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2014年获第十二届全国美术作品展览获奖提名进京作品并选送参加国际巡展2014年获吉祥草原*丹青鹿城--2014年全国中国画作品展优秀奖(最高奖)2014年获翰墨齐鲁---首届全国花鸟画作品展优秀奖(最高奖)2014年获八荒神通*哈尔滨美术双年展(中国画)优秀奖(最高奖)2014年入选2014第三届外型 艺术新人展2014年获“中国陶都陶醉中国”吴冠中艺术馆第二届全国中国画作品展优秀奖2015年获悲鸿精神全国中国画作品展优秀奖(最高奖)2015年,应塞尔维亚诺维萨德大学--孔子学院之邀参加文明 艺术交流活动2016年入选中国精神2016年中国百家金陵画展入选:2008年入选“和谐家园”全国工笔画展2008年入选“庆奥运”全国第七届工笔画展2009年入选浙江省第十二届美术作品展2011年入选“中国当代花鸟画”展2012年入选“锦绣中原”——中国画作品展2012年入选全国第三届中国画线描艺术展2013年入选首届八大山人全国花鸟画展2013年被评为“以画说话--美术新青年”全国25强2014年入选精致立场――全国第二届古代 工笔画作品展2014年入选金陵文脉---2014全国中国画展2015年入选纪念扬州2500周年城庆――丹青扬州全国中国画作品展2015年入选“高洁品性,兰蕙人生”全国中国画作品展2015年入选纪念潘絜兹诞辰100周年全国中国画作品展

Introduction to the artist

Obtained 2014 dozenth work exhibits a countrywide art to nomination of bear the palm takes Beijing work and be chosen send attend international make one's rounds to exhibit obtained Lu Cheng of painting of lucky prairie * 2014- - work of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation exhibited outstanding award 2014 (top prize) obtained Qi Lu of brush and ink 2014---Work of picture of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of first whole nation exhibits outstanding award (top prize) obtained art of Harbin of * of 8 barren magic power 2014 pair year exhibit (China is drawn) outstanding award (top prize) selected 2014 new personality of the 3rd 2014 plastic arts is exhibited obtained 2014 " , should Saierweiyanuoweisade university- - of Confucius institute invite attend culture art to communicate an activity spirit of selected 2016 China art exhibition of Jin Ling of Chinese a hunderd schools is selected 2016: Selected 2008 " harmonious home " art exhibition of countrywide traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail is selected 2008 " celebrate an Olympic Games " selected 2009 Zhejiang saves art exhibition of the 7th traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail dozenth work exhibits a painting selected 2011 " Chinese contemporary painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style is drawn " exhibit selected 2012 " samite Central Plains- - art new young person " 25 strong selected 2014 delicate position of countrywide -- work of the 2nd contemporary work strokes of countrywide exhibits arteries and veins of article of selected 2014 Jinling---The traditional Chinese painting in 2014 whole nations exhibits Yangzhou of selected 2015 souvenir 2500 years the city is celebrated -- work of the traditional Chinese painting in painting Yangzhou whole nation is exhibited selected 2015 " high-minded moral character, life of orchid a species of orchid " work of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation exhibits birthday of at present of Jian of Pan of selected 2015 souvenir 100 years work of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation is exhibited

