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赵昆 - “灵感高原——中国美术作品展”研

2022-03-11 17:16:18 3661




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赵昆,中国美术家协会会员,中国文艺评论家协会会员。1996年毕业于西安美术学院美术教育系油画专业。2008年,毕业于地方 美术学院,获硕士学位。毕业作品获研讨 生1 等奖“王森然美术史奖”。俄亥俄州立大学美术史系访问学者。中国美协艺委会副研讨 员。
1996年起,创作并在刊物上发表大量漫画,如《讽刺与幽默》《新京报》《中国劳动报》等,前后 结集出版《办公会的故事》和《赵昆漫画全集 》等漫画集,荣获多个国内漫画大奖。近年进行中国人物画创作,代表作有《顶缸艺人》、《树上童子》、《西游人物》等。漫画代表作有《夫子更衣》、《1 条线上的蚂蚱》、《大师带队》等。赵昆先生从事漫画创作和美术史研讨 多年,发表大量的漫画作品。由于 熟悉美术史,他更为重视 作品的义理,他的中国画人物,面貌兼容各种人物画画法,并不断探索人物画风格。他学习传统但不泥古人,积极借古开今,他临摹新疆壁画和敦煌初期 壁画人物,学习上官周吴彬改琦等人物画家,和 古代版画人物手法,吸收中国绘画的线描的多样化趣味与技法特点,同时揉入漫画人物外型 与古代 水墨的要素 。赵昆先生的作品在不断摸索,这是画漫画的出身画家的共性,心性活跃,喜欢尝试各种材质情势 ,而且是发散性思维,他的作品言简意赅,抽象 风趣,别有1 番立意情趣。
2016年,“子恺杯”第十1 届中国漫画大展,荣获优秀作品,作品浙

Introduction to the artist

Zhao Kun Chinese artist academician, academician of Chinese literary essayist. Was graduated from art of Xi'an academy of fine arts to teach department canvas major 1996. 2008, be graduated from central academy of fine arts, obtain master's degree. Does graduate work win graduate student first prize? "King awe-inspiring art history award " . Ohio establishs university art history department visits a scholar. China is beautiful assist art appoint can deputy researcher.
Artistic brief introduction
Rose 1996, create and a large number of cartoon are published on the journal, be like " satirize and humour " " new capital signs up for " " Chinese labor signs up for " etc, early or late collect articles into a volume is published " the story that runs consortium " and " anthology of Zhao Kun caricature " wait for caricature collect, have the honor to win large award of many home caricature. Undertake Chinese content draws creation in recent years, masterpiece has " actor carrying a crock on the head " , " the boy on the tree " , " swim on the west character " etc. Caricature masterpiece has " master change clothes " , " an on-line locust " , " the Great Master heads a group " etc. Mr Zhao Kun is engaged in caricature creation and art history research are old, publish much cartoon work. Because be familiar with art history, he pays attention to the argumentation of a speech or essay of work more, his China draws a person, appearance is compatible all sorts of characters draw brushwork, character of ceaseless exploration draws a style. He learns a tradition but not slimy the ancients, borrow Gu Kaijin actively, character of inchoate mural of mural of his copy Xinjiang and Dunhuang, the Guan Zhou on study, Wu Bin, change fine jade wait for character painter, and gimmick of archaic woodcut character, absorb characteristic of the diversification gout of China's painterly line drawing and ability law, knead the element of cartoon character modelling and contemporary water Chinese ink at the same time. The work of Mr Zhao Kun is fumbling ceaselessly, this is the general character of the painter of one's previous experience that draws cartoon, heart sex is active, like to try all sorts of material qualitative form, and it is thinking of sex of disperse the internal heat with sudorifics, his work concise and comprehensive, figure is humor, do not have conception interest one time.
Attend an exhibition to reach collect:
2018, " warm winter " " art exhibition of a person of academic or artistic distinction of China and foreign countries of confluence of new era media "
2017, "' clumsy is encountered solidly ' , Zhao Kun, Chen Wei puts China on the ice to draw work to exhibit " , art gallery of person of Jiangsu Hou north.
2017 " boy holds chicken in the arms " pictorial of the credential in having the honor to win " chicken of gallinaceous New Year picture " exhibition, have the honor to win a gold prize. Chinese book pictorial is collected.
2017, work is selected " caricature of Jia Xingguo border of · of the 8th China double year exhibit " , be collected by house of Jia Xingmei art.
2016 " country of beauty of dream of China of Chinese spirit · goes, sketchy work is exhibited " , exhibition of Chinese article couplet. Exhibition of Chinese article couplet.
2016, "Child Kai cup " eleventh Chinese caricature is exhibited greatly, have the honor to win outstanding work, work short for Zhejiang Province
City of Jiang Shengtong country child art gallery of Kai imperial art academy is collected.
China of couplet of 2015 China article is beautiful assist " beautiful country of dream of China of Chinese spirit · goes " sketchy work is exhibited, exhibition of Chinese article couplet.
2014, "Child Kai cup " caricature of the 10th whole nation is exhibited greatly, have the honor to win outstanding work, work Zhejiang is saved child Kai imperial art academy is collected.
2012, china is drawn " factory dormitory " " small courtyard " " 8 large part " etc, de Taishu draws courtyard book art exhibition.

