马克宣客籍 广东潮阳,生于上海。1959年毕业分配到上海美术电影制片厂,历任动画员、动画设计、美术设计、导演,后曾任吉林艺术学院动画学院教授、副院长,去世前为北京大学软件与微电子学院动画设计系教授。
2015年4月6日,马克宣,因病于上海中国人民解放军四5 5 病院 逝世,享年76岁。
上世纪5 六十年代,他担任过动画长片《大闹天宫》和水墨动画片《小蝌蚪找妈妈》《牧笛》的动画制造 ,还担任过动画片《三个和尚》《哪吒闹海》等的首席动画设计、美术设计。上世纪八九十年代,独立执导或联合导演过动画片《十二只蚊子和5 个人》《新装的门铃》《超级肥皂》和水墨动画片《山水情》等,在国内外多次获得重要奖项。
3次要 作品
《十二只蚊子和5 个人》1992年片长:6分钟
1962年获第1 届电影百花奖最好 美术片奖
1978年获南斯拉夫第三届萨格勒布国际动画电影节分组1 等奖
1981年获巴黎蓬皮杜文明 中心第四届国际儿童和青年节二等奖
1980年获第三届电影百花奖最好 美术片奖
1988年获法国第七届布尔波拉斯文明 俱乐部青年国际动画电影节评委奖、宽银幕长动画片奖
1981年第1 届金鸡奖最好 美术片奖
1982年葡萄牙第六届埃斯皮尼奥国际动画电影节最好 影片奖
得奖:1982年意大利第12届吉福尼国际儿童电影节最好 荣誉奖、意大利共和国总统银质奖章
1987年获中国电影金鸡奖最好 美术片奖
1989年获首届全国影视动画节目展播1 等奖
1988年获中国第1 届上海国际动画电影节大奖
1989年获第九届中国电影金鸡奖最好 美术片奖
第1 届全国影视动画节目展播大奖
苏联第1 届莫斯科国际青少年电影节勇与美奖
1990年获加拿大第十四届蒙特利尔国际电影节最好 短片奖
片名:十二只蚊子和5 个人
Tide of Guangdong of mark announce ancestral home is in relief, be born at Shanghai. Graduation allocation went to Shanghai 1959 art film studio, design of the member that have successively held the posts of animation, animation, artistic design, director, professor of college of animation of Jilin art institute, assistant dean ever held the post of after, beijing University software and design of microelectronics courtyard animation are before dying is a professor.
On April 6, 2015, mark announce, due to illness at Shanghai the Chinese People's Liberation Army 455 hospitals die, die at the age of is 76 years old.
Go up century 559 time, he has held the position of animation full-length film " be troubled by heavenly palace greatly " with cartoon of water Chinese ink " small tadpole seeks mother " " Mu Di " animation is made, still had held the position of cartoon " 3 bonze " " which Zha is troubled by the sea " the presiding animation design that wait, artistic design. Go up century 889 time, independent hold guide or had directed cartoon jointly " 12 mosquito and 5 people " " the doorbell of new clothes " " super soap " with cartoon of water Chinese ink " landscape affection " etc, in win important award domestic and internationally for many times.
3 main work
Touch painter
" be troubled by heavenly palace greatly " 1961 piece long: 106 minutes
" small tadpole seeks mother " 1961 piece long: 20 minutes
" Mu Di " 1963 piece long: 20 minutes
Animation design
" 3 bonze " 1981 piece long: 20 minutes
" which Zha is troubled by the sea " 1979 piece long: 65 minutes
" strange Tan of a book from heaven " 1983 piece long: 89 minutes
Director / jointly hold guide
" landscape affection " 1988 piece long: 19 minutes
" super soap " 1986 piece long: 6 minutes
" 12 mosquito and 5 people " 1992 piece long: 6 minutes
Other work
1976 " golden wild goose "
Mark announce
Mark announce
1980 " my friend small cowfish "
1985 " general cleaning "
1986 " the doorbell of new clothes "
1987 " leveret luxuriant and beautiful "
Work of 4 bear the palm
Title: Small tadpole seeks mother
Director: Special Wei
Win a prize:
Obtained Switzerland 1961 short of film festival of international of Nuo of Jia of the 14th the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces
Won the first film 1962 100 beautiful award are optimal cartoons award
France is held high the 4th times on the west children of international animation film festival piece award
Obtained France 1964 the seventeenth knocks gently award of honor of accept international film festival
Obtained Yugoslavia 1978 case of the 3rd Sa straps film festival of cloth international animation in group first prize
Obtained Pi Duwen of Parisian bitter fleabane to change a center 1981 children of the 4th international and youth day are second-class award
Title: Which Zha is troubled by the sea
Win a prize:
Won the 3rd film 1980 100 beautiful award are optimal cartoons award
Award of excellent 1979 movie, youth is outstanding create award (Yan Dingxian, Jin Fuzai)
Obtained 1983 Philippine film festival of international of the 2nd Manila is special award
Obtained France 1988 the 7th Boer Paula is gentle spend award of commissioner of film festival of animation of club youth international, wide-screen long cartoon award
Title: 3 bonze
Win a prize:
Award of the first golden pheasant is optimal 1981 cartoons award
1982 Xi Bailin thirtieth 2 silver of short of international film festival rebukes on the west award
Portuguese 1982 the 6th Aisipiniao international animation film festival is optimal film award
Philippine 1983 film festival of international of the 2nd Manila is special award
Ecuadorian 1984 the 7th base award of honor of film festival of multilateral time children
Title: My friend small cowfish
Win a prize: Film festival of children of the 12nd Ji Funi international of Italian is optimal and honorary 1982 silver medal of president of republic of award, Italy
Title: Super soap
Director: Announce of A Da, mark
Win a prize:
Won award of Chinese film golden pheasant 1987 optimal cartoons award
Film festival of animation of international of the 2nd Hiroshima of Japanese teachs a second-class award
Obtained program of animation of movie and TV of first whole nation to exhibit 1989 sow first prize
Title: Landscape affection
Director: Special announce of Wei, Yan Shanchun, mark
Win a prize:
Obtained film festival of animation of international of the first Shanghai of Chinese 1988 large award
Won award of golden pheasant of film of the 9th China 1989 optimal cartoons award
Ministry of broadcast film TV is outstanding 1988 film award
Program of animation of movie and TV of the first whole nation is exhibited sow large award
Russia the first Muscovite international is teenage film festival brave and beautiful award
Bulgaria covers with tiles the 6th times film festival of animation of Er accept international is outstanding film award
Obtained film festival of international of the 14th Montreal of Canadian 1990 optimal short award
Title: 12 mosquito and 5 people
Director: Mark announce
Win a prize: Science and education of film festival of the 2nd Shanghai kind award