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蔡昌林,男,1954年生于陕西岐山。1982年毕业于西安美术学院。现为陕西历史博物馆研讨 员。兼任陕西省包协副会长兼设计委员会主任;联合国科教文组织陕西省艺术委员会副主任;陕西省工艺美术大师评审委员;兰州大学、东南 大学等多家高校兼职教授;陕西省国画院专聘画家和陕西省文史馆研讨 员等。
1962——1969年上小学和初中,1969——1070年回乡劳动,1970——1972年高中就读,1972——1975年西安美院大专毕业,1975——1978曾当过山区教师、文明 馆美术干部、1982——1987年陕西省包装公司设计室负责人。
1987年调入陕西历史博物馆至今,系筹建开馆次要 陈列设计人员。并整体 设计了宝鸡,周原、及扶风博物馆的专题陈列和陕西历史博物馆的几十个临时展览,多次参加过陕西省严重 设计项目。
1991年后次要 从事文物题材彩墨画创作。
次要 成就
多年来立足于对隋唐及魏晋之前 的文物纹饰、外型 、特别是青铜艺术的研读,将对民间艺术民俗考察和出土文物的研讨 相融合,寻觅 中国最本土的文明 特征,进而再表现、给古文物以新话题,其文物彩墨画在画坛独树1 帜。数次被邀去台湾、日本、韩国办展讲学,被海内外多家媒体报道,已有5 种专题电视片在境外媒体和 地方 和省市电视台播出。作品被毛主席纪念堂、亲民党主席宋楚瑜及多家海内外机构与个人收藏。《周秦汉唐梦——蔡昌林画展》在西安首展后大获好评,相继被约请 至惠州、东莞,银川、兰州、成都、西安半坡等高校和博物馆续展。
次要 论文有《民间美术和出土文物的融合思考》、《唐墓壁画中的动物》《唐凌烟阁功臣图的考证和复原》等;编著出版有《古代 设计艺术》、《大慈恩寺》、《蔡昌林画集》、《西部之星设计大赛优秀作品集》、《蔡昌林文物题材彩墨画》画册、《唐开国二十四功臣》著作、《蔡昌林艺术寻源网站》等。
《大唐开国二十四功臣图》花岗岩线刻描金壁画,永世 陈列与大唐芙蓉园紫云楼回廊。
1954年4月1日(农历2月28日)生于陕西省岐山县蔡家坡镇东堡子北街。 1961年8月入蔡家坡小学读书,次年加入少先队,担任大队委员,课余管理学校图书馆直到文革前年。
1965年除课堂学习外,课余时间读完当时的流行小说和课外读物,作文常被作为范文在课堂浏览 。
1966年文革开始,学业中缀 ,无书可看,回村劳动。
1967年学校改为七年制初级初中,大部分时间是宣扬 表演 ,是谓“毛泽东思想宣扬 队”队员。
1968年受兄长画毛主席像影响,开始学习画画,局限于方格放大;被选为出席县上的学习毛著积极分子,参加讲用会,出席宝鸡地区积代会。父亲因历史成绩 受审查。
1971年冬,为画批判林彪漫画去东南 机器厂美术组拜李金和为师,学习素描速写,开始写生画头像,将全班同学画遍。
1972年春,被学校推荐去县城参加陕西省艺术学校美术系招生考试(上马 时期的西安美术学院)5月底被录取,赴西安报到,校址先在西安音乐学院,9月份搬回长安兴国寺。
1973年分专业到工艺班,担任团总支副书记,前后 有著名画家王国伟、刘腾超、武德祖、王崇人黄申发等任教专业,王子云茹桂教授美术史。
1975年3月入党,因受北京大学高红十毕业返延安当农民思潮影响,亦要求毕业当农民,学校亦安排与坚持到底的两位同学潘1 、马清潮由教师赵步唐带领去白水县冯雷村驻队三月,试验美院毕业生能否当农民,并体验生活,办村史展览。毕业时,由当农民改为要求去最艰苦的地方工作,8月,分配至商洛地区,9月分配至柞水县城关中学任美术教师,10月编写刻印美术教材。
1977年3月,调入柞水县文明 馆担任美术摄影干部,5月,去红岩寺下乡采访,办村史展览;夏,有作品《山村小店》、《硕果》入选商洛地区和陕西省美术作品展览,秋被地区文教局抽去商洛师院参加美术教材编写。
1978年5月,与两个先生 同去西安参加美术高考,8月接到陕西省艺术学院(次年恢复为西安美术学院)工艺装璜 专业录取通知,9月入校,开始为期四年的零碎 学习。
1979年素描受教于吴作人先生 宁曰曾、水粉受教于张雪茵、杨健健,作业屡有留校收藏。期间除课堂写生画男女模特、静物外,亦去碑林学古代图案,去兴庆公园画牡丹,去翠华山画山水。
1981年有水粉静物写生参加全国大先生 优秀作业展,为《陕西少年》杂志作插图多幅,9——10月底由张维带赴敦煌临摹壁画。
1982年年初参加《西安首届家具展》设计。2月去宝鸡考察民家美术,4月由黄文馥教授带去户县漆木器厂制造 毕业创作《张衡》,5月,招贴画《美洁吸尘器》《乾陵》旅游招贴参加中国美协和广告协会举办的《第1 届全国广告展》;8月毕业分配至陕西省装璜 公司。
1984年任设计室主任,设计《益寿药枕》包装,评为全国优秀作品,入《中国包装年鉴》。赴南昌参加中国包协设计委第1 届年会。12月筹建陕西省包协设计委员会,担任秘书长。
1986年1月,策划主办《人民的总理》摄影展。地方 电视台旧事 播出。6月,被聘为美国“国际摄影行业协会会员”。
1988年在陕西历史博物馆筹建处陈列部作陈列情势 设计;8月,编著《古代 设计艺术》由陕西人民出版社出版;9月,聘任中级职称;12月,美术创作《女娲的传说》获(太白杯全国书画大奖赛)二等奖。
1990年3月,创作的宣扬 画《地上地下文物属国家所有》由陕西人民美术出版社出版发行;5月,为《临潼汤池遗址博物馆陈列情势 设计方案》作效果图2幅送京立项;10月,国画《庆阳民间玩具》获陕西省文博零碎 美展二等奖;11月,收集郭沫若“陕西历史博物馆”字体,设计馆标字体。
1991年3——6月,负责陕西历史博物馆开馆基本陈列的全部上展照片与图表情势 设计和《秦段》全体 情势 设计;10月,为扶风县博物馆设计陈列。
1992年继续设计《扶风出土铜镜陈列》,5月完成,有创新,获文物局表彰;8——9月设计陕博大门两侧透光彩广告安装 1 组四幅,获全国广告设计1 等奖。8月28日,《文明 艺术报》整版刊发延鸿飞评介蔡昌林文物题材彩墨画的文章《幽径觅芳》并配发画7幅;9月7日西安晚报4版刊发画《童趣》;12月,与丰兆民合作创作大型沥粉壁画《大唐乐舞》,陈列于宝鸡西风大酒店宴会厅。
1993年整体 设计《周原考古成就展》,受全国文物会议表彰;10月,晋升为副研讨 员。接待日本画家平山郁夫。继续文物彩墨画创作。再赴兰州、敦煌、新疆等地考察采风。
1994年1月17日,西安晚报5版刊发彩墨画《胄的写生》;2月《当代陕西》2期封二彩版刊发《毛氏三千年祭》文与画;4月,《陕西日报》3版刊发画《伯庸父盉图》;3-5月,设计陕西历史博物馆门票1 套5种;7月,《宣扬 导游 》7期封底彩页刊发画《丰尊写意》;6——10月,受陕西省政府办邀为《建国45周年陕西省赴京展现 》担任整体 设计(三人之1 )并去北京布展,受表彰。
