柏芳景(1937.10—)山东威海人。擅长油画、丙烯画、水粉画、素描教学。1958年毕业于鲁迅美术学院油画专业,留校任教。四十年来次要 从事绘画基础课程教学,曾任版画系素描教研组组长、工艺美术系绘画教研室主任、成人教育学院院长等,鲁迅美术学院教授。作品有油画《毛主席与外国朋友》、《车间图书馆》、《我好像1 头牛》,宣扬 画《跃向新高度》、《第二届全国青运会》等。出版有《色彩·水粉画技法·教学》。
Bai Fang scene (1937.1, ) person of Shandong power sea. Be good at education of picture of canvas, propylene, gouache, sketch. Was graduated from major of canvas of Lu Xun academy of fine arts 1958, stay school teach. Will 40 years basically pursue education of painterly foundation course, group leader of teaching and research group of sketch of department of Ceng Ren woodcut, arts and crafts fastens director of painterly staff room, adult to teach prexy to wait, lu Xun academy of fine arts is taught. Work has oil painting " Chairman Mao and foreign friend " , " workshop library " , " I am like an ox " , poster " jump Xiang Xingao to spend " , " carry meets blueness of the 2nd whole nation " etc. Publish have " education of · of law of colour · gouache ability " .