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毛信科,生于1938年。汉族,浙江舟山人,总政歌舞团1 级舞美设计。1963年毕业于上海戏剧学院舞台美术系,1980年上海戏剧学院设计进修班结业。中国戏剧家协会会员、中国美术家协会会员、中国舞台美术学会顾问、解放军艺术学院客座教授、全军高级职称舞美专业评委。
从事舞美设计、美术创作多年。毛信科的设计和绘画作品多次参加展出,系《首都舞台设计十人展》作者之1 。1991年出访布拉格国际舞台美术博览会。2001年应邀参加中国美协《百年中国画展》筹备办公室工作。
毛信科自幼喜欢绘画,1963年开始经常深入生活,坚持写生后深得造化之工。此集作品是作者部分水粉画写生和经过写生整理的和 油画创作作品。这些作品来自生活、富有大自然气息,表达了作者对祖国山山水水的深切情感。在1997年元月北京音乐厅画廊举办的《毛信科画展》时。深得好评。

Introduction to the artist

Mao Xinke, was born 1938. The Han nationality, person of Zhejiang boat hill, always politics beauty of one class dance designs the chorus. Was graduated from faculty of art of arena of Shanghai Thespian institute 1963, shanghai Thespian institute designed complete a course of class of attend in a advanced studies 1980. Visiting professor of college of art of adviser of society of art of arena of Chinese dramatist academician, Chinese artist academician, China, liberation army, horse and foot is advanced professional commissioner of title dance beauty.
Be engaged in dance beauty creative work of design, art is old. Mao Xinke's design and paint attend for many times showpiece, department " capital arena designs 10 people to exhibit " one of authors. Visited fair of art of Prague international arena 1991. Attended Chinese beauty on invitation 2001 assist " art exhibition of hundred years China " preparatory office work.
Mao Xinke from a child likes to draw, began to often live deep 1963, hold to the thes Creator greatly labour after paint from life. This market work is paint from life of author part gouache and course paint from life arrange and canvas creates work. These work come from breath of the life, rich nature, conveyed an author to be opposite the deep-felt affection of water of motherland hill landscape. 1997 gallery of January Beijing odeum holds " Mao Xinke art exhibition " when. Get greatly reputably.