1995年3——7月,整体 设计调整《陕西古代史陈列》;3月31日《陕西日报》3版刊发彩墨画《张弩图》;西安出版社画册《走向明天》165页刊发画《童趣》;台湾《大中华茶文明 杂志》58页刊发画《凤鸣岐山》;台湾《1995两岸名人诗书画集》120页刊发简介和画《汉镜抒情》等三幅;11——12月,陕博商标标志设计夺标,注册。
1996年3月,《蔡昌林画集》由台湾圆缘园杂志出版社出版发行;4——6月,整体 设计《首都博物馆元明清文物精品展》;5月1日《军工报》4版刊发画《兵器之祖》;7月,受邀赴日本京都文明 博物馆学术交流,作《面对传统的思考》演讲。画多幅被该馆董事长、馆长等收藏;9月25日,10月23日《厦门晚报》3版刊发画《少昊之尊》《祝愿 》;10月,赴遵义为《秦兵马俑与长安文明》展览作整体 艺术设计。
1997年1月,《陕西古代史陈列讲解稿》封面设计,陕西旅游出版社出版;2月,为电视片《宝鸡民间艺术》撰稿;4月,为陕博东展馆作开馆设计;5月,受邀参加《大陆书画名家代表团》担任秘书长赴台湾交流,分别在高雄、台南、云林、南投、台中、台北举办《两岸中国书画名家展》共六场,学术报告4次,参加笔会12次,被授“艺通两岸”铜匾;《1997两岸名家书画集》143-144页刊发《半坡时代》等四幅彩墨画和作者简介;散文《宝岛台湾凤凰花》分别被《陕西外事》10期《文明 艺术报》10月18日《西安晚报》11月1日周末1版刊发。
1998年3月31日,《西安晚报》12版刊发画《东周虎》;4月1日《西安晚报》副刊刊发散文《追随 》;5月台湾《第三届国际名家美展专辑》180页刊发画《丰尊》,作品被中化国际文明 交流协会理事长孔昭顺收藏;8月,《就业》杂志8期10-11页刊发摄影报道《古城墙下打工潮》;12月,陕西日报刊发散文《寻访新城公主墓》。
1999年2月,《就业》杂志2期48-49页刊发散文《台湾有个菊娃娃》;《陕西外事》2月号刊发散文《唐墓中的1 天1 夜》;3月,《中国西部》48-51页刊发同文采 版;《红尘故事——蔡昌林艺术经历》西安经济电台27日晚播出;7月,《广州文艺》7期封面刊发彩墨画《太阳鸟》;9-10月受邀担任副秘书长赴台参加《99两岸名家画展》暨两岸书画研讨会,遇9、21大地震,参加赈灾义卖十余场,画款全部捐献灾区,10月6日,在中国文明 大学作论文演讲,收入该校出版的论文集,台湾出版《99两岸名家书画集》44-45页刊发画《鱼戏莲》等12幅;11月,彩墨画《鼎盛》入选文物事业5 十年全国书画展,在故宫博物院展出,为陕西独一 印入图录者;11月30日《文明 艺术报》5版刊发散文《台湾九二1 大地震亲历》;12月《陕西外事》刊发同文。11月滇游1 月,经昆明、大理、丽江、迪庆再去瑞丽折西双版纳。
2000年1月,出版台历《蔡昌林彩墨作品》;2月,《陕西外事》27-28页刊发散文《明原禅寺》;8月,彩墨画《鼎盛》入刊《文物事业5 十年全国书画展作品集》163页,由文物出版社出版;9-11月,策划《台湾赵善灿将军书画展》,10月13日《文明 艺术报》4版刊发散文《将军丹青连两岸》,陕西外事,台湾民族报分别转载;11月《东南 航空》杂志34-35页刊发画《秦公狩猎图》等6幅及作家拂晓文《寻缘者——读蔡昌林文物题材画》,《人生导报》12月28日转载;11月28日至12月25日,23幅作品参加《张鸿修韦纯学石头娃袁方蔡昌林作品联展》在陕西历史博物馆东展厅展出;12月,《百花》月刊60页刊发散文《小脚母亲》;《蔡昌林艺术寻源网站》建立并注册国际域名。8幅作品参加《太白书院首届书画展》,被聘为太白书院院士。
2001年1月,为陕西历史博物馆设计新年贺卡;4月,《人文杂志》4期封二彩页刊发《祝愿 》等彩墨画三幅及简介;《文艺争鸣》2期、4期封二及封底刊发《解读金文》等彩墨画四幅;5月13日,应陕西文艺广播电台张目邀作客名人面对面节目;6月,去深圳为三秦社出版本馆的画册《寻觅流逝的辉煌》做书籍装帧设计;《毛公鼎》入编《陕西各界庆祝建党80周年书画精品集》陕西人美出版社出版;8月,受邀赴韩国参加在汉城古代 美术馆举办的第十5 届艺术约请 展,作品入编韩国出版的画集,获特别赏金牌;彩墨画《华夏之子》载《商品评介》3月号48页;《家和万事兴》入编《伟大的丰碑——全国书画艺术展作品集》163页,中国文联、全国人大出版社出版;10月,为《唐墓壁画国际学术研讨会》做系列设计,论文《唐墓壁画中的动物》在会议宣读。
2002年5月《中韩艺术交流展》策展;彩墨画两幅参展《陕西名家精品陈列》于陕西省美术博物馆;5 月,捐画两幅参加赈灾义卖,画1 幅参展《山川秀美画展》;6月15日,西安电视台播出专访蔡昌林的《面对传统的思考者》专题片;7月为《中国秦汉史研讨 会第九届年会暨国际学术研讨会》做系列艺术设计;被白鹿书院聘为院士;11月,经过答辩,晋升为研讨 馆员;为赵德全省长出访澳大利亚提供两张彩墨画礼品。
2003年1月,作品8幅参加《太白书院羊年特展》;2-3月赴深圳为西安美院深圳分院上课;其间,去汕头参加设计创将来 中国设计教育国际会议;5月,参加西安电视台主办的抗非典书画名家义卖活动;8月,台湾沈智慧收藏《朱雀》并约为宋楚瑜画《毛公鼎》;10月画《凤鸣岐山》被凤凰卫视收入长卷;11月,为罗贯生画展策展并作艺术掌管 ;应浙江省文物局邀赴杭州鉴定六和塔出土壁画。
2004年1月,应惠州市文联邀在惠阳图书馆举办《西部寻源——蔡昌林、石嵩峰、陈垠仓作品约请 展》蔡昌林展出5 十件作品;2月,被聘为陕西美协设计委员会委员;3月——6月,研修唐史,重点放在对大唐开国二十四功臣有关史料的收集上,期望理清每个人物的抽象 特征及功过事非,目的是对复原阎立本所绘的《凌烟阁功臣图》提出1 个较为科学的设计根据 。4月,被聘为陕西省包协设计委员会主任;7月28日《消费者导报》艺苑撷英刊蔡昌林专版,发表新作14幅,并刊发刘文西、石兴邦、贾平凹及张化州等对蔡昌林的艺术评论;9月,完成《大唐开国二十四功臣图》画面文字稿;12月,图稿基本完成。
2005年2月,《大唐开国二十四功臣图》交付刻石,4月,完成陈列于大唐芙蓉园紫云楼回廊,新华社28日通稿报道,4月29日,陕西安电子科技大学 视台《影象》栏目焦海民主编、黄涛摄像的电视纪录片《历史的背影》在陕西卫视频道播出。此片拍摄历时半年,跟踪了蔡昌林主创《大唐开国二十四功臣图》的全过程;5月,应沈智慧嘱送作品《毛氏三千年祭》给来访西安的亲民党主席宋楚瑜先生,凤凰卫视,新华网,陕视网5日均作报道;6月28日和29日分别受邀参加白鹿书院成立大会和长安雅集活动,被聘为白鹿书院院士和省文史馆特邀画家。8月,带同济大学先生 赴宝鸡考察民间艺术,分别记录木板年画传人邰立平、泥塑大师胡深、5 世皮影传人王明君、社火马勺大师李继友的影象 材料 ;9月下旬,受邀先赴浙江上海参加第七届国际名家书画展交流活动,再去广州参加广东美术馆举办的《抗战中的文明 责任——东南 艺术文物考察团六十周年》展览专题研讨会;10月被聘为西安理工大学兼职教授,陕西省工艺美术大师评审委员。
