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出道:从小喜欢画 大学未毕业就已出书

夏达,1981年4月4日出生于湖南怀化,4月出生,逢夏至未达,故名夏达,“这是我爷爷留给我的名字,达也取 达则兼济天下 之意。”

从小夏达就喜欢画画,学过写意、工笔,她特别 喜欢看漫画,但是直到初中的某1 天,她才突然意想到 漫画本来 是人画出来的,“那个时候太震惊了,简直像造物主1 样的存在,我就希望本身 能成为这样1 个人。”

正式跨进漫画领域大概从高中开始,夏达最早于《北京卡通》杂志发表短篇作品《成长》,第1 次投稿她就收到了编辑部老师的长篇手写回复,大受鼓舞。2003年她大学还未毕业,就已出版首部漫画作品《四月物语》。




夏达说:“我长这么大,从来没有洗过碗和衣服。”但是在北京最艰苦的那段时间里,不仅要1 切亲历亲为,还经常忍饥挨饿,“有1 次我生病了,没钱看病买药,早上起来焦急 画画,两眼1 黑就摔倒了,醒来已 是黄昏,不晓得 过了多少个小时。”

“7年,挨过饿,吃过苦,生病靠死扛,不出门是由于 躺着抗饿,瘦是由于 消化零碎 彻底紊乱,头发长是由于 没钱理发。每天拷打着本身 的精神和体魄,作画,作画。我祭上了本身 的命。”夏达曾在博客中写道。

2003年,出版漫画《四月物语》;此后5 年,夏达在家里专职创作漫画。
2007年,夏达应漫画家姚非拉的约请 到杭州发展。
2008年,夏达发表漫画《子不语》,并在日本漫画月刊《ULTRAJUMP》上进行连载  ;同年,夏达凭借漫画《子不语》获得第5 届金龙奖原创漫画动画艺术大赛最好 故事漫画少女组金奖;此外,还发表长篇漫画《游园惊梦》,该漫画分别由《游园惊梦》、《凤求凰》、《蒹葭》、《阿菁》、《茕兔》5 个独立的小故事组成。
2009年年底,长篇漫画《子不语》在中、日两国前后 推出单行本[12]  。
2010年4月27日,夏达出席第六届中国国际动漫节,并担任该动漫节的抽象 大使  ;5月,夏达在日本发行漫画单行本《子不语2》  ;此外,夏达还出版了漫画《哥斯拉不说话》  ,该漫画是夏达第1 次尝试彩绘,并凭借该漫画获得第六届动漫节“美猴奖”最好 中国漫画作品奖。
2011年,出席第七届中国国际动漫节;年底,出版首本个人画集《初夏》;此外,夏达还以累计10年总版税收入100万元位列第六届中国作家富豪榜漫画作家榜单第15名  ;同年,夏达还在动漫杂志《漫友》发表了长篇漫画《长歌行》,该杂志按原比例放送59页《长歌行》并专门推出了夏达专刊 ;年底,担任金龙奖公益基金爱心大使 。
2012年,以夏达漫画《长歌行》中的女配角 李长歌为原型的手办在杭州第八届中国国际动漫节正式首发;7月,新浪微漫画7月风云榜TOP10 名单公布,夏达的长篇漫画《子不语》排名第一名   ;年底第七届中国作家富豪榜漫画作家榜单公布,夏达以版税180万元位列该榜单的第十位 。
2014年4月,夏达出席了第十届中国国际动漫节 。
2015年4月,授权华策影视将个人创作的长篇漫画《长歌行》改编成同名电视剧  ;8月创作动作卡牌手游原画《神魔劫》;9月举办“关山万里起长歌——夏达《长歌行》漫画原稿展” ;10月凭借漫画作品《长歌行》获得第12届中国动漫金龙奖中国漫画大奖 。



2008年,夏达1 举夺得第5 届OACC金龙奖最好 故事漫画少女组金奖,她漫画创作也由此达到1 个新的高峰。2009年2月,她十年磨1 剑的长篇漫画《子不语》得到日本集英社总编辑长茂木行雄和著名漫画编辑松井荣元的大力推荐,正式登陆日本,与日本顶级漫画大师同刊连载于日本顶级漫画杂志《UltraJump》。

夏达的漫画在日本广受好评。然而,就在此时,1 件突发的事情首次让夏达跳出“漫画圈”进入“公众视野”,开始走红网络。网上流传她的1 组个人照,照片中的她,不施粉黛、清丽脱俗,仿佛 她笔下漫画中的美少女。有人甚至认为是她的清纯长相秒杀了日本宅男。“当时觉得像是晴天霹雳,感觉1 举抹杀了我十年的努力1 样。”夏达在接受采访时曾说,“我是1 个漫画家,又不是艺人,我不需求 大家认识我这张脸 ”

她是1 个工作狂,每次截稿前,夏天岛工作室里常常 会杀得人仰马翻,连续三天不吃不喝不睡逐步 成为1 种生存形态 。“如果能停笔1 天,我希望可以好好陪陪我的四只猫儿(有两只是她在路边捡回的流浪猫),和朋友聊天、逛街、打扮漂亮1 些外出旅行,烟花三月下扬州。”这是夏达比来 最大的希望 。

