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王景峰,别名 王景枫。1943年出生于天津,本籍 河北乐亭。现为中国美术家协会会员。王景峰曾任《安徽日报》社美术编辑、美术摄影部副主任,《广州日报》社主任编辑。掌管 过《安徽日报》美术版、漫画版,《广州日报》国际漫画版,《足球》报、新华社广东分社“画说世界杯”、“NBA入樽王”漫画版。自20世纪50年代起创作时事漫画,曾在《人民日报》、《解放军报》、《人民画报》、《光明日报》、《中国青年报》、《中国记者》、《工人日报》、《北京日报》、《解放日报》、《文汇报》、《新民晚报》、《新华日报》、《南方日报》、《羊城晚报》、香港《文汇报》、《香港商银》、《澳门日报》和台湾《地方 日报》发表过作品。多次参加中国美术家协会主办的全国美术作品展览,参加过中国旧事 学会主办的“全国旧事 漫画展”、中国美术家协会和日本亚洲交流协会主办的“中国古代 漫画展”、比利时KNOKKE1 HEIST“国际漫画展”、意大利“奥林匹克国际漫画展”、法国巴黎春季文艺沙龙、韩国“汉城国际漫画展”、马来西亚地方 艺术学院“中国当代漫画大展”、泰国亚太经互会“漫画大展”。王景峰少年时代正逢全国学习“苏联老大哥”。特定的历史背景决定了最后 闯入其视线 的是俄罗斯批判理想 主义作品,从此喜欢上了列宾、苏里柯夫等艺术大师的作品。《不期而至》、《伊凡雷帝和伊凡》、《女贵族莫洛卓娃》等巨作,自小就在脑际铸下深深的印痕。时至今日,他仍对写实画作情有独钟。爱好 读书。物理学的“广义绝对 论”,海洋学的海底探索,天文学中的黑洞,他都广泛涉猎。《百年潮》、《文史精华》等杂志是每期必读。爱好 音乐。曾饿着肚子去听上海音乐学院、上海管乐团、上海民族乐团的音乐会。步行30里去听俞丽拿演奏的小提琴协奏曲《梁祝》。爱好 体育。篮球——从50年前的杨伯镛、钱澄海不断 盯到眼下NBA的姚明、王治郅;足球——少时看张宏根过人、孙福成倒勾,中年目睹巴西球星苏格拉底风采,直至2005年6月夜观克劳琛率中青队大战乌克兰;游泳——从10岁在广东学会游泳,20岁在安徽顶风冒雨游巢湖,直至2005年62岁在澳大利亚墨尔本伴碧浪畅游太平洋。擅长漫画。作品有《未婚妻的话》、《投宿无店》,论文有《报刊漫画浅议》等。 

Introduction to the artist

Renown king Jing Feng. Was born in Tianjin 1943, le Ting of ancestral home Heibei. It is Chinese artist academician now. Wang Jingfeng ever held the post of " Anhui daily " vice director of department of photography of company art editor, art, " Guangzhou daily " company chairman edits. Had chaired " Anhui daily " art edition, caricature edition, " Guangzhou daily " international caricature edition, " football " Guangdong of newspaper, Xinhua News Agency parts a company " the picture says a world cup " , " NBA enters goblet king " caricature edition. From 20 centuries 50 time have cartoon of creation current affairs, ever was in " People's Daily " , " the liberation army signs up for " , " people pictorial " , " bright daily " , " Chinese youth newspaper " , " Chinese reporter " , " the Workers'Daily " , " Beijing daily " , " emancipatory daily " , . Enter the exhibition of countrywide art work that Chinese artist association sponsors for many times, had attended Chinese news to learn to sponsor " countrywide news caricature is exhibited " , association of Chinese artist association and Japanese Asia communication sponsors " Chinese contemporary caricature is exhibited " , Belgian KNOKKE one HEIST " international caricature is exhibited " , Italy " Olympic international. Wang Jingfeng boyhood is meeting the whole nation learns " Russia elder brother " . What specific historical setting decided to enter its eye at first is Russia critically realistic work, liked to go up to arrange the work of the artistic Great Master such as guest, Sulikefu from now on. " come unexpectedly " , " Ivan Lei Di and Ivan " , " child of eminent of female noble Mo Luo " etc gigantic make, from small issue deep moulage in cerebral border casting. At this late hour, he still has a special liking to be being drawn realistically. Love to read. Of physics " broad sense is relativistic " , the sea floor of oceanography is explored, the black hole in astronomy, he is extensive dabble. " hundred years tide " , " literary history elite " waiting for a magazine is terminally is read surely. Like music. Ever the concert that hungry abdomen goes to listening to Shanghai music institute, Shanghai to run philharmonic society of nation of philharmonic society, Shanghai. On foot 30 lis go listening to Yu Li to take performed violin concerto " Liang Zhu " . Love sports. Basketball -- the Yao Ming that stares at at present NBA all the time from sea of the Yang Baiyong 50 years ago, Qian Cheng, Wang Zhi mosts; Football -- little when see Zhang Honggen outstanding, Sun Fucheng is ticked off, middleaged witness elegant demeanour of Brazilian star Socrates, big fight of group of the blueness in till night watched the treasure that overcome fatigue in June 2005,be being led Wukelan; Swim -- learn to swim in Guangdong from 10 years old, 20 years old risk pluvial You Chaohu in Anhui against the wind, till 62 years old are in Australian Melbourne 2005,billow of companion green jade has a good swim Pacific Ocean. Be good at caricature. Work has " the word of fiancee " , " seek temporary lodging does not have inn " , the paper has " the press caricature is shallow discuss " etc. ? ?

