Chuan / fleabane county) TV image piece
(11) Tibet adds the travel that check a county to develop a program
(12) program of landscape of wet ground of chew of Liang Zihu north
(13) Tibet plunges into bursa county travel to develop overall planning and important node to plan in detail
(14) strategy of company of travel of Hubei Shen Nong Jia develops a program
Main work
(1) plan of concept of establishment of environment of Beijing Olympic park
(2) canvas work " annular hill is anecdotical " attend art of salon of first canvas of Chinese to exhibit.
(3) whole of building of office of hall of Hubei province finance is indoor design
(4) project of center of dress of building of Wuhan downtown general merchandise
(5) whole of building of office of branch of Chinese Bao Xianning is indoor design
(6) office building of firm of investment of development of clear river water and electricity is indoor design
(7) the design inside the ventricle in business affairs of lucky star international
(8) lucky star benefit praise landed office building is indoor design
(9) plan of concept of landscape of garden of culture of bosom friend science and technology
(10) institute of filial piety feeling advocate design of garden area landscape
(11) aureate China government office is public interior design and face of skirt Lou Li transform the part
(12) big smelt metal " park of geology of Huang Shi country " 2 period landscape plan and design
(13) geological square designs Luan Chuan of park of geology of world of Fu Niu hill
(14) design of landscape of wet ground of lake of Wuhan city bullion
(15) program of program of landscape of wet ground of chew of Liang Zihu north
Circumstance of bear the palm
(1) canvas work " the train that leaves for north " obtain art of Chinese the four seasons to show cupreous reward, work is collected by Japanese art orgnaization, collect money to present hope project
(2) " environment of Beijing Olympic park is designed " win award of integral plan nomination
(3) museum of Chinese geological university is material show design plan, obtain " for China design " art of environment of first whole nation is designed exhibit outstanding award greatly
(4) " world geological park plans to design " obtain dozenth in Na Zhixing designs artistic contest award
(5) " world geological park plans to design " obtain Hubei to save thirteenth " award of Chu Tian innovation " design appraise through comparison is met cupreous award
(6) " appropriate travels scene area concept plans " work obtains Hubei to save thirteenth " award of Chu Tian innovation " design appraise through comparison will be outstanding award
(7) directive 2008 master's degree paper " element of former zoology landscape is designed in travel scene area use research mediumly " (author Yan Sen) be judged to be geological university of 2008 year China paper of outstanding master's degree.
(8) directive 2009 master's degree paper " the confluence shallow analyse of wet landscape design and Chinese philosophy -- with Wuhan bullion lake wet park designs plan to be exemple " (author Chen Jie) be judged to be university of geology of 2009 year China paper of outstanding master's degree.
(9) directive 2010 master's degree paper " the protection of agrestic landscape resource and reframe " (author Zhang Huan) be judged to be geological university of 2010 year China paper of outstanding master's degree.
(10) 2010 paper " the originality plan of mine park and landscape resource assessment " obtain the 4th " for China design " , the design of countrywide environment art that holds by Chinese artist association exhibits excellent paper greatly.
Monograph, work publishs an edition
(1) Hubei saved clear river hydroelectric station to develop investment firm office building 2000 interior design is selected " school of countrywide advanced art is outstanding work collect "
(2) compiled 2002 " indoor display is designed " one book, publish by Hubei art publishing house
(3) 2007 countrywide division assist annual meeting paper " animation play creates education pre-test "
(4) work of design of art of environment of Tian Manjing area publishs treasure of geological park of world of Fu Niu hill at " journal of Chinese geological university " (social science edition) , 2008 the 3rd period
(5) work of design of landscape of wet ground of zoology of lake of Wuhan city bullion is published at " journal of Chinese geological university " (social science edition) , 2008 the 4th period
(6) 2009 chief editor " the building decorates a project " press of university of You Huazhong science and technology publishs study instructor.
(7) paper " shallow analyse of network advertising advantage and development trend " (the first author) publish at CSSCI origin periodical " edition of science of society of · of journal of Chinese geological university " 2009 supplement

