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鲁少飞(1903-1995),江苏上海县人,著名漫画家。其父为民间画工。他先随父习,后在上海进修。曾参加北伐军,担任宣扬 工作,是当时的多产画家。30年代任《时代漫画》主编,他等量齐观 ,团结、培养了1 大批漫画者。中国漫画在30年代空前发展,可说大本营就是《时代漫画》,因此 鲁少飞被人们亲切地称为“伯乐”。
鲁少飞是一名 颇有影响的漫画家,又是卓有成就的编辑大家,虽屡屡出没于漫坛新潮的前沿,但向来安于沉默、不求闻达。所以,人们对于他的事迹知之甚少,仅限于圈内人士所熟悉的“鲁翁拓荒之功”,同样他在漫画界的组织行动也得到大伙推戴 。
1932年“1 ·二八”事变,日寇炮火使上海堕入 空前危机。正是在这样1 个特定历史背景下,张光宇、邵洵美、曹涵美、张正宇叶浅予联手在福州路新月书店挂出时代图书公司的招牌,创办多种文艺刊物,其中由出版人张光宇拜托 鲁少飞全权掌管 《时代漫画》编务,鲁氏之所以能出任这1 颇有声望的职位,完全是由于 张光宇出于对他在漫坛地位及成就而考虑的。而鲁氏却在1934年元月问世的创刊号上既没有发刊辞,亦没有主编宣言,仅在末页右下角有1 段“编者补白”,1 如他平生低调姿势 ,朴素直白,照抄如下:“编这书经过,自然很多话想说,但不占地位,因就省去。只希望读者不谅解 ,作者努力追查 ,编者极不腻烦 ,发行者尽力推销。目下四围环境紧张时代,个人如此,国家世界亦如此。永久 如此吗?我就不晓得 。但感觉不停,因而 什么都想解决,越不能解决越会想应有解决。所以,需求 努力!就是我们的态度。责任也只要 如此。这1 期封面的图案,当前 用作我们的标识,表明‘威武不屈’的意思。‘事事要不浪费’,是1 句很时髦的话。我吃的是流行饭,当然榨出1 点流行的脑汁,就此搁笔。”
寥寥数语,1 种办刊的强烈责任心呼之欲出 ,但更大的责任感则是抒发身为主编的爱国政治与流行艺术的双重激进编辑观。据说创刊号累计印数达1万册,在当时极为可观,无疑是中国漫画自二十世纪初衰亡 以来,蒙受 “九·1 八”和“1 ·二八”日寇侵略重创后的新兴转机。
当年鲁氏1 再声称 该刊是“中国独一 首创讽刺和幽默画刊”,他深知幽默或讽刺文学和 漫画艺术都是疗治忧郁这类 时代病的圣药。如今审视他留下的片言只字,其中见解很值得留意 :“漫画对普通 劳动者的生趣上有很多的贡献,由于 工作疲劳后失去了1 种安慰 ,是会感到苦闷的,要弥补这个缺陷,那要算许多引人发笑的漫画了。我总以为我国漫画家的肩上担子不只如此的,1 面固然也是抚慰大众,1 面要唤醒大众表同情于大众;更有时要替大众诉出了冤枉 ,促成社会多做改造的事业以利大众。使得漫画不徒是使人看了发生快感,并且显出很大的力量。”
鲁氏的编辑观极富有古代 认识 ,他的取稿标准是“1 切注重 时代上的纪录”。因而 ,他呼吁漫画家同仁,以本身 的创作力量,从读者的欣赏兴味 出发,各凭本身 的良心去赞誉 、讽刺,或诅咒理想 社会的不良景象 ,并视为本身 掌管 该刊对于社会应有的奉献。
当年,中国文学艺术的步伐在很大程度上与世界同步,漫画也算如此。鲁氏对域外漫画的动态和理论,均十分关注,根据 本人的审美观念及艺术倾向,刊登了不少欧美及日本的进步漫画作品和论文,特别 像乔治·格罗斯、沙巴乔的作品。因此 这是1 本与世界漫画潮流毫不相关 的刊物。
《漫画时代》历时三年间共出版的39期杂志,这是1 本扎根于人性的刊物,偏重于刊登具有批判性的纪实作品。鲁氏向读者描绘的《漫画时代》,重精神、重道德、重人情,还重艺术技巧与情势 ,确如他暮年 重新翻阅范用先生藏本时的感喟“反映与记录了三十年代的时事与社会的百像图,斯可传于后世珍爱 之。”
《时代漫画》1936年2月(第26期)后曾经停刊了几个月,至6月(第27期)才复刊。缘由 是鲁氏画了1 幅《晏子乎》讽刺对日本的屈膝外交,刊于第26期封面,被国民党上海市社会局以“危害民国”罪关押,刊物也被勒令停刊。
文人的生存环境向来坎坷,艺术家办刊难上加难,当年短命地办刊经历不胜枚举。鲁氏始终把该刊当作本身 孩子似的精心呵护,可谓苦心经营。而这孩子虽“不及英国的Puck有1 百岁的高寿,或美国的Judge有5 十余岁的贵庚,不过在这个倒行逆施的时代和‘漏屋偏遭连夜雨,破船更过打头风’的国家里,他还能和真谛 ,良知,机智,乐趣,批评和嘲笑的儿女们结伴,既不左顾也未右盼地在远东独步,在光明的人生旅途上前进,不管他在爬,在滚,在走,在跑。”他翘企以望本身 这个小孩能“快快活活地长成而巩固民族生存的始基”。
当这“小家伙”两周岁时,鲁氏身为“家长”激动地说:“全靠漫画艺术家和幽默作家不时束紧裤带帮忙。”由于 有1 段时间,稿费发不出,此刊的老板又舍不得放弃,便指天画地发誓:“将来若有翻身之日,决不无私 《时漫》的救命恩人。”几位股东绞尽脑汁,用尽力气,苦度难关。
鲁氏贯穿终身 的风格 ,在他掌管 此刊风头最劲时却显现 无遗,他本人所具备既内敛刚毅、求真务虚 的鲜明气质极大影响了日常的编辑活动,在版面上力推名家名作又出力扶持初出茅庐的无名作者,构成 1 种名家新人平起平坐的格局,特别是他具有开阔的办刊视野,专版采纳外埠作者来稿,不管 作者和读者当读到“寄自某地”的作品时,1 种亲近感都会油然而生。因此 ,在他的短命 生命史中备受同行们尊重 ,与此极有关系。

Introduction to the artist

Lu Shaofei (1903-1995) , person of Jiangsu Shanghai county, famous caricaturist. Its father draws labour for folk. He follows father review first, sea take a refresher course is attending after. Ceng Can adds the Northern Expeditionary Army, hold the position of propagandist work, the productive painter that is at that time. 30 time hold the post of " times caricature " chief editor, his treat equally without discrimination, the solidarity, person that fostered large quantities of one caricature. Chinese caricature is in 30 time are all-time development, can say base camp is " times caricature " , consequently Lu Shaofei is called by people affectionately " Bai Le " .
