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2022-04-28 13:10:06




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韩尚义(1917年11月~1998),中国电影美术师,擅长电影美术、漫画。浙江上虞人。自幼酷爱美术,十三岁来上海当学徒,做小学教员,兼作工商广告美术设计。1937年八1 三日军进犯淞沪,在上海保卫战中,弃职赴闸北、浏河前线意愿 参加救护伤员,并以漫画鼓动民众抗战。随后到武汉。考入郭沫若掌管 的国民政府军事委员会政治部第三厅所属的美术科,投入绘制黄鹤楼大型抗日壁画和 各种情势 的抗日漫画和宣扬 画。
40年代初进入电影界,长时间 从事电影美术,为《1 江春水向东流》、《聂耳》、《从奴隶到将军》、《南昌起义》、《梅兰芳舞台艺术》、《周信芳舞台艺术》等几十部影片,担任美术设计、总美术师或艺术顾问。其中影片《半夜 》获第二届全国电影“金鸡奖”最好 美术奖。同时担任了《日出》、《茶花女》、《蝴蝶夫人》、《国家至上》、《重庆屋檐下》、《大明英烈传》、《万水千山》、《共产主义凯歌》等舞台剧的美术设计。多年来,前后 为《林则徐》、《聂耳》、《枯木逢春》、《南昌起义》、《半夜 》等20多部影片进行美术设计,其中《半夜 》由于表现出时代特点,内外景衔接自然,获得第二届金鸡奖最好 美术设计奖。撰述出版有专著《论电影与戏剧的美术设计》、《电影美术漫笔》、《电影美术散论》、《电影艺术美漫谈》等。兼长木刻版画、水彩画和散文,40年代出版有《木艺十讲》专著,90年代出版有散文集《带咸味的糖》。为中国美术家协会会员、中国戏剧家协会会员。曾任上海电影制片厂副厂长兼总美术师、中国电影家协会名誉理事、上海电影家协会理事、中国电影美术学会顾问、中国舞台美术协会顾问、上海市美术家协会理事、上海水彩画研讨 会理事长及名誉会长、上海市文联委员等。

Introduction to the artist

Han Shangyi (in November 1917 ~ 1998) , division of Chinese film art, be good at film art, caricature. The Yu Ren on Zhejiang. From a child loves art, 13 years old come to Shanghai when apprentice, become elementary school teacher, hold artistic design of industrial and commercial advertisement concurrently. 1937 Shanghai of Song of intrude into of 813 Japanese armies, battle is guarded in Shanghai in, abandon duty to go to front of river of brake north, clear volunteer join wounded person of relieve a sick or injured person, and with war of resistance against aggression of caricature agitate people. Go to Wuhan subsequently. The art division that place of the 3rd hall belongs to the ministry of politics of council of national government military affairs that if chair,takes an examination of Guo Mei, building of devoted scale yellow crane is large the mural that fight day and the multiform caricature that fight day and poster.
Filmdom is entered at the beginning of 40 time, be engaged in film art for a long time, for " one Jiangchun water flows eastwards " , " Nie Er " , " arrive from slave general " , " Nanchang uprises " , " Mei Lanfang arena is artistic " , " Zhou Xinfang arena is artistic " wait for a few film, hold the position of division of artistic design, total art or artistic adviser. Among them film " midnight " win film of the 2nd whole nation " golden pheasant award " optimal art award. Held the position of at the same time " sunrise " , " camellia daughter " , " butterfly madam " , " the country is consummate " , " below Chongqing eave " , " big bright heroic is passed " , " the trials of a long journey " , " communistic paean " the artistic design that waits for the living theatre. Come for years, it is early or late " forest criterion Xu " , " Nie Er " , " get a new lease of life " , " Nanchang uprises " , " midnight " wait for many 20 film to undertake artistic design, among them " midnight " because show times characteristic, jing Xian of inside and outside receives nature, win award of the 2nd golden pheasant award of optimal artistic design. Write narrate publish have monograph " by the film and Thespian artistic design " , " film art informal essay " , " film art comes loose theory " , " cinematics beautiful informal discussion " etc. Hold long woodcarving woodcut, aquarelle and essay concurrently, 40 time are published have " Mu Yi 10 tell " monograph, 90 time are published have prosaic market " the belt is salty candy " . For Chinese artist academician, Chinese dramatist academician. Assistant factory director of film studio of Ceng Ren Shanghai holds art of film of director of association of home of film of director of reputation of association of home of film of total art division, China, Shanghai, China concurrently to learn society of art of arena of advisory, China chairman of director of seminar of aquarelle of director of association of artist of adviser, Shanghai, Shanghai and reputation.

