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罗力,男,汉族,中共党员,1952年5月生于成都。中国美协平面设计艺委会副主任,重庆文学艺术界联合会第二届委员会委员,重庆美协会员,中国艺术研讨 院中国设计艺术院研讨 员,重庆科学技术协会第三届委员会常委,重庆工业设计协会理事长,中国工程图学学会第5 届数字媒体专业委员会委员,中国建筑学会室内设计分会专家委员会委员,1982年毕业于四川美院装璜 设计专业并留校任教;1986年文明 部公派赴泰国SrinakharinwirotUniversity进修1 年,1992年四川美院装璜 设计系副主任、党支部书记;1994年四川美院副院长;1998年赴泰国作访问学者3个月,晋升为教授;2002年重庆市首批学术技术带头人,2002-2006教育部高等院校艺术类专业教学指点 委员会委员;2003年加入中国美协,聘为中国美协平面设计艺术委员会委员;2005教育部本科教学工作评估专家,加入重庆知识产权研讨 会常务理事;2006年重庆市优秀专业技术人才;2007年四川美院常务副院长,国务院特殊津贴,重庆工艺美术高级专业技术职务资历 评审委员会副主任;2008年重庆市学术技术带头人;2009第十1 届全国美展评委,全国三维数字化创新大赛技术专家委员会委员、数字表现评审专家;2010年当选中国美协平面设计委员会副主任,中国艺术研讨 院中国设计艺术院研讨 员,入选重庆市社会科学专家库成员。
曾获四川省第六、七届《星星金奖》两次;第二届国际包装技术展暨中国包装十年成果展金奖;第三届东北 地区包装装璜 设计《东北 新奖》银奖;掌管 林5 粮液集团企业抽象 策划设计,重庆电视台抽象 包装设计,重庆时报报业中心环境设计,中冶赛迪工程技术股份无限 公司企业抽象 设计,重庆科学技术学院视觉抽象 设计等;指点 研讨 生完成了2002年世界银行信息年会视觉抽象 设计,亚太市长峰会宣扬 海报设计等,指点 研讨 生学位论文三次获重庆市优秀硕士论文;发表论文10余篇,出版著作有《世界黑白画集萃》、《环艺表现技法》、《办公空间设计与工程》、《建筑及环艺设计表现》等,水彩及摄影作品多次参加全国及省市专业展览并在专业先生 刊物发表;掌管 重庆市教委社科课题“城市空间艺术设计”、“岷江流域羌族聚落文明 艺术形状 研讨 ”等。

Introduction to the artist

Luo Li, male, the Han nationality, party member of the Communist Party of China, was born at Chengdu in May 1952. China is beautiful assist planar design art appoint conference vice director, union of group of Chongqing literature art committee member of the 2nd committee, chongqing beautiful association member, china of Chinese artistic academy designs artistic courtyard researcher, association of Chongqing science and technology members of standing committee of the 3rd committee, chongqing industry designs association director, chinese project attempt learns to learn committee member of committee of major of the 5th digital media, chinese architecture meets committee member of committee of experts of interior design branch, was graduated from Sichuan beauty to courtyard decorate designs major and stay 1982 school teach; Culture ministry public school attended Thailand SrinakharinwirotUniversity take a refresher course one year 1986, design of decorate of Sichuan beautiful courtyard fastened secretary of vice director, Party branch 1992; Sichuan is beautiful 1994 courtyard assistant dean; Went to Thailand to make visit learned man 1998 3 months, rising for the professor; 2002 first Chongqing city learning technical leader, institution of higher learing of 2002-2006 Ministry of Education is artistic committee member of kind of committee of professional education guidance; Joined Chinese beauty 2003 assist, hire for Chinese beauty assist plane designs artistic committee committee member; Job of teaching of undergraduate course of 2005 Ministry of Education evaluates an expert, add seminar of Chongqing intellectual property standing director; Chongqing city is outstanding and professional 2006 technical qualified personnel; Sichuan beautiful courtyard is standing 2007 assistant dean, the State Council is special and subsidiary, qualification of advanced and professional technical position evaluates Chongqing arts and crafts council vice director; 2008 leader of technology of Chongqing city science; 2009 eleventh countrywide beauty exhibits a commissioner, expression of committee member of committee of technologist of contest of innovation of countrywide three-dimensional digitlization, number evaluates an expert; The country is beautiful in was elected 2010 assist vice director of planar design council, china of Chinese artistic academy designs artistic courtyard researcher, member of library of expert of science of society of selected Chongqing city.
Sichuan saves Ceng Huo the 6th, 7 " star gold prize " two; The technology of the 2nd international that pack is exhibited and China packs fruit of 10 the year's harvest to exhibit a gold prize; The decorate of the 3rd southwest that pack is designed " southwest new award " silver-colored award; Chair image of company of group of fluid of Lin Wu grain to engineer a design, figure of Chongqing TV station packs a design, chongqing times signs up for design of trade center environment, image of company of Inc. of technology of Sai Di project seductivelies dressed or made up to design in, design of figure of vision of institute of Chongqing science and technology; Directive graduate student was finished figure of vision of annual meeting of world bank information was designed 2002, asia-Pacific mayor peak can publicize placard design to wait, dissertation of directive graduate student obtains paper of Chongqing city outstanding Master 3 times; Publish a paper more than 10, publication composing has " collect of world black and white picture comes together " , " law of ability of annulus art performance " , " office space design and project " , " the building reachs annulus art to design display " etc, watercolour and photography work attend to the whole nation and province city major are exhibited and be published in professional student journal for many times; Chair Chongqing city to teach appoint company division task " urban space craft is designed " , " the Qiang nationality of Min river drainage area gets together fall configuration studies culture art " etc.

