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 个 展

2015年 《写生》黄骏中国画作品展,上品美术馆,中国,义乌

2014年 《通变与互释—黄骏中国画作品展》,关山月美术馆,中国,深圳

2011年 杭州跨年展《超浓墨》,三尚当代艺术馆,中国,杭州

2008年 《墨像澄怀》,中国美术学院,中国,杭州;浙江省美术家协会,中国,杭州

1997年 《都市外的风景》,汉斯基金会,德国,慕尼黑

1992年 《学院人体》,长江艺术机构,中国,台北 [3]


群 展


作品《马克思在伦敦德意志工人教育协会作报告》参加“真谛 的力量—纪念马克思诞辰200周年主题创作展”,中国国家博物馆,中共地方 宣扬 部、中共地方 党史和文献研讨 院、中国文学艺术界联合会主办。

作品《高山族》参加“中华家园美术创作项目”,中国文学艺术界联合会、国家民族事务委员会、国务院参事室、地方 文史研讨 馆、中国美术家协会共同主办。


香港回归20周年历史主题创作《香港人民庆祝新中国成立》(中国美术馆 北京 中国)


“时代领跑者”之5 ,合作(中国国家博物馆 北京 中国)

中国5 千年文明史“黄巾起义”,(中国国家博物馆 北京 中国)

“杭州受降”, 浙江省美术精品工程(浙江展览馆 杭州 中国)


“5 行六尘”杭州六尘艺术空间首展,杭州·六尘艺术空间

“走向主体—意象绘画探研展”(深圳 中国)

“云图——当代摄影与古代 水墨对话展”(浙江美术馆 杭州 中国)

“中韩水墨名家联展”(首尔 韩国)


第十二届全国美展(中国美术馆 北京 中国)

第十三届浙江省美展(浙江美术馆 杭州 中国)

《2013---2014杭州跨年展醒墨》---Open Books艺术家与他们的中国册页(澳洲堪培拉;香港中文大学)



《2012-2013杭州跨年展 醒墨 》——Open Books艺术家与他们的中国册页,三尚当代艺术馆,中国,杭州

2012年 第5 届北京国际双年展,中国,北京

2011年 第四届全国青年美展,中国,北京

2011-2012 杭州跨年展·醒墨·“超浓墨”,三尚当代艺术馆,中国,杭州

2010年 首届杭州中国画双年展,中国,杭州


国家严重 历史题材美术作品展,中国美术馆,中国,北京

浙江省严重 历史题材美术作品展,浙江美术馆,中国,杭州

第十1 届全国美展,中国,北京



独乐/众乐公共艺术创作与研讨 展,日本,东京

2006年 首届中国国际艺术博览会,中国,北京

韩国国际艺术约请 展,韩国,首尔

2005年 古代 绘画史提名展,中国,上海

2002年 学院水墨-- 浙江省当代中国画联展,中国,上海

2000年 “异形双人展”,中国,上海

1999年 第九届全国美展,中国,北京

1996年 全国中国人物画展,中国,北京

1995年 浙江省美协第1 回中国画推荐展,中国,杭州

1994年 第八届全国美展,中国 ,北京

1993年 首届全国中国画展览,中国,北京

1990年 法国古代 艺术交流展,法国,巴黎


获 奖

2014年 十二届全国美展,《沐浴》获创作提名奖(北京)

浙江省第十三届美展,《沐浴》获银奖 [4] 

2011年 第四届全国青年美展, 《我的矿工朋友》获优秀作品奖

2009年 第十1 届全国美展“中国美术创作奖”,《橡皮树》获“中国美术创作奖铜奖”

2009年 国家严重 历史题材美术作品展,《二七风暴》获国家优秀作品奖

2009年 浙江省严重 历史题材美术作品, 《定海保卫战》获省优秀作品奖 [3] 


English Introduction

 1982 High School Attached to China Academy of Fine Arts

1990 Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, Character Major, Department of Chinese Painting

2003 Doctor, Chinese Academy of Fine Arts

Solo Exhibition

Exhibition of Huang Jun's Chinese Paintings in Sketches in 2015, Museum of Fine Arts, Yiwu, China

Changing and Interpretation - Exhibition of Huang Jun's Chinese Paintings in 2014, Guanshan Moon Art Museum, Shenzhen, China

Super Dense Ink, Sanshang Museum of Contemporary Art, Hangzhou, China, 2011

Ink Image Chenghuai, 2008, China Academy of Fine Arts, Hangzhou, China; Zhejiang Artists Association, Hangzhou, China