2006年4月,画册《周秦汉唐梦——蔡昌林绘画》由天马出版社出版;光盘DVD《蔡昌林的周秦汉唐梦》由陕西音像出版社出版。4月28日至5月9日,《周秦汉唐梦——蔡昌林画展》在陕西历史博物馆东展馆展出,面积2500平米,展线长度400米,展出作品300幅(件),新华网陕西频道和各大媒体均作报道,张锦秋、贾平凹、刘文西等文明 大腕和省上领导出席并讲话;陕西历史博物馆收藏了作品1 幅。同期举行了蔡昌林画展学术研讨会,会上,数十位专家学者对蔡昌林的文物画进行了见仁见智的研讨,来自各地的朋友、老师等对他在绘画取材和表现上的独辟蹊径进行了充分的肯定;6月,西安半坡博物馆收藏蔡昌林作品两幅,并举办了盛大的收藏捐赠典礼 ;9月作品《龙女娲》获骊山杯全国书画大赛铜奖;9月24日——10月24日,《周秦汉唐梦——蔡昌林画展》应邀在广东东莞展览馆展出。从广东撤展后,经长沙、去湘西张家界、凤凰、德夯、茶峒考察,又沿金沙江至古镇到重庆返西安,历时20余天,接着受省政府派随馆长去北京看李瑞环推荐的佛教画家夏先生画。
2007年3月,受陕西省人民政府拜托 ,创作《黄帝功德图》三幅,陈列于黄帝陵祭祀大殿;4月,为华商报改版两周年庆典在芙蓉园画画;5月,为西安美院工艺系研讨 生毕业论文答辩作评委;参加第二届长安雅集活动;6月,掌管 纪念王子云先生诞辰110周年座谈会;8月,参加白鹿书院两周年书画展;和贾平凹、肖云儒等接待于丹看壁画;策划并担任“中国西部之星设计大奖赛”评委;9月,去内蒙古大学参加校庆50周年国际书画约请 展;11月《周秦汉唐梦——蔡昌林画展》在北方民族大学美术馆举办,并作学术报告;12月,被兰州大学聘为客座教授。
2008年2-3月,考察蔡家坡发现的北魏佛窟龛;5月,为抗震救灾义捐作品;6月,担任抗震救灾公益海报评比大赛评委;应邀去兰州大学作年历史学国家重点理科 基地学术论坛第十三讲《周秦汉唐的文明 风采》讲座;8月,应邀在半坡博物馆举办《寻源——蔡昌林文物题材画展》,展出作品56幅,展期1 月;9月,主编的《西部之星设计大奖优秀作品集》由陕西人民美术出版社出版;10月,开始写作大唐开国二十四功臣书稿。为法门寺景区集字。
2009年1月,论文《面对传统的思考》刊《人类文明 遗产保护》32-35页,西安交大出版社出版;2月,《华讯》杂志2期刊彩墨画12幅和巩志明评论文章;3月,为西安工程大学设计艺术学院14位研讨 生担任论文评审委员;5月,为西安美院工艺系、国画系、史论系22位研讨 生担任论文评审委员和答辩委员会主席;6月,受邀赴成都川音成都美院举办《周秦汉唐梦——蔡昌林画展》并作学术讲座;18日,《证券日报》4版刊发彩墨画9幅和简介及名家对蔡昌林的评论;7月,担任大唐不夜城、寒窑遗址公园艺术品价格认证评委;8月,策划第二届西部之星设计大奖赛,并担任评审委员;著《唐开国二十四功臣》(10万字40图)由三秦出版社出版;9月,创作彩墨画《凤鸣扶桑佑中华》入选陕西文史馆庆祝建国六十周年大型书画展;10月,征文获中国文物报奖,入选《我与文明 遗产保护大型主题征文获奖文集》由文物出版社出版;论文《唐凌烟阁功臣图的考证与复原》三秦出版社出版;11月,受邀为陕西省首届妇女手工艺品大赛担任评委;12月,担任第二届陕西省工艺美术大师评委,为拟授大师的30多位撰写评语;接待著名画家王子武
2010年2月2日,母亲病逝,5日安葬。2月,历时半年整理《何正璜考古游记》文图并撰后记交由人民美术出版社出版;3月,应邀为《华夏地理》撰稿《皇家的高仿》刊5月号;接待陈丹青;4月,为艺术类核心期刊《美术观察》学人档案撰稿《何正璜——二十世纪联通中国文博界美术界的杰出女性》《王子云——二十世纪美术考古的先驱》分别刊5期、6期;5月,为西安美院19位研讨 生论文答辩做评委。为西安教育电视台主办的为玉树助建学校的书画义卖活动捐画。7月10日,在阅江楼为女儿举办新婚答谢宴,贾平凹、张锦秋等出席。8月12日——16日参加南京大学举办的首届“女性考古与女性遗产学术研讨会”。宣读论文“何正璜——20世纪中国文博界的杰出女性”。9月,为兜兜爱心基金捐赠作品参加拍卖。10月,去汉中参加何挺警先生教育奖学金启动典礼 活动,10月20日香港文汇报刊发迎亚运中国书画名家蔡昌林专版。12月,大型月刊《生活》杂志用八开四版刊发《大唐开国二十四功臣图》拓片和作者蔡昌林照片及介绍,主讲《历博讲坛》第七讲。《周秦汉唐的文明 风采》
2011年1月18日,去北京参加西部阳光基金会慈善义卖活动,捐赠作品现场拍卖3万元。2月,天下画界网、凤凰网陕西频道分别制造 《蔡昌林专版》,3月,担任《洛川苹果博物馆陈列投标 》专家,为本馆宣教部《美学教育年启动典礼 》作《再现文物图形中的视觉魅力》报告,3月19日——31日去广东北 宁民族博物馆和贵州省博物馆为《陕西历史博物馆馆藏铜镜展》撤布展。四月为《唐华乐府》撰联集字三幅落成。5月,为西安美院工艺系担任12个研讨 生论文答辩委员会主席。为建筑科技大学艺术学院4为研讨 生论文答辩作委员会主席。6月17日,论文《唐墓壁画的研读与欣赏》获大明宫遗址书画篆刻名家约请 展暨艺术论坛论文二等奖,并在颁奖典礼 上讲演。19日,为陕西历史博物馆馆庆20周年晚会做现场书画表演。7月,为曲江临潼景区艺术品与张锦秋等作专家论证。

Introduction to the artist

Cai Changlin, male, was born at Shaanxi Qi hill 1954. Was graduated from Xi'an academy of fine arts 1982. It is researcher of Shaanxi history museum now. Hold Shaanxi part-time to save a bundle assist vice-chairman holds design committee chairman concurrently; Article of U.N. science and education organizes Shaanxi to save artistic council vice director; Shaanxi saves Great Master of arts and crafts to evaluate a committee member; The part-time job of much home college such as Lanzhou university, northwest university is taught; Shaanxi saves courtyard of traditional Chinese painting to hire painter and researcher of Shaanxi province Rearch Institute of Culture and History to wait only.
