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李滨声,汉族,生于哈尔滨,客籍 辽宁本溪。擅长漫画、戏曲人物画。曾用名李洛非,笔名梨园客。父亲是汉族,母亲为满族。父亲是私塾学历的知识分子,没上过洋学堂;母亲毕业于沈阳女子师范。
自幼寄居沈阳外祖家中,外祖父翁恩裕民国初年是国会议员,后来回客籍 ,当时街邻多为知识界人,少有接触劳动人民机会,因而 对于人生观的构成 从根本上缺乏积极条件。
少年时代从师学画。年届学龄值“九1 八”事变,日寇侵华形成 治安混乱,外祖父在家中设私塾,组织亲友儿孙共7人同窗开蒙,念《三字经》、《百家姓》。四年后以同等的学历插班到沈阳(当时已改称奉天)市第5 小学高小1 年级就读。小学毕业继上中学,当时叫“国民高等学校”,学制4年。1941年毕业后曾在银行当过练习生和准行员。1943年参加协和京剧研讨 会。1944年年满19岁,按当时伪满的兵役法须应征,行贿100元逃避过兵役,改为“勤劳俸仕”(备战劳工)1 年,即在1 个叫“藤仓橡胶株式会社”的战备厂义务劳动。未到期满中国胜利,日本投降被解放。
1946年春迁来北京,插班考入中国大学政治系,1949年毕业后,又入华北大学三部美术科学习。同年9月毕业,分配到北京市委文委美术组任干事。50年代他的富有“京味幽默”的漫画即有目共睹 。所作旧事 漫画常以组画情势 在报纸上发表。其中《喧宾夺主》、《三星铅笔》曾分获首届全国青年美展1 、二等奖;漫画《丫鬟 带路》获全国漫画展佳作奖,漫画《迎客松》获首届“中国漫画金猴奖”作品奖。1950年至1951年夏,于北京人民美术工作室任雕塑组创作员。1951年6月至1952年9月于北京市总工会文教部任《北京工人》杂志美术编辑。在党的文艺方针指点 下和“读者来信组”的支持下,对于开拓“内部讽刺漫画”做了试探(解放初期报刊上只登“国际漫画”和镇反漫画)。由于有些漫画社会反响不错,曾被嘉奖并被选为第二届北京市人民代表。
1952年后任《北京日报》美术编辑,1957年在列席北京市宣扬 工作会议和市人代视察中,由1 张漫画《没嘴的人》被指控为攻击社会主义,划为左派 分子,受二类处理,劳动改造。1978年平反,恢复工作,又工作十年,1987年评为高级编辑,于1987年离休。1994年7月被中国美协漫画艺委会授予首届“金猴奖”,和中国漫画“金猴荣誉奖”。又被政府授予“特殊津贴”。2005年6月20日,由北京市文史研讨 馆主办的“李滨声先生《燕京画旧》首发式”在老舍茶馆举行。
自八十年代初前后 任北京市政协第六、七、八届委员和七、八届常委。中国美术家协会会员,北京市美术家协会理事,中国戏剧家协会会员,中国风筝学会副会长。
如今 北京多所美术和戏曲院校任教。1998年,被聘为北京市文史研讨 馆馆员。
已出版著作有:漫画集《喧宾夺主》、《李滨声漫画选》、《我的漫画生涯》和《李滨声画集》,《画集》分为四卷:《漫画卷》、《京剧卷》、《民俗卷》、《综艺卷》。出版有漫画创作研讨 文章《漫画的夸张》、《用好漫画中的言语 》等。
2008年1月,由人民文学出版社出版李滨声先生的著作《秃笔 留情》(属纪实文学类书籍,书中作品多以李滨声先生50年代较为出名的漫画作品为主,还包括部分<人物,画戏>速写)
2009年1月15日“老北京民俗画展”举行,参展画作共有四大部分:老北京生活、儿童题材、京戏、百年老字号吴裕泰的茶文明 。

Introduction to the artist

Han nationality, born in Harbin, originated in Benxi, Liaoning Province. Good at cartoons, opera figure painting. Li Luofei used to be named, and Li Yuanyuan was pen-named. The father is Han and the mother is Manchu. Father is an intellectual with private school education, and has never attended a foreign school. Mother graduated from Shenyang Women's Normal University.


When he was a child, he lived in his grandfather's home in Shenyang. In the early years of the Republic of China, his grandfather, Weng Enyu, was a member of Parliament. Later, he returned to his native place. At that time, most of his neighbours were intellectuals and there were few opportunities to contact the working people. Therefore, there was a fundamental lack of positive conditions for the formation of his outlook on life.


