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马丁 - 马丁·科特林:艺术家可以《培养》

2022-03-11 17:17:25 3750




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马丁,别名汪子超,湖北武汉人,擅长漫画,自学漫画。历任重庆日报、重庆晚报美术编辑,重庆日报《穿山甲》漫画专刊和《美术专刊》主编。作品多次入选全国美展并获奖。组画《刘备改令》获1987年中州杯全国漫画大赛1 等奖,1995年水墨画《虎娃》获中国人口文明 博览婚育漫画艺术展特别荣誉奖。出版有讽刺诗画集、儿童漫画读物等。
国内漫画界公认,马丁的漫画作品,常常 从生活大事 中来,平凡中出别致 ,荒诞中见真谛 。
20世纪70年代,进入重庆日报工作的马丁,针对社会不良风气,创作了《不捞白不捞》、《“自动化”餐厅》、《“戒烟”火柴》、《“湿路花雨”》等漫画,引发 了强烈社会反响,名震画坛。
从事漫画事业50余年中,马丁在《重庆晚报》开设漫画专刊《穿山甲》并担任主编,在全国漫画界产生了较大影响,也让马丁的艺术人生达到顶峰。其中,《无题》入选法国第九届圣加勒马特国际旧事 漫画艺术节,《迎春》被选为国家礼品送往德国。
献礼建党90周年4个月画1 幅画
2010年底,1 向睡眠很好的马丁忽然夜夜睡不着觉。其实马丁在构思献礼建党90周年作品。“老马当时对他妻子说,他从抗战时期逃难讨口来到重庆,从1 个不起眼的童工到实现理想成为漫画家,都是由于 有中国共产党。”
后来,马丁想到了用孩子们唱山歌的情势 来构思画面,表达对党的生日的祝愿 。从2011年初开始动笔,不断 画到4月份才完成。那段时间,马丁甚至要依托 安眠药才能入睡,直到这幅《唱支山歌给党听》完成,才睡得很香。
“尽管我已垂垂老矣,但我对党的那份情谊,仍如画面中的孩子们1 样,永久 怀着1 颗热忱的心。”马丁当时说,他想活到100岁,到那时再用手中的画笔,为建党100周年献礼。
马丁的去世让重庆文艺界震惊。2012年12月13日,马丁生前好友、重报集团高级编辑朱晴方对重庆晚报记者说,马丁虽然年过八旬,但从未放弃对艺术的寻求 。在家里,马丁几乎每天都要作画,对于许多朋友要画的要求,他都是有求必应。“有1 次他答应给朋友写副对联。为寻求 艺术性,他写到了凌晨两点半。他不断 有个欲望 ,希望在90大寿的时候,在三峡博物馆举办个人展览,还想把部分精品送给三峡博物馆。”朱晴方说。
程建生进1 步表示,目前马丁作品价格大约在1 幅小画(45×68cm)3000元摆布 。
马丁的传记和作品已收入《中国美术年鉴》、《中国古代 美术全集》、《中国当代漫画家辞典》和英国剑桥国际名人传记中心的《国际名人传记辞典》。曾在全国多个城市举办个人画展,央视曾经连续播放他的连环漫画《猪八戒拜师学本领》。
马丁这个笔名颇有来历。上世纪5 十年代,马丁画了1 幅时事漫画,由于 题材较为敏感,单位领导建议他用笔名发表。“当时正值大炼钢铁时期,我想起了发明炼钢炉的工程师马丁,因而 就给本身 取了这个笔名。”马丁曾回忆说。