1962 -- the elementary school on 1969 and junior high school, 1969 -- return to one's native place worked 1070, 1970 -- high school was read 1972, 1972 -- three-year institution of higher learning of Xi'an beautiful courtyard graduated 1975, 1975 -- 1978 ever had become cadre of art of house of a mountainous area teacher, culture, 1982 -- Shaanxi province packed firm drawing office 1987 chief.
Transferred into 1987 Shaanxi history museum up to now, the department prepares to construct the house basically displays design personnel. Overall designed treasure chicken, the Zhou Yuan, special subject that reachs the museum that help wind up is displayed and a few of Shaanxi history museum are exhibited temporarily, had attended Shaanxi to save grand design project for many times.
Chinese ink of colour of cultural relic subject matter basically is engaged in drawing creation after 1991.
Main achievement
Come for years base oneself upon is acted the role of at reaching the cultural relic grain before Wei Jin to Sui Tang, modelling, especially bronze grinds artisticly read, will inspect the research photograph confluence with unearthed relics to folk art folk-custom, search China's most native land culture feature, behave again then, to ancient prose content with new topic, painting of ink of colour of its cultural relic is drawing altar develop a school of one's own. Be invited several times to go Taiwan, Japan, Korea does exhibit discourse on an academic subject, by coverage of media of global much home, already telefilm of 5 kinds of special subject is in outside the condition media and in the center of broadcast with the TV station that visit town. Work by Chairman Mao memorial hall, close Song Chuyu of civilian party chairman and many global orgnaization and individual are collected. " Han Tangmeng of week the Qin Dynasty -- Cai Changlin art exhibition " after Xi'an head is exhibited, obtain greatly reputably, be invited to come in succession benefit city, Dongguan, the college such as half slope and museum add exhibit Yinchuan, Lanzhou, Chengdu, Xi'an.
Main thesis has " the confluence of civilian art and unearthed relics thinks " , " the Tang Dynasty the animal in grave mural " " the textual research that Ge Gongchen of Tang Ling smoke pursues and recover from an illness " etc; Compile publish have " contemporary design is artistic " , " big Ci Ensi " , " Cai Changlin draws volume " , " the star western designs a contest outstanding work collect " , " Cai Changlin cultural relic subject matter.
Represent work
" Mao 3000 hold a memorial ceremony for " " at the height of power and splendour " wait for Mo Hua of colour of subject matter of many 200 cultural relic
Cent is " trader week impression " " Qin Feng immerse " " Han Wei is clairvoyant " " big Tang Zhuimeng " 4 series.
" big Tang Kaiguo 24 heroes pursue " granite line engraves mural of trace a design in gold, permanent display with big Tang Furong corridor of building of garden violet cloud.
Artistic chronological table
On April 1, 1954 (the traditional Chinese calendar on Feburary 28) be born at Shaanxi to save Cai Jiapo of Qi hill county to press down east fort child boreal street. Into Cai Jiapo elementary school read in August 1961, joined Young Pioneers second year, hold the position of committee member of a large body of, library of school of after school management till Culture Revolution the year before last year.
Outside dividing classroom study 1965, after school time reads the popular novel at that time and extracurricular reader, the composition often is regarded as model essay to be read in classroom.
Culture Revolution began 1966, school work is interrupted, do not have a book to be able to look, answer village labor.
School instead made elementary junior high school 7 years 1967, major while is propagandist show, it is to call " propaganda team of Mao Zedong Thought " team member.
Sufferred an elder brother to draw Chairman Mao to resemble an influence 1968, begin to study a picture, pane of bureau be confined to magnifies; Be chosen to be the activist of study Mao Zhu that attends a county to go up, attend tell with meeting, attend treasure chicken area to accumulate acting meeting. Father is checked because of historical problem be on trial be on trial.
Return to one's native place of graduation of junior high school held the position of production team keeper to hold concurrently 1969 raise report of pig, government to grind child, the machine that control an aspect,
Attended a county to go up to learn congress of activist of Chairman Mao literature with treasure chicken area in June 1970, in September, the rehearsal that be avoided goes to school into Cai Jiapo high school, continue masthead of newspaper of blackboard of picture of after school time, wall newspaper, join the Youth League, hold the position of school change appoint conference committee member.
1971 winter, draw form of art of northwest machine plant to do obeisance to Li Jinhe to be division to draw critically Lin Biao to overflow, learn sketch literary sketch, begin head portrait of drawing from nature, classmate of will whole class is drawn.
1972 spring, be being recommended to go to a county attending Shaanxi to omit artistic school painting by the school is entrance exam (the Xi'an academy of fine arts of discontinue period) be admitted by May, go to Xi'an to report for duty, institute of music of Xi'an of preexistence of the location of a school, moved a Chang'an to allow a country September temple.
Divided major to craft class 1973, hold the position of vice secretary of round general branch, early or late Wei of famous artist kingdom, Liu Tengchao, Wu Dezu, king esteems person, Huang Shen hair teach professional, princely cloud, Ru Gui teachs art history.
Sufferred 1974 religion at painter Luo Ming, Fan Wenjiang, Xiao Huan, Liu Wen on the west, Yang Jianxi, Zhang Xueyin, Yang Jian be good at, Liu Baoshen, Zhao Jianke.