1997 Landscape Outside the City, Hans Foundation, Munich, Germany

College Human Body, 1992, Yangtze River Art Institute, Taipei, China [3]

Group Exhibition


The work "Marx's Report to the Deutsche Workers'Education Association in London" participated in "The Power of Truth - Thematic Creation Exhibition in Commemoration of the 200th Anniversary of Marx's Birth", sponsored by the Ministry of Propaganda of the Central Committee of the CPC, the Institute of Party History and Documentation of the Central Committee of the CPC, and the Chinese Federation of Literature and Art

The work "Alpine Nationality" participates in the "Chinese Home Art Creation Project", co-sponsored by the Chinese Federation of Literature and Art Circles, the National Ethnic Affairs Commission, the Consultant Office of the State Council, the Central Museum of Literature and History, and the Chinese Artists Association.


The 20th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to China: The People of Hong Kong Celebrating the Founding of New China (China Art Museum, Beijing, China)


"Leader of the Times" Fifth, Cooperation (China National Museum, Beijing, China)

China's 5,000-year history of civilization, "Yellow Towel Uprising" (China National Museum, Beijing, China)

"Hangzhou Subjected to Surrender", Zhejiang Fine Arts Exhibition Project (Zhejiang Exhibition Museum, Hangzhou, China)


"Five Elements and Six Dusts" First Exhibition of LiuDust Art Space in Hangzhou, LiuDust Art Space in Hangzhou

"Towards Subject-Image Painting Exploration Exhibition" (Shenzhen China)

"Cloud Picture - Contemporary Photography and Modern Ink Dialogue Exhibition" (Zhejiang Art Museum, Hangzhou, China)

"Joint exhibition of famous Chinese and Korean ink painters" (Seoul, Korea)


Twelfth National Art Exhibition (China Art Museum, Beijing, China)

Thirteenth Zhejiang Art Exhibition (Zhejiang Art Museum, Hangzhou, China)

Open Books Artists and Their Chinese Pages (Canberra, Australia; Chinese University of Hong Kong)


Asian Artistic Attitudes 2013 @ Contemporary Ink and Wash Art Joint Exhibition and New Fuchun Mountain Residence Map Global Tour Hong Kong Station, China, Hong Kong

Open Books Artists and Their Chinese Pages, Sanshang Museum of Contemporary Art, Hangzhou, China

The Fifth Beijing International Biennale, 2012, Beijing, China

Fourth National Youth Art Exhibition, Beijing, China, 2011

2011-2012 Hangzhou New Year Exhibition, Xingmo, Super Dense Ink, Sanshang Museum of Contemporary Art, Hangzhou, China

2010 First Hangzhou Biennial of Chinese Painting, Hangzhou, China


National Exhibition of Major Historic Art Works, China Art Museum, Beijing, China

Art Exhibition of Major Historical Subjects in Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Art Museum, Hangzhou, China

11th National Art Exhibition, Beijing, China


China Art Elite Exhibition, Hangzhou, China

Dule/Zongle Public Art Creation and Research Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan

First China International Art Fair, Beijing, China, 2006

Korea International Art Invitation Exhibition, Seoul, Korea

Nominated Exhibition of Modern Painting History 2005, Shanghai, China

2002 College Ink and Wash Painting-Zhejiang Contemporary Chinese Painting Exhibition, Shanghai, China

2000 "Special-shaped Double Exhibition", Shanghai, China

Ninth National Art Exhibition, 1999, Beijing, China

1996 National Chinese Figure Painting Exhibition, Beijing, China

1995 First Recommended Exhibition of Chinese Painting by Zhejiang Artistic Association, Hangzhou, China

The Eighth National Art Exhibition, 1994, Beijing, China

First National Chinese Painting Exhibition, 1993, Beijing, China

1990 French Modern Art Exchange Exhibition, Paris, France


In 2014, the 12th National Art Exhibition, "Bath" won the Nominated Prize for Creation (Beijing)

The Thirteenth Art Exhibition of Zhejiang Province, "Bath" won the Silver Prize [4]

The Fourth National Youth Art Exhibition in 2011, "My Miner Friends" won the Award for Excellent Works

In the 11th National Art Exhibition of 2009, "Chinese Art Creation Award" and "Rubber Tree" won the "Chinese Art Creation Award Bronze Award"

In 2009, National Art Exhibition on Major Historical Subjects, "27 Storms" won the National Outstanding Works Award.

In 2009, Zhejiang Province's major historical works of art, "Dinghai Defense War" won the provincial award for outstanding works [3]

