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次旦久美,藏族青年艺术家,1978年10月生于拉萨,中国美术家协会会员,西藏美术家协会副秘书长,西藏自治区青联八届常委兼文明 与体育界别秘书长,西藏文联5 届委员,现任西藏自治区文联美术家协会专职画家
次要 艺术年表:
1999年作品《吉祥如意》获得首届中国大先生 艺术节美术组二等奖
2004年作品《布达拉之彩》作为西藏地区独一 入选作品参加“民族团结颂
2005年作品《变迁》《无雨的夜》参展“西藏当代油画约请 展”
2010年作品《放生鱼》参展“吾土吾民-传承东南 油画约请 展”
2011年赴北京参展由李可染艺术基金会、中国美协主办的“大美西藏——西藏当代绘画约请 展”。

Introduction to the artist

Zidan kumei, a young Tibetan artist, was born in Lhasa in October 1978. He is a member of China Artists Association, Deputy Secretary General of Tibet Artists Association, member of the 8th Standing Committee of the Youth Federation of Tibet Autonomous Region and Secretary General of cultural and sports sectors, and member of the 5th session of Tibet Federation of literary and art circles. Now he is a full-time painter of the Artists Association of Tibet Federation of literary and art circles


Main art chronology:


1999 graduated from Art College of Tibet University with Bachelor of Arts Degree


In 1998, his work "peace seal" won the third prize of Lhasa youth Painting Exhibition


In 1999, his work "good luck" won the second prize of art group of the first China University Student Art Festival


In 1999, his work "zhaxidler" was collected by the Art Department of Tibet University


In 2002, he won the silver candle award of National Art Education


In 2003, his work night without rain was selected into the selected works exhibition of the third China oil painting exhibition in the new century


In 2004, he curated and participated in the first exhibition of "xunundamei" Youth Art


As the only selected work in Tibet, the color of Potala in 2004 participated in the "Ode to national unity"


"The 56th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China and the CPPCC National Committee". Into a picture album.


In 2005, his works "changes" and "night without rain" participated in the "Tibet Contemporary Oil Painting Invitation Exhibition"


2009 work "plateau sunshine city" participated in "Italy snow plateau Art Exhibition"


2009 work "memory" exhibition "inspiration plateau - China Tibet art works exhibition"


2010 work "free fish" exhibition "my land and my people - Heritage Northwest Oil Painting Invitation Exhibition"


In 2011, he went to Beijing to participate in the "great beauty Tibet - Tibet Contemporary Painting Invitation Exhibition" sponsored by Li Keran art foundation and China Art Association.


In 2012, he went to Singapore to participate in "yesterday today Tibet Art Exhibition"


In 2014, he went to Paris, France to participate in "blue sky pure land plateau painting school Exhibition"


Group exhibition of "towards plateau" held in Shanghai in 2014


In 2015, he participated in the "blue sky and pure land plateau painting school Exhibition: the first achievement exhibition of Tibetan theme creation" sponsored by Beijing likelan art foundation and Tibet Federation of literary and art circles“


The works have been collected by domestic and foreign collectors for many times. Many works are published in professional literature and art journals at home and abroad.