In March 1975 join or be admitted to the party, because suffer Beijing University Gao Gong,10 graduation return Yan'an to be affected when farmer thoughts, also ask graduation is become farmer, platoon of school Yi An and the two classmates Pan Yi that hold to after all, Ma Qingchao is guided by pedagogic Zhao Butang go Lei Cun of Feng of white water county is stationed in a team March, experiment beautiful courtyard is graduate whether when the farmer, experience the life, do village history exhibition. When graduation, by ask to go to the hardest place working when farmer instead, in August, allocate to area of business the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces, allocated in September hold the post of art teacher to middle school of the area just outside a city gate of oak water county, will write in October quarter imprint art teaching material.
In May 1976, go to the countryside does village history exhibition, experience the hunger of a mountainous area temporary shortage, october, 4 people side is smashed, in December, decorate a picture by the school gigantic a canvas " Chairman Hua Guofeng " erect in county street.
In March 1977, transfer into house of culture of oak water county holds the position of art photography cadre, in May, go go to the countryside of red cliff temple is interviewed, do village history exhibition; Summer, have work " village small shop " , " great achievements " area of selected Shang Luo and exhibition of work of Shaanxi province art, autumn be smoked to go by bureau of area culture and education courtyard of Shang Luo division attends art teaching material to write.
In May 1978, go together with two students Xi'an attends art the university entrance exam, received Shaanxi to save artistic institute in August (restored to be Xi'an academy of fine arts second year) craft decoration major admits an announcement, entered in September school, the system that begins by a definite date 4 years learns.
Sketch sufferred 1979 teach Yu Wu to make person student Ning Yueceng, soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes suffer teach Yu Zhangxue mattress, Yang Jian be good at, exercise has repeatedly stay school collect. Outside model of men and women of classroom drawing from nature, still life is being divided during, also go tablet forest learns archaic design, go promoting celebrate a park to draw peony, go emerald green Mount Hua draws landscape.
Continued 1980 art foundation learns, chen Guang builds character of pen of teaching and administrative staff, wang Lvxiang teachs landscape, liu Baoshen, Zhang Zhiguang teachs painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style, fan Wenjiang, Zhao Jianke, Zhang Wei, Yang Qianzhao teachs major, du Longxiang teachs literature of China and foreign countries, shao Yangde teachs aesthetic, september, lead Qingdao paint from life by Zhang Xueyin, in October, you Taishan, music mounds.
Paint from life of still life of soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes attended countrywide undergraduate 1981 outstanding work is exhibited, for " Shaanxi teenager " the magazine makes plate many, 9 -- Dunhuang copy mural is gone to by Zhang Wei belt by October.
The beginning of the year attended 1982 " first furniture exhibits Xi'an " design. Went in Feburary treasure chicken inspects civilian home art, by Huang Wenfu professor belt went to a factory of prefectural paint wooden furniture making graduation create in April " Zhang Heng " , in May, poster " beautiful clean cleaner " " male hill " travel handbill attends Chinese beauty assist hold with advertisement association " advertisement of the first whole nation is exhibited " ; Graduation allocation saved packaging company to Shaanxi in August.
Designed manual of Mount Hua camera 1983. In March, go Yangzhou attends China to wrap assist annual meeting; Go to Nanjing, Anhui, Hangzhou sketchy.
Held the post of drawing office director 1984, design " lengthen life medical pillow " pack, judge for countrywide outstanding work, into " China packs almanac " . Go to Nanchang to attend China to wrap assist set a committee of planning the first annual meeting. Will prepare to construct in December Shaanxi saves a bundle assist design committee, hold the position of secretary-general.
Designed 1985 " sour " series bottle sticks selected whole nation to pack a design to exhibit (exhibit in Chinese art gallery)
In January 1986, the plan is sponsorred " people's premier " photography is exhibited. CCTV news broadcasts. In June, be hired to be the United States " member of international photography guild " .
Designed in September 1987 " north fights advertisement of Sha Ji soda water " win countrywide outstanding award. In December, transfer into Shaanxi history museum prepares to construct place.
Prepared to construct in Shaanxi history museum 1988 place display a ministry to make display a form to design;8 month, compile " contemporary design is artistic " publish by Shaanxi people press; In September, appoint to a position is intermediate title; December, art is created " the fokelore of female Wa " obtain (large award of painting and calligraphy of whole nation of too white cup is surpassed) second-class award.
Displayed basically for Shaanxi history museum 1989 do Qin Duan to devise plan, planar design and setting plan 5, will attend Chinese museum association to display design art in October appoint conference of city of meeting bright and beautiful suffers the whole nation to display design expert agree.
In March 1990, the poster of creation " home of dependency of cultural relic of the underground on the ground is all " publish by publishing house of Shaanxi people art; In May, for " museum of relics of pool of the soup that face Tong displays a form to devise plan " make the effect pursue 2 project approving sending Beijing; In October, traditional Chinese painting " the toy between Qing Yangmin " obtain Shaanxi to save beauty of Wen Bo system to exhibit second-class award; In November, if,collect Guo Mei " Shaanxi history museum " font, design house mark font.
1991 3 -- June, those who be in charge of Shaanxi history museum opening a house to be displayed basically is all on extend photograph and chart form design and " Qin Duan " integral form design; In October, to help wind county museum the design is displayed.
Continued to design 1992 " help wind up to come up out of land bronze mirror is displayed " , finished in May, have innovation, obtain cultural relic bureau to commend; 8 -- two side showed entrance door of rich of design short for Shaanxi Province in September glorious ad unit a group 4, obtain countrywide advertisement to design first prize. On August 28, " culture art signs up for " full page print sends the article that Chinese ink of colour of subject matter of Cai Changlin cultural relic draws Yan Hongfei review " quiet means is looked for fragrant " match 7 to send a picture; Hair of 4 edition print drew Xi'an evening paper on September 7 " Tong Qu " ; In December, with Feng Zhaomin collaboration creates mural of large drop pink " dance of big Tang Le " , display banqueting hall of big public house of west wind of Yu Bao chicken.
Overall 1993 design " archaeology achievement exhibits Zhou Yuan " , suffer conference of countrywide cultural relic to commend; In October, rising for deputy researcher. Recieve Japanese painter to make the same score Shan Yufu. Continue Chinese ink of cultural relic colour draws creation. Go to and other places of Lanzhou, Dunhuang, Xinjiang to inspect collect folk songs again.
On January 17, 1994, chinese ink of color of hair of 5 edition print draws Xi'an evening paper " the paint from life of the helmet " ; In Feburary " contemporary Shaanxi " 2 period print of edition of colour of inside front cover is sent " Mao 3000 hold a memorial ceremony for " article and picture; In April, " Shaanxi daily " 3 edition print sends a picture " Bao of Bai Yong father pursues " ; 3-5 month, entrance ticket of museum of design Shaanxi history one 5 kinds; In July, " propagandist guide " 7 period print of page of back cover color sends a picture " abundant honour is enjoyable " ; 6 -- in October, suffer Shaanxi to save a government to do invite for " found a state 45 years Shaanxi province goes to Beijing to reveal " hold the position of overall design (one of 3 people) go to Beijing cloth is exhibited, suffer commend.