English is introduced

Debut: childhood love painting had not graduated from a university
Xia, was born in April 4, 1981 in Hunan Huaihua, born in April, when the summer solstice was not named, Xia, "this is my grandfather left my name, also take up and the world economy."
From Xia love learned painting, freehand, meticulous, especially her love to watch cartoons, but one day until junior high school, she was suddenly aware of the original comic is drawn, "at that time was too shocked, there was like the same Creator I, want to become such a person."
Formally entered the comics field from about the beginning of high school, Xia at the earliest "Beijing cartoon" magazine published short stories "growth", the first time she received a journal editorial department of teacher's written reply, encouraged by. In 2003 she had not graduated university, he has published the first comic book "April story".
Experience: get hungry, eat bitter, sick by death
The early start, Xia lived in Beijing, in order not to let the family worry, she lied to family, money is very high, in fact, what almost no income, paying the rent on There is not much left., in addition to painting, she hardly went out.
"I'm so big," he said. "I've never washed bowls and clothes." But during that time in Beijing, the most difficult, not only to everything personally, but also often go hungry, "once I was sick, no money to buy medicine to see a doctor, the morning rush to draw, a black eyes fell and woke up in the evening, do not know how many hours."
7 years, had been hungry, eat bitter, sick by dead carry, do not go out because lying hungry, thin because the digestive system is completely disordered, long hair is because no money haircut. Daily torture their own spirit and body, paint, paint. I sacrifice my life." Xia wrote in a blog.
In 2002, Xia Da by virtue of the comic "Winter Fairy Tale" won the Chinese comic book short story comic excellence award.
In 2003, published a comic "April story"; after five years, Xia comic creation at home full-time.
In 2007, Xia should be invited to the development of Hangzhou fly cartoonist.
In 2008, Xia comics published "" Zibuyu ", and serialized in the manga magazine" ULTRAJUMP "; the same year, the summer of fifth Golden Dragon Award original cartoon animation art contest for best story comic girl group gold medal with" comic "Zibuyu"; in addition, also published a lengthy comic "Peony Pavilion". The comic consists of "Peony Pavilion", "courtship", "the", "O", "Jing Qiongtu" five independent short stories.
At the end of 2009, "comic" Zibuyu "in China and Japan has launched [12] version.
In April 27, 2010, Xia Chinese attended the sixth session of the International Animation Festival, and served as the animation festival ambassador; May, Xia Da released in Japan cartoon "Zibuyu 2"; in addition, Xia also published comic "Godzilla does not speak", the comic is Xia first try painting, and with the best China comics award of the cartoon animation festival sixth "monkey award".
In 2011, Chinese attended the seventh session of the International Animation Festival; the end of the year, the publication of the first personal album "summer"; in addition, Xia also with a total of 10 total annual income of 1 million yuan in the sixth royalty China writer rich list comic writer list fifteenth; the same year, Xia also animation magazine published a full-length comic "man" friends "long line", the Journal of the proportion of the original broadcast page 59 "long line" and launched a special edition at the end of the year, Xia; as the Golden Dragon Award for public fund ambassadors.
In 2012, in the summer of the comic "long line" in the heroine Li Changge as the prototype hand at the eighth session of the Hangzhou China International Animation Festival officially starting July, July; Sina micro cartoon billboard TOP10 announced the list of Xia's "comic" Zibuyu "ranked first; at the end of the seventh Chinese comic writer rich list the writer list published, Xia to royalties 1 million 800 thousand yuan ranked in the list of tenth.
In 2013, China writer richest sub list comic writer rich list published a list of up to 2 million 300 thousand yuan, the summer royalty ranked eighth.
In April 2014, Xia attended the Tenth China International Animation festival.
In April 2015, authorized Huace will personal creation of comic "long line" adapted into a TV series of the same name; in August the creation of action cards Mobile Games original "ghost robbery"; September held in long - million Guan Shan Xia "long line" original cartoons show "; in October with the comic" long line "was the twelfth China animation Dragon Award China manga award.
In December 11, 2016, micro-blog said: Xia long, to end with Yao feila (summer island CEO) 10 years of cooperation
Pioneering work
Initiative: works on top Japanese comic magazine
2008, Xia Jin won the fifth OACC Golden Dragon Award for the best story comic girl group gold medal, she also created a new comic peak. In February 2009, her sword ten years long cartoon "Zibuyu" has been strongly recommended the editor in chief of the Japanese Shueisha long Motegi xingxiong and famous cartoon editor Matsui Eimoto, the official landing in Japan, and Japan's top comic master with the issue published in top Japanese comic magazine "UltraJump".
Xia Da's cartoon is widely acclaimed in japan. However, at this time, a sudden thing for the first time to jump out of the summer comic comic circle into the public view, began popular network. The spread of the Internet among a group of personal photos, photos of her, not make-up, elegant and refined, like a beautiful girl under her pen in the book. Some people even think that it is