He learned painting from a teacher in his youth. During the September 18th Incident, the Japanese invaders invaded China, resulting in disorder of public order. Grandfather set up private schools in his home. He organized seven friends, children and grandchildren to enlighten their classmates and read the Three-Character Classic and the Hundred Family Names. Four years later, I went to Shenyang (then renamed Fengtian) to study in the first grade of the fifth elementary school with the same academic qualifications. After graduating from primary school, he went to secondary school, which was then called "National College of Higher Learning", with a four-year schooling system. After graduation in 1941, he worked as a trainee and associate banker. In 1943, he attended the Peking Opera Research Association of Xiehe. At the age of 19 in 1944, according to the military service law of the puppet army at that time, he had to apply for bribes of 100 yuan to evade military service and was replaced by "hard-working salaries" (war workers) for one year, i.e. compulsory labor in a war preparation factory called "Fujikura Rubber Company". Before the expiration of China's victory, Japan's surrender was liberated.


He moved to Beijing in the spring of 1946 and was admitted to the Department of Politics of the University of China. After graduation in 1949, he went to three art studies at North China University. In September of the same year, he graduated and was assigned to the art group of Beijing Municipal Party committee. In the 1950s, his cartoons with "Beijing-style humour" attracted people's attention. News cartoons are often published in newspapers in the form of pictures. Among them, "Hubby Guest Winner" and "Samsung Pencil" were awarded the first and second prizes in the first National Youth Art Exhibition; Cartoon "Maid Leads the Way" was awarded the National Cartoon Exhibition Best Work Award; Cartoon "Welcome Pine" was awarded the first "Golden Monkey Award for Chinese Cartoon". From 1950 to the summer of 1951, he worked as a sculpture group creator in Beijing People's Art Studio. From June 1951 to September 1952, he was the art editor of Beijing Workers magazine in the Ministry of Culture and Education of Beijing Federation of Trade Unions. Under the guidance of the Party's literary and artistic principles and with the support of the Reader's Letter Group, this paper explores the development of "internal satirical cartoons" (only "international cartoons" and anti-cartoons were published in newspapers and magazines in the early liberation period). Because of the good social response of some cartoons, they were awarded and elected as the second Beijing People's Representative.


In 1952, he was the art editor of Beijing Daily. In 1957, he attended the Beijing Publicity Conference and the city's inspection on behalf of the citizens. A cartoon named "The Mouthless Man" was accused of attacking socialism, classified as a right-wing member, subjected to two types of treatment, and reformed through labor. In 1978, he resumed his work and worked for ten years. In 1987, he was awarded senior editor and retired in 1987. In July 1994, he was awarded the first "Golden Monkey Award" by the Comic Arts Committee of the Chinese Artistic Association and the "Golden Monkey Honorary Award" for Chinese comics. It was also granted a "special allowance" by the government. On June 20, 2005, the opening ceremony of Mr. Li Binsheng's "Yanjing Painting Old" sponsored by Beijing Municipal Museum of Literature and History was held in Laoshe Teahouse.


Since the early 1980s, he has served as the sixth, seventh and eighth members of the Beijing Political Consultative Conference and the seventh and eighth standing committees. Member of China Artists Association, Director of Beijing Artists Association, Member of China Dramatists Association and Vice President of China Kite Society.


Now many art and drama colleges and universities in Beijing teach. In 1998, he was employed as a librarian of Beijing Municipal Literature and History Research Library.


Published works include: Cartoon Collection "Hubby Guests Win the Host", "Selected Cartoons of Li Binsheng", "My Cartoon Career" and "Li Binsheng Painting Collection", which is divided into four volumes: Cartoon Volume, Peking Opera Volume, Folk Customs Volume and Variety Volume. Published cartoon creation research articles "Cartoon exaggeration" and "Good use of the language in cartoons" and so on.


In January 2008, the People's Literature Publishing House published Mr. Li Binsheng's book "Humble Brush and Mercy" (which belongs to documentary literature books. Most of the works in the book are based on Mr. Li Binsheng's more famous cartoons in the 1950s, including some sketches of "Characters, Drawings and Dramas".


On January 15, 2009, "Old Beijing Folklore Painting Exhibition" was held. There were four main parts of the exhibited paintings: old Beijing life, children's theme, Beijing Opera and tea culture of Wu Yutai, a century-old brand.

