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熊礼斌,湖北江陵人。现居北京,中国美术家协会会员,地方 美术学院东方 传统绘画高研班特聘导师。1988年毕业于集美大学美术学院,2011年-2013年前后 就读于清华大学美术学院当代油画高研班和地方 美术学院综合绘画言语 研修班。长时间 专注于水性材料和油彩绘画言语 的研讨 、创作和教学。多年来,作品在各大美展上入选或获奖,《美术》、《中国水彩》、《新华月刊》、《神州》、《中国民航》等各大媒体相继推介,并被中国美术馆和摩洛哥王国驻华大使馆等各大艺术机构和社会团体及个人永世 收藏。
11月、12月,中国美协《美术》杂志前后 选登推介水彩《小扎西的冬天》和油画《草原上的人们》;
4月,作品《冰山女人》参展“异彩——中国当代水彩艺术约请 展”(北京);
9月,油画《小涂》入选“第5 届北京国际美术双年展”,并被中国美术馆收藏(北京);
11月,六幅作品参展《流水欢歌——国际水彩名家约请 展》(南宁);

Introduction to the artist

Person of Hubei river hill. Reside Beijing now, chinese artist academician, brushwork of tradition of west of central academy of fine arts grinds high the class hires an adviser especially. Was graduated from Jimei university academy of fine arts 1988, 2011 - read academy of fine arts of Yu Qinghua university early or late 2013 contemporary canvas grinds high the class draws with the academy of fine arts central the language grinds integratedly long class. Long-term and dedicated the research at material of ability in swimming and greasepaint brushwork language, creation and education. Come for years, work in each great beauty is exhibited on selected or bear the palm, " art " , " Chinese watercolour " , " print of new Hua Yue " , " China " , " Chinese civil aviaton " wait for each big media is recommended in succession, be stationed in by Chinese art gallery and Moroccan kingdom China each big artistic orgnaization such as embassy and social organization and individual are permanent collect.
In August, watercolour " Yu Zhou sings evening " Beijing of the Western Jin Dynasty of sea of samite of selected China art gallery is exhibited greatly (Beijing) ;
In October, watercolour " the bull-puncher austral pleasant " selected China is beautiful assist the 2nd throughout the country is small watercolour is exhibited (Hefei) ;
In July, watercolour " Xiaotu of peasant worker worker " obtain Chinese Fujian beauty assist the 2nd watercolour exhibits outstanding award greatly top prize (Fuzhou) ;
In September, watercolour " wintry herd " selected China is beautiful assist art exhibition of pink of watercolour of the 10th whole nation wins outstanding award (Nanning) ;
In November, work " Moroccan ancient alley " join the Moroccan spirit in exhibiting Chinese artist to draw to combine art exhibition to be stationed in by Moroccan kingdom China embassy is collected (Beijing) ;
In December, watercolour " wintry herd " Cai Yaohui collects host be layinged by famous collector, Lanqingu;
In August, watercolour " tower auspicious overcomes a girl " aquarelle of international of person selected Shenzhen double year exhibit (Shenzhen) ;
In August, watercolour " Zhuo Ma's golden hill " , " Gan Na bull-puncher " enterprise be appearinged on the market by Singapore, long day is industrial collect;
In June, watercolour " turn " by the country day electron share is collected;
In September, canvas " the auspicious cloud on the prairie " have the honor to win dozenth an exhibition of countrywide art work is oily silver-colored award of art exhibition area nominates (Hangzhou) ;
In September, watercolour " small plunge into the winter on the west " selected dozenth the United States exhibits a whole nation to watercolour pink art exhibition is seen and obtain outstanding work to nominate (Wuhan) ;
In September, work " new home builder " selected dozenth the United States exhibits a whole nation comprehensive data brushwork is exhibited (Shijiazhuang) ;
In October, work " iceberg woman " selected China art gallery " to learn, for division, for art -- congratulatory capital Normal University is built school work of 60 years of art is exhibited " (Beijing) ;
In November, in December, china is beautiful assist " art " the magazine is chosen early or late ascend recommend watercolour " small plunge into the winter on the west " with canvas " the people on the prairie " ;
December, watercolour " small plunge into the winter on the west " have the honor to win dozenth a creation of award of art of China of exhibition of countrywide art work award bear the palm nominates (Beijing) , and by Chinese beauty assist choose " dozenth exhibition international make one's rounds exhibits a countrywide art work " , attend the United States, the national itinerate such as Italy and New Zealand is exhibited;
In December, canvas " the people on the prairie " have the honor to win dozenth an award of copper of award of creation of award of art of China of exhibition of countrywide art work (Beijing) , and by Chinese beauty assist choose enter countrywide itinerate exhibition;
In April, work " iceberg woman " ginseng exhibit " extraordinary splendour -- art of Chinese contemporary watercolour invites exhibit " (Beijing) ;
In July, join Chinese artist consortium " go in people -- paint from life of large collect folk songs of Zhejiang travel · is round " activity;
In September, canvas " Xiaotu " selected " art of international of the 5th Beijing double year exhibit " , be collected by Chinese art gallery (Beijing) ;
In November, 6 work ginseng is exhibited " running water joyous song -- international watercolour a person of academic or artistic distinction invites exhibit " (Nanning) ;
In Feburary, watercolour " small plunge into on the west " art gallery of person selected China " work of art of whole nation of big solidarity of the Chinese nation is exhibited " , be collected by Chinese art gallery (Beijing) ;
In April, canvas " the Gong Yun horizon " ginseng exhibit Chinese art gallery " beautiful Xiamen " Jin Jing of contemporary art work is exhibited (Beijing) ;
Bear the palm
In September 2014, canvas " the auspicious cloud on the prairie " have the honor to win dozenth an exhibition of countrywide art work is oily silver-colored award of art exhibition area nominates;
In September, watercolour " small plunge into the winter on the west " selected dozenth the United States exhibits a whole nation to watercolour pink art exhibition is seen and obtain outstanding work to nominate;
In December, watercolour " small plunge into the winter on the west " have the honor to win dozenth a creation of award of art of China of exhibition of countrywide art work award bear the palm nominates;
In December, canvas " the people on the prairie " have the honor to win dozenth an award of copper of award of creation of award of art of China of exhibition of countrywide art work;
In July 2012, watercolour " Xiaotu of peasant worker worker " obtain Chinese Fujian beauty assist the 2nd watercolour exhibits outstanding award greatly top prize;
In September, watercolour " wintry herd " selected China is beautiful assist art exhibition of pink of watercolour of the 10th whole nation wins outstanding award;