Introduction to the artist

Alias Wang Zichao, hubei Wuhan person, be good at caricature, self-study caricature. Have successively held the posts of editor of art of evening paper of Chongqing daily, Chongqing, chongqing daily " pangolin " caricature monograph and " art monograph " chief editor. Work for many times beauty of selected whole nation is exhibited and bear the palm. Group picture " Liu Bei changes your " win first prize of contest of caricature of whole nation of cup of the city in 1987, 1995 wash " Hu Wa " obtain Chinese mouth culture to read extensively art of marriage Yo caricature exhibits particularly honorary award. Publish pasquinade draws reader of caricature of collect, children to wait.
On December 13, 2012 before dawn 0 when 39 minutes, famous caricaturist Martin dies because of miocardial infarction, die at the age of is 86 years old.
Late on December 14, 2012 8 when, equestrian Ding Zhuisai can be in change hall of peace and happiness of warden bank road is held.
Domestic caricature bound is accepted, cartoon work of Martin, often come from inside living petty thing, ordinary in give novelty, the truth sees in fantastic.
20 centuries 70 time, enter the Martin that Chongqing daily works, be aimed at a society undesirable ethos, created " do not scoop up do not scoop up in vain " , " " automation " dining-room " , " " smoke of Buddhist monastic discipline " match " , " " wet Lu Huayu " " wait for caricature, caused intense society echo, renown shake draws altar.
Pursue caricature career in 50 one's remaining years, martin is in " Chongqing evening paper " offer caricature special issue " pangolin " hold the position of chief editor, bigger effect produced in countrywide caricature bound, the artistic life that also lets Martin reachs peak. Among them, " no title " the 9th emperor adds selected France section of art of caricature of news of international of draw bit spy, " winter jasmine " be chosen to be national gift to send toward Germany.
90 years of 4 months pictures paint tribute Party building
By 2010, all along the Martin with very good Morpheus suddenly nocturnal night sleeps to be not worn become aware. Actually Martin is conceiving tribute found a party 90 years work. "The old horse says to his wife at that time, he denounces a mouth to come to Chongqing from flee from a calamity of period of war of resistance against aggression, from ordinary child labour becomes caricaturist to implementation ideal, because have a Chinese Communist,be. Because have a Chinese Communist,be..
Later, the form that Martin thought of to sing folk song with children will conceive a picture, convey the blessing of the birthday to the party. From 2011 start writing begins first, draw all the time just finished April. That paragraph of time, martin should rely on sleeping pill ability to fall asleep even, until this " sing a folk song to listen to the party " finish, just sleep very spicily.
"Although I already hanged down aging, but that my friendly feelings to the party, the children in still be like a picture are same, cherish a cordial heart forever. " Martin says at that time, he wants to live to be 100 years old, to the paintbrush with reoccupy medium in those days hand, it is found a party 100 years tribute.
Pass 8 a period of ten days to make a picture want to do in 90 years old everyday exhibit
The horse dies fourthly make Chongqing literary the bound is astonished. On December 13, 2012, the good friend before equestrian Ding Sheng, group that weigh a newspaper is senior edit Zhu Qing to just say to reporter of Chongqing evening paper, although Martin passes 8 a period of ten years in one's age, but the pursuit that never abandons pair of art. In the home, martin should make a picture everyday almost, want the requirement of the picture to a lot of friends, he is to grant whatever is requested. "Once he promises to write deputy couplet to the friend. To go after artistic quality, he wrote before dawn 2:30. He has a desire all the time, the hope is in 90 old age when, the individual is held to exhibit in 3 gorge museum, still want to send 3 gorge museum partial high-quality goods. " Zhu Qing just says.
Die fourthly for the horse likewise deep feeling unceasingly still have hundred years old name of our city boss Cheng Jiansheng of Chun Huige. Cheng Jiansheng expresses, in his impression, martin is in and be very amiable in his old artist with era, annual he can receive the Spring Festival the greeting card that Martin sends.
Cheng Jiansheng expresses further, at present price of equestrian fourth work is in about a little picture (45 × 68cm) 3000 yuan or so.
Martin, this name Wang Zichao, was born in Hubei to visit Wuhan town 1927, childhood funeral father, utterly destitute, elementary school missed 3 year only, should cross child labour to had issued coolie, the experiences the man that it is a horse artistic creation of these affliction laid solid life foundation.
Martin's biography and work already income " Chinese art almanac " , " complete works of Chinese modern art " , " dictionary of Chinese contemporary caricaturist " with center of biography of celebrity of British Cambridge international " dictionary of international celebrity biography " . Ever held individual art exhibition in many cities of countrywide, the serial caricature that CCTV once broadcasted him continuously " 8 give up do obeisance to the pig Shi Xueben is gotten " .
This pseudonym has Martin quite antecedents. Go up century the fifties, martin drew cartoon of a current affairs, because subject matter is relatively sensitive, unit leader suggests he is published with pseudonym. "Be worth period of big steel-making iron at that time, I remembered the engineer horse that invents steel-making furnace is fourth, took this pen name to oneself then. " Ding Ceng memory says the horse.