1995 3 -- July, overall design is adjusted " Shi Chen arranges Shaanxi ancient time " ; On March 31 " Shaanxi daily " Mo Hua of color of hair of 3 edition print " Zhang Nu pursues " ; Xi'an press an album of paintings " trend tomorrow " 165 pages print sends a picture " Tong Qu " ; Taiwan " magazine of culture of big China tea " 58 pages print sends a picture " Feng Mingqi hill " ; Taiwan " collect of painting and calligraphy of poem of celebrity of 1995 two sides " brief introduction of hair of 120 pages print and picture " Han Jingshu affection " wait for 3; 11 -- in December, sign of logo of rich of short for Shaanxi Province designs hold the belt, register.
In March 1996, " Cai Changlin draws volume " publish along garden magazine press by Taiwan circle; 4 -- in June, overall design " high-quality goods of Yuan Mingqing cultural relic exhibits capital museum " ; On May 1 " war industry signs up for " 4 edition print sends a picture " of enginery ancestor " ; In July, suffer invite go to Japan to the capital of a country culture museology art communicates, make " the reflection that faces a convention " speech. Draw many to be waited to collect by this house president, curator; On September 25, on October 23 " Xiamen evening paper " 3 edition print sends a picture " little Hao Zhizun " " blessing " ; In October, go to abide by justice to be " tomb figure of military forces of the Qin Dynasty and Chang'an civilization " the exhibition makes overall art design.
In January 1997, " row of Shi Chen of Shaanxi ancient time explains draft " cover design, shaanxi travel press is published; In Feburary, for telefilm " treasure chicken folk art " contribute; In April, exhibit a house to make a house design for Shan Bodong; In May, suffer invite attend " delegacy of a person of academic or artistic distinction of mainland painting and calligraphy " hold the position of secretary-general to go to Taiwan communication, it is respectively south Kaohsiung, stage, Yun Lin, south cast, Taichun, Taipei is held " a person of academic or artistic distinction of cross-strait China painting and calligraphy is exhibited " in all 6, learning reports 4 times, attend a meeting 12 times, be awarded " art connect two sides " cupreous plaque; " collect of painting and calligraphy of a person of academic or artistic distinction of 1997 two sides " 143-144 page print is sent " half slope times " wait for 4 colour Mo Hua and author brief introduction; Essay " phoenix of treasure island Taiwan is beautiful " respectively by " Shaanxi external affairs " 10 period " culture art signs up for " on October 18 " Xi'an evening paper " 1 edition print will be sent on the weekend on November 1.
On March 31, 1998, " Xi'an evening paper " 12 edition print sends a picture " tiger of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty " ; On April 1 " Xi'an evening paper " article of supplement print diverge " pursue " ; In May Taiwan " beauty of a person of academic or artistic distinction of the 3rd international exhibits special " 180 pages print sends a picture " abundant honour " , work by in change international culture to communicate association director Kong Zhaoshun to collect; In August, " obtain employment " magazine 8 period photography of hair of 10-11 page print reports " strike movement is called below ancient city wall " ; In December, article of diverge of Shaanxi journal publication " look for grave of new city princess " .
In Feburary 1999, " obtain employment " magazine 2 period article of diverge of 48-49 page print " Taiwan has a chrysanthemum baby " ; " Shaanxi external affairs " date print sent an essay in Feburary " the Tang Dynasty one of the grave one night " ; In March, " China western " 48-51 page print sends Tong Wencai edition; " human society story -- art experiences Cai Changlin " Xi'an economy broadcasting station broadcasts 27 days late; In July, " Guangzhou is literary " 7 period cover print sends colour Mo Hua " sunbird " ; 9-10 month suffers invite hold the position of deputy secretary-general to go to a stage to attend " art exhibition of a person of academic or artistic distinction of 99 two sides " and seminar of cross-strait painting and calligraphy, encounter 9, 21 earths shake, attend sale of work of relieve the people in disaster more than 10, draw an all alms disaster area, on October 6, paper presentation is made in Chinese culture university, the paper market that this school publishs income, taiwan is published " collect of painting and calligraphy of a person of academic or artistic distinction of 99 two sides " 44-45 page print sends a picture " Yu Hulian " wait for 12; November, colour Chinese ink is drawn " at the height of power and splendour " 50 years countrywide painting and calligraphy exhibits career of selected cultural relic, exhibit in museum of the Imperial Palace, imprint exclusively into the person that the graph is recorded for Shaanxi; On November 30 " culture art signs up for " article of diverge of 5 edition print " 921 earths shake kisses Taiwan all previous " ; In December " Shaanxi external affairs " print hair is the same as civil. Another name for Yunnan Province will swim in November January, classics Kunming, Dali, Li Jiang, enlighten celebrate go again luck beautiful fold on the west double edition accept.
In January 2000, publication desk calendar " work of Chinese ink of Cai Changlin colour " ; In Feburary, " Shaanxi external affairs " article of diverge of 27-28 page print " Ming Yuanchan temple " ; In August, colour Chinese ink is drawn " at the height of power and splendour " into print " painting and calligraphy of 50 years of whole nations exhibits cultural relic career work collect " 163 pages, publish by cultural relic press; 9-11 month, plan " painting and calligraphy of Zhao Shancan's general exhibits Taiwan " , on October 13 " culture art signs up for " article of diverge of 4 edition print " general painting connects two sides " , shaanxi external affairs, taiwan nation calls the score to be not reprinted; In November " northwest aviation " print of magazine 34-35 page sends a picture " Qin Gong chases graph " wait to reach a writer 6 times crepuscular article " the person that find a reason -- read subject matter of Cai Changlin cultural relic to draw " , " life gazette " will reprint on December 28; Will come on November 28 on December 25, 23 work attend " Zhang Hong repairs Wei Chun to learn couplet of work of square Cai Changlin of stone child Yuan to exhibit " in Shaanxi history museum east the exhibition hall exhibits; In December, " 100 flowers " 60 pages print sends monthly magazine essay " bound feet mother " ; " Cai Changlin art searchs source website " build and register international domain name. 8 work attend " first painting and calligraphy exhibits too white academy of classical learning " , be hired to be academician of too white academy of classical learning.
In January 2001, design New Year greeting card for Shaanxi history museum; In April, " humanitarian magazine " 4 period print of page of color of inside front cover is sent " blessing " Mo Hua waiting for colour reachs brief introduction 3 times; " literary contend " 2 period, 4 period inside front cover and hair of back cover print " unscramble inscriptions on bronze " Chinese ink waiting for colour draws 4; On May 13, should open one's eyes wide of literary broadcast broadcasting station invites Shaanxi celebrity of be a guest face-to-face program; In June, an album of paintings that goes to Shenzhen publishing this house for company of 3 the Qin Dynasty " what look for elapses is brilliant " do book binding and layout to design; " Mao Gongding " into make up " Shaanxi all circles celebrates found a party 80 years collect of high-quality goods of painting and calligraphy " Shaanxi person beautiful press is published; In August, suffer invite go to Korea to attend the 15th skill that in Seoul contemporary art gallery runs to invite exhibit, work draws volume into what make up Korea to publish, win medal of special money reward; Colour Chinese ink is drawn " of an ancient name for China child " carry " commodity review " in March date 48 pages; " the home and all things are promoted " into make up " great monumental work -- art of countrywide painting and calligraphy extends work market " 163 pages, press of National People's Congress of Chinese article couplet, whole nation is published; In October, for " the Tang Dynasty seminar of learning of grave mural international " do series design, paper " the Tang Dynasty the animal in grave mural " in conference read out.
