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王仲 - 用王仲的理论论证艾未未的《神话》

2022-03-11 17:23:11 3813




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王仲(1944-06~)重庆人,现居北京,中国美协会员,  1964年毕业于地方 美术学院附中。中国美术家协会会员,中国版画家协会会员,中国社会主义文艺学会理事。1979年组织《5 月版画会》,1986年组织《马克思主义美学沙龙》。历任人民美术出版社编辑,《版画》杂志编辑,中国文联出版社美编室副主任,《文艺理论与批评》杂志编委,《中国青年艺术家》杂志主编,《文艺学习》杂志副主编。现任中国美协理事,中国美协理论委员会副主任,《美术》杂志主编。次要 哲学代表作有《不断完善马克思主义哲学体系》、《世界的根本规律是什么?》。次要 美术理论代表作有《画家的天职是画好画》、《呼唤艺术的阳光和健康》、《重振人类艺术寻求 真善美统1 的伟大审美理想》。

English Introduction

 Wang Zhong (1944-06 ~) is a Chongqing native. He lives in Beijing and is a member of the China Association of Fine Arts. & nbsp. He graduated from the High School Affiliated to the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1964. He is a member of the Chinese Artists Association, the Chinese Printers Association and the Director of the Socialist Society of Literature and Art of China. In 1979, the May Printing Society was organized, and in 1986, the Marxist Aesthetic Salon was organized. He has been the editor of People's Fine Arts Publishing House, the editor of Print Magazine, the deputy director of the editorial room of China Federation of Literature Press, the editor-in-chief of Literary Theory and Criticism, the editor-in-chief of Chinese Young Artists, and the deputy editor of Literature and Art Learning magazine. He is currently the director of the Chinese Association of Fine Arts, deputy director of the theoretical Committee of the Chinese Association of Fine Arts, and editor-in-chief of the magazine Fine Arts. Major philosophical masterpieces include Continuous Improvement of Marxist Philosophical System and What are the Fundamental Laws of the World? " The main representative works of art theory include "Painting is the artist's duty", "Calling for the sunshine and health of art", "Revitalizing the great aesthetic ideal of human art in pursuit of the unity of truth, goodness and beauty".