Lu Shaofei is a quite influential caricaturist, it is eminent editor everybody, although time and again haunt overflows the forward position with trendy altar, but all along is content with silent, do not beg Wen Da. So, what people knows to his achievement is very little, be confined to what person place is familiar with coterie " the result of Lu Weng cultivate virgin soil " , same he also gets groups of big support in the constituent action of caricature bound.
1932 " one · 28 " emergency, day bandit gunfire makes Shanghai is immersed in unprecedented crisis. Fall in setting of such a specific history just about, the fascia that beauty of Zhang Guangyu, Shao Xun, Cao contain beauty, Zhang Zhengyu and Xie Jian grant to be in company of books of times of hang out of bookshop of Fuzhou road crescent together, establish a variety of literary publications, entrust Lu Shaofei full-fledged member to chair by publisher Zhang Guangyu among them " times caricature " make up Wu, rash family name can take up the post of this one quite reputable position, because Zhang Guangyu stems from what achievement is reached in the position that flood world to him and consider,be completely. And rash family name did not send print demit already on the first issue that January came out 1934 however, also do not have chief editor enunciative, be in only end page is right next horn have a paragraph " complier Balaam " , be like his all one's life low-key attitude, simple straight white, copy word for word is as follows: "Make up this The Book of History to pass, nature is very much the word wants to say, but do not take a place, because of with respect to leave out. Hope the reader is not excused only, the author tries hard to find out, complier pole not tire of is irritated, issuer endeavors to promote. Times of insecurity of environment of at present all around, the individual is such, national world also is like this. Forever such? I do not know. But the feeling is ceaseless, because this whats want to solve, more insoluble can think more due solve. So, need tries hard! It is our manner. Responsibility also is like this only. The design of cover of this first phase, use as later our label, make clear ' martial and castiron ' meaning. ' otherwise of at every turn is wasteful ' , it is a very modern saying. What I eat is popular meal, of course the brains with popular crush out, stop writing at this point. Stop writing at this point..
Language of very few number, on paper of a kind of appear vividly of strong responsibility heart that does print, but the view of double and radical editor that bigger sense of responsibility is the patriotic politics that express puberty is chief editor and pop. Allegedly impression of first issue accumulative total amounts to 10 thousand, at that time very considerable, it is Chinese caricature undoubtedly from 20 centuries first arisen since, suffer " 9 · 18 " and " one · 28 " the burgeoning a favourable turn after day bandit aggression inflicts heavy losses on.