In May 2002 " art communication exhibits the Sino-South Korean " plan is exhibited; Colour Chinese ink draws two ginseng to exhibit " high-quality goods of Shaanxi a person of academic or artistic distinction is displayed " visit art museum at Shaanxi; In May, contribute a picture two attend sale of work of relieve the people in disaster, draw a ginseng to exhibit " mountains and rivers-land is elegant art exhibition " ; On June 15, xi'an TV station broadcasts of Chang Lin of special interview Cai " the think person that faces a convention " special subject piece; Was in July " seminar of Chinese Qin Han history the 9th annual meeting and international learning seminar " do series art to design; Be hired to be academician by white deer academy of classical learning; In November, the course rejoins, rising the member that it is research house; For Zhao Dequan's governor visit Australia offers Chinese ink of two pieces of colour to draw gift.
In January 2003, work attends 8 times " sheep of too white academy of classical learning year exhibit especially " ; 2-3 month goes to Shenzhen to attend class for branch department of Shenzhen of Xi'an beautiful courtyard; Meantime, go Shan head attends a design to achieve prospective China to design educational international conference; In May, attend what Xi'an TV station sponsors to fight activity of sale of work of a person of academic or artistic distinction of SARS painting and calligraphy; In August, taiwan Shenyang wisdom is collected " rosefinch " draw for Song Chuyu about " Mao Gongding " ; Will draw in October " Feng Mingqi hill " be defended to inspect income to grow by phoenix roll; In November, for Luo Guansheng art exhibition plan is exhibited and make art chair; Should bureau of Zhejiang province cultural relic is invited go to Hangzhou appraisal 6 come up out of land with the tower mural.
In January 2004, city article couplet invites Ying Huizhou to be held in Hui Yang library " western find a source -- work invites storehouse of Cai Changlin, Shi Songfeng, Chen Yin exhibit " Cai Changlin exhibits 50 work; Feburary, be hired to be Shaanxi beauty assist design committee committee member; In March -- in June, grind Xiu Tang history, the key is put in what to big Tang Kaiguo 24 heroes concern historical data to collect, expectation reason is clear the figure feature of content and desert thing are not everybody, the purpose is the gate of a lane to recovering from an illness establish this place draw " Ling Yange's hero pursues " put forward a relatively scientific design basis. April, be hired to be Shaanxi to save a bundle assist design committee chairman; On July 28 " consumer gazette " art and literary circles picks edition of Lin Zhuan of prosperous of flower print Cai, publish make 14 newly, and print sends Liu Wen on the west, Shi Xingbang, Gu Ping is sunken the artistic comment that reachs Zhang Hua city to wait for pair of Cai Changlin; In September, finish " big Tang Kaiguo 24 heroes pursue " picture character stalks of grain; In December, graph draft is finished basically.
In Feburary 2005, " big Tang Kaiguo 24 heroes pursue " consign engraves stone, in April, finish old rank big Tang Furong corridor of building of garden violet cloud, xinhua News Agency tells draft story 28 days, on April 29, shaanxi TV station " image " chief editor of column Jiao Haimin, Huang Tao photographs the TV newsreel that resemble " historical back " video channel is defended to broadcast in Shaanxi. This films half an year of last a period of time, dogged Cai Changlin advocate achieve " big Tang Kaiguo 24 heroes pursue " whole process; In May, intelligent enjoin sends Ying Shenzhi work " Mao 3000 hold a memorial ceremony for " to call in of Xi'an kiss civilian party chairman Mr Song Chuyu, phoenix is defended inspect, xinhua net, short for Shaanxi Province inspects a net 5 days to all make a report; Sufferred respectively with 29 days on June 28 invite attend Bai Lu academy of classical learning to establish activity of elegant market of congress and Chang'an, be hired to be academician of white deer academy of classical learning and painter of specially invite of province Rearch Institute of Culture and History. In August, take student of the college that be the same as aid to go to treasure chicken to inspect folk art, record board New Year picture to pass person a surname to establish shadow of skin of Hu Shen of Great Master of smooth, clay sculpture, 5 worlds to send a person respectively the video data of Li Jiyou of Great Master of ladle of fire of Wang Mingjun, company; In September the last ten-day of a month, suffer invite go to Zhejiang Shanghai to attend art exhibition of book of a person of academic or artistic distinction of the 7th international to communicate an activity first, go to Guangzhou attending Guangdong art gallery to hold again " the culture responsibility in war of resistance against aggression -- investigation group of northwest art cultural relic 60 years " exhibit a symposium; Will be hired to be Xi'an manage to be versed in college part-time job is taught in October, shaanxi saves Great Master of arts and crafts to evaluate a committee member.
April 2006, an album of paintings " Zhou Qin Han Tangmeng -- Cai Changlin is painterly " publish by day horse press; CD DVD " Zhou Qin Han Tangmeng of Cai Changlin " publish like the press by Shaanxi sound. Came on April 28 on May 9, " Han Tangmeng of week the Qin Dynasty -- Cai Changlin art exhibition " in Shaanxi history museum east exhibit a house to exhibit, area 2500 smooth rice, the length that extend a line 400 meters, showpiece work 300 () , channel of xinhua net Shaanxi and each are big media all makes a report, zhang Jinqiu, Gu Ping sunken, Liu Wen culture waits to the leader on big wrist and province is attended and speak on the west; Shaanxi history museum collected work. The corresponding period held seminar of learning of Cai Changlin art exhibition, on the meeting, tens of the delibrate that expert scholar had opinions differ from each other to cultural relic picture of Cai Changlin, the friend that comes from each district, teacher waits to be in to him the develop a new style or a new method of one's own on painterly draw materials and expression undertook sufficient affirmation; In June, half slope museum collects Xi'an Cai Changlin work two, held collect grandly donate a ceremony; In September work " Long Nv Wa " win award of copper of contest of painting and calligraphy of whole nation of cup of black horse hill; On September 24 -- on October 24, " Han Tangmeng of week the Qin Dynasty -- Cai Changlin art exhibition " exhibit in Guangdong Dongguan exhibition on invitation. Remove from Guangdong after exhibiting, classics Changsha, go to West Hunan cave of tamper of Home Zhang group, phoenix, heart, tea makes an on-the-spot investigation, arrive to ancient town along Jin Shajiang again Chongqing returns Xi'an, last a period of time more than days 20, the gentleman of Buddhist painter summer that catchs group of government getting a province to go to Beijing seeing Li Rui annulus recommend along with curator is drawn.
