王达弗,著名画家,美术史理论家(1918年7月—2007年3月2日),别名王达富。30年代画漫画、连环画。1943年毕业于广东中山大学社会学系,1946年肄业于金陵大学社会学研讨 生。曾在贵州大学、金陵大学任教。
历任南京师范大学美术系教授、中国美术家协会会员、南京十竹斋艺术研讨 学会研讨 员、安徽教育学院版画研讨 所特约兼职研讨 员、江苏省高校美术专业硕士生、博士生评审委员;1985年至1986年江苏省高等学校教师职务职称资历 评审委员会美术学科组成员。长时间 从事美术史论、美学及中国画教学、研讨 和创作。擅长中国画,国画作品曾多次参加全国、全省美展,并在韩国、日本、美国、南斯拉夫等国展出。作品《春意盎然》为江苏省美术馆收藏,《群仙祝寿图》为南京博物院收藏,《仙媛献寿图》为美国肯尼索学院收藏。著有《关于中国古代版画》、《古代人物册页》等。作品还有《离骚》等,多幅作品被国外美术馆、博物馆收藏。?
Wang Dafu, famous artist, art history egghead (July 1918, on March 2, 2007) , alias Wangda is rich. 30 time draw caricature, comic. Was graduated from sociology of Guangdong Zhongshan university 1943 is, university of Yu Jinling of study in school is sociological 1946 graduate student. Ever taught in Guizhou university, golden hill university.
Having successively held the posts of art of Nanjing Normal University is academician of artist of professor, China, Nanjing art of 10 bamboo fast considers to learn researcher, Anhui to teach researcher of part-time job of engage by special arrangement of academic woodcut institute, Jiangsu to save Master of college art major unripe, doctoral student evaluates a committee member; Came 1985 the member that Jiangsu saved qualification of title of post of teacher of colleges and universities to evaluate committee art course to comprise 1986. Be engaged in art history for a long time talking, aesthetic and Chinese picture education, research and creation. Be good at China drawing, work of traditional Chinese painting ever attended beauty of the whole nation, complete province to exhibit for many times, exhibit in the country such as Korea, Japan, United States, Yugoslavia. Work " the awaken of spring is abundant " for Jiangsu province art gallery is collected, " group celestial being congratulate on sb's birthday pursues " collect for Nanjing museum, " celestial being Yuan displays birthday to pursue " for the United States the institute collects Kennisuo. have " about woodcut of Chinese ancient time " , " archaic character an album of paintings or calligraphy " etc. Work still has " from coquettish " etc, many work is collected by foreign art gallery, museum. ?