In those days rash family name alleges again and again this print is " satirize of Chinese exclusive initiate and humorous pictorial section of a newspaper " , he knows very well humour or satire and caricature art are cure treats melancholy the holy medicine of disease of this kind of times. Examine the fragments of words that he leaves nowadays, among them opinion is very notable: "Caricature has a lot of contribution on the joy of life to average worker, because a kind of solace was lost after working exhaustion, can feel dejected, want to remedy this flaw, that should calculate a lot of amusing caricature. I always think a carring pole on the shoulder of our country caricaturist not merely such, also be placatory masses admittedly at the same time, should wake up masses watch to sympathize with at the same time at the masses; Should appeal to for the masses sometimes more gave grievance, facilitating society makes transformed career more with benefit people. Make caricature is not to make the person looked to produce pleasure in vain, and show very great strength. And show very great strength..
The editor of rash family name watchs extremely rich and contemporary consciousness, his extraction stalks of grain the standard is " all records that take a times seriously to go up " . Accordingly, he appeals caricaturist colleague, produce power with his, from the reader's appreciation interest sets out, each praise by each conscience, acid, or the undesirable phenomenon that curses actual society, regard oneself as to chair the dedication with this due to the society print.
In those days, the pace of Chinese literature art greatly as synchronous as the world, caricature also calculates such. Rash family name is mixed to the trends of the caricature outside region academic, all pay close attention to very, according to oneself aesthetic idea and artistic inclination, published many Euramerican the ascensive cartoon work that reachs Japan and paper, study the work of · case Ross, Shabaqiao like tall especially. Consequently this is a journal with be closely bound up of world caricature tide.
" caricature times " last a period of time 3 years publish in all 39 period magazine, this is a take root the journal at human nature, lay particular stress on has the on-the-spot record work of critically sex at publishing. Rash family name depicts to the reader " caricature times " , weigh affection of spirit, heavy morality, everybody, still weigh artistic skill and form, browse afresh like his old age truly Fan Yongxian gives birth to Tibet this feeling when sighs " of report and the current affairs that recorded 30 time and society 100 like the graph, si Kechuan cherishs at later ages. Si Kechuan cherishs at later ages..
" times caricature " in Feburary 1936 (the 26th period) hind once stop publication a few months, to in June (the 27th period) ability resume publication. The reason is rash family name drew " Yan Zi " be opposite spicily diplomacy of bend one's knees, print at the 26th period cover, by bureau of Kuomintang Shanghai society with " harm the Republic of China " the blame locks up, the journal also is compelled stop publication.
Of bookman live environmental all along is rough, the artist does print extremely difficult, do print short-livedly to experience too numerous to mention one by one in those days. Rash family name regards this print as from beginning to end oneself are childlike caress meticulously, it may be said works hard. And this child although " not as good as British Puck has long life of 100 years old, or American Judge has Gui Geng of more than 50 years old, mix in the times of this retroact nevertheless ' leakage house slants meet with rain of the same night, broken boat more cross nob wind ' in the country, he still can be mixed the truth, conscience, quick-witted, fun, criticism and derisive children people accompany, both neither Zun Gu is not right also long for the ground to be in far east alone pace, ongoing on bright life journey, no matter he is climbing, boiling, going, running. " he raises his head and stand on tiptoe-eagerly look forward to in order to look at oneself this child can " blossom livelily and consolidate the people lives only then base " .
When this " bub " when two one full year of life, rash family name as " the parent " say excitedly: "Rely on caricature artist and humorous writer completely often constrictive belt helps. " because have period of time, author's remuneration hair does not go out, the boss of this print is hated to part with again abandon, show day picture ground pledges: " the day that if have,will turn over, anything but oblivious of oneself " when free " savior. " rack one's brains of a few partner, spent effort, suffering spends difficulty.
Rash family name is perforative the style of lifetime, this publication is directed in him show however when limelight is the strongest without involuntary discharge of urine, he himself is had already inside collect the resolute, bright temperament that seeks true deal with concrete matters relating to work is great affected daily editor activity, on layout master of thrust a person of academic or artistic distinction exerts oneself again give aid to wet behind the ears anonymous writer, form the structure of be on an equal footing of new personality of a kind of a person of academic or artistic distinction, especially he has open view doing print, only edition accept contribution of other cities author, no matter author and reader should be read " send from somewhere " when work, a kind of close feeling can arise spontaneously. Consequently, in his long life the equipment in life history suffers person of the same trades to respect, extremely as relative as this.