In March 2007, suffer Shaanxi to save people government to entrust, creation " yellow emperor merits and virtues pursues " 3, imperial tomb of old rank yellow emperor is sacred audience hall; In April, for correcting of China business newspaper two years of celebration are in lotus garden picture; In May, for Xi'an beauty project of graduate student of courtyard craft department rejoins commissioner; Enter activity of elegant market of the 2nd Chang'an; In June, chair birthday of gentleman of commemorative prince cloud 110 years informal discussion; In August, attend white deer academy of classical learning two years book art exhibition; With Gu Ping sunken, Xiao Yunru recieve Yu Dan to see mural; Engineer and hold the position of " the astral design large award western surpasses China " commissioner; In September, go to Inner Mongolia university attending anniversary of the founding of a school 50 years international painting and calligraphy invites exhibit; In November " Zhou Qin Han Tangmeng -- Cai Changlin art exhibition " hold in art gallery of northward nation university, make academic report; In December, be hired to be a visiting professor by Lanzhou university.
2008 2-3 month, inspect the niche of hole of Buddha of Northen Wei Dynasty that Cai Jiapo discovers; In May, for aseismatic provide disaster relief justice abandon work; In June, hold the position of commissioner of contest of appraise through comparison of placard of aseismatic commonweal providing disaster relief; Go to Lanzhou university making thirteenth of forum of learning of base of liberal art of emphasis of nation of single-page calendar historiography tell on invitation " the culture elegant demeanour of week Qin Hantang " lecture; In August, hold in half slope museum on invitation " find a source -- art exhibition of subject matter of Cai Changlin cultural relic " , showpiece work 56, exhibition period in January; In September, of chief editor " the star western designs large award outstanding work collect " publish by publishing house of Shaanxi people art; In October, begin to compose big Tang Kaiguo 24 heroes book stalks of grain. For word of market of region of method temple scene.
In January 2009, paper " the reflection that faces a convention " print " human culture bequest is protected " 32-35 page, xi'an hands in big publishing house to publish; Feburary, " Hua Xun " Chinese ink of 2 periodical colour draws the magazine to comment on an article 12 times with Gong Zhiming; March, for institute of art of design of Xi'an project university 14 graduate students hold the position of a paper to evaluate a committee member; In May, for Xi'an beauty courtyard craft department, traditional Chinese painting is fastened, history by the department 22 graduate students hold the position of a paper to evaluate committee member and rejoin committee chairman; In June, suffer invite go to beautiful courtyard of Chengdu of Chengdu plain sound to hold " Zhou Qin Han Tangmeng -- Cai Changlin art exhibition " make academic chair; 18 days, " negotiable securities daily " Mo Hua of color of hair of 4 edition print reachs the comment of a person of academic or artistic distinction to Cai Changlin 9 times with brief introduction; In July, hold the position of big the Tang Dynasty not commissioner of attestation of price of artwork of park of relics of nocturnal city, cold kiln; In August, engineer the 2nd star western to design large award competition, hold the position of evaluation committee member; " Tang Kaiguo 24 heroes " (100 thousand word 40 graphs) publish by press of 3 the Qin Dynasty; In September, creation colour Chinese ink is drawn " Feng Ming helps mulberry bless China up " selected Shaanxi Rearch Institute of Culture and History is celebrated found a state 60 years large book art exhibition; In October, call for paper obtain Chinese cultural relic to sign up for award, selected " I and culture bequest protect large theme to call for paper collected works of bear the palm " publish by cultural relic press; Paper " the textual research that hero of cabinet of Tang Ling smoke pursues and recover from an illness " press of 3 the Qin Dynasty is published; In November, suffer invite for Shaanxi province first woman handicraft tastes a contest to hold the position of a commissioner; In December, hold the position of the 2nd Shaanxi to save commissioner of Great Master of arts and crafts, to plan to give comment of many 30 compose; Recieve fierce of famous artist prince.
On Feburary 2, 2010, the mother dies of illness, 5 days bury. In Feburary, half an year of last a period of time is arranged " travel notes of He Zhenghuang archaeology " civil graph is written adscript hand in publish by people art publishing house; In March, it is on invitation " an ancient name for China is geographical " contribute " royal Gao Fang " print in May date; Recieve old painting; In April, for art kind core periodical " art observes " archives learning a person contributes " He Zhenghuang -- the crackajack female of group of art of Wen Bo bound of China of 20 centuries UniCom " " princely cloud -- the pioneer of archaeology of 20 centuries art " respectively print 5 period, 6 period; In May, for Xi'an beautiful courtyard paper of 19 graduate students rejoins become a commissioner. The activity of builds the school for Yu Shuzhu sale of work of painting and calligraphy that for Xi'an educational TV station sponsors contributes a picture. On July 10, in read river building to hold newly-married to acknowledge for the daughter banquet, gu Ping sunken, Zhang Jinqiu attend. On August 12 -- 16 days attend Nanjing university to hold first " female archaeology and seminar of female bequest learning " . Read out paper " He Zhenghuang -- the crackajack female of bound of rich of article of 20 centuries China " . In September, to wrap up bag love fund donates work to attend an auction. In October, go Chinese in attend He Ting alarm activity of the ceremony of gentleman education fellowship that start, hair of publication of report of Hong Kong article will be greeted on October 20 inferior edition of Lin Zhuan of prosperous of Cai of a person of academic or artistic distinction of carry China painting and calligraphy. In December, large monthly magazine " the life " the magazine uses octavo 4 edition print is sent " big Tang Kaiguo 24 heroes pursue " rubbings from a stone tablet and photograph of author Cai Changlin and introduction, give a lecture " estrade of all previous rich " the 7th tell. " the culture elegant demeanour of week Qin Hantang "
On January 18, 2011, go to Beijing attending western activity of sale of work of sunshine foundation charity, donate work spot to auction 30 thousand yuan. In Feburary, channel of Shaanxi of net of group of the world picture, phoenix net is made respectively " edition of Cai prosperous Lin Zhuan " , in March, hold the position of " museum of Luo Chuanping fruit displays invite public bidding " expert, for ministry of this house propaganda and education " aesthetic teachs year of ceremony that start " make " the visual glamour in graph of emersion cultural relic " report, on March 19 -- 31 days go museum of Guangxi Nanning nation and Guizhou Province museum are " bronze mirror of holding of Shaanxi history museum is exhibited " remove cloth to exhibit. Was in April " Tang Hua an official conservatory in the Han Dynasty for collecting and composing folk songs and ballads " word of the collect that write couplet 3 completion. In May, for Xi'an beauty courtyard craft department holds the position of paper of 12 graduate students to rejoin committee chairman. To build institute of art of university of science and technology 4 rejoin for graduate student paper committee chairman. On June 17, paper " the Tang Dynasty of grave mural grind read with appreciation " obtain big a person of academic or artistic distinction of seal cutting of painting and calligraphy of bright palace relics invites exhibit and artistic forum paper is second-class award, awarding prize ceremonially lecture. 19 days, for Shaanxi history museum the house celebrates 20 years of evening parties to make show of spot painting and calligraphy. In July, face artwork of Tong scene area and Zhang Jinqiu to wait for an expert to prove for Qu Jiang.

