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男,1973年9月24日出生于内蒙古。中国美术家协会会员。1996年毕业于内蒙古师范大学美术系本科,获学士学位,同年留校任教。现任教于内蒙古师范大学国际古代 设计艺术学院,副教授。1998年赴马来西亚艺术学院进修古代 艺术设计;1998年、2000年两次荣获内蒙古师范大学第5 届、第六届科研成果文艺创作三等奖;;2001年被批准入会,成为中国美术家协会会员。承担过的次要 课程:设计素描、装潢 色彩、立体构成、广告设计形状 学、室内设计入门、室内设计表现技法、室内设计透视、制图、室内设计家俱设计、室内设计灯饰设计、室内设计装潢 艺术等课程。2002年被评为“中国设计师500强”。2003年被国家留学基金委录取为国家公派赴“俄罗斯国立师范大学”攻读硕士学位。2005年以优良 成绩毕业获俄罗斯联邦艺术硕士学位并获得“优秀硕士毕业生”称号。分别于2005年、2006年在俄罗斯列宾美术学院,中国内蒙古美术馆两次举办个人画展。出版个人专著《俄罗斯艺术之旅——张可扬作品集》。

1995年,《六个核桃》入选“首届中国青年水彩画大展”、并发表于《中国青年水彩作品集》,地方 美院主办;
1996年4月,《暖冬》入选“第三届全国水彩粉画展览”,并发表于《第三届全国水彩粉画展览作品集》中,并于1996年5月10日发表于内蒙古日报旧事 周刊,中国美协主办;
1997年6月,《我们的时代》入选“庆祝自治区成立5 十周年美展”,并获优秀奖;
1999年5月,《消逝 的叶子》系列荣获“内蒙古第三届水彩大展”二等奖,《梦幻系列》入选;
2000年8月,《岱海黄昏》入选“第三届全国5 自治区美展”,中国美协主办;
2001年8月,《吹笛的人》荣获“2001年中国艺术博览会”优秀作品奖,第二十1 届世界大运会组委会主办;
2001年9月,《动力》入选由中国美协主办的《第十5 次新人新作展》;
2001年,水彩作品由国家邮政总局发行邮资明信片《草原情画》1 套十张;
2001年10月,《托娅和她的羊羔》入选“民族百花第5 届全国各民族美术展览”,中国美协主办;
2005年5月《纸人系列》入选“俄罗斯第九届国际古代 艺术展”。俄罗斯美协主办。
2006年4月《纸人系列》入选“爱沙尼亚国际古代 艺术展”。俄罗斯美协主办。
2006年5月《纸人系列》入选“俄罗斯第十届国际古代 艺术展”。俄罗斯美协主办。

1997年,“沛沛英语”宣扬 、推广系列设计(成人版),中标;
1998年,“庙街5 号酒吧”、“空中空车迪吧”全体 设计、施工、中标;
1999年,“国务院学位办、全国教育硕士专家指点 委员会”标志中标;
1999年,“佰芬芝酒吧”全体 设计、施工、中标;
1999年,“内蒙古新城宾馆”(5 星级)文娱 空间装潢 设计,中标;
2000年,“内蒙古宾悦大酒店”、“内蒙古国航大酒店”(四星级)文娱 空间装潢 设计,中标;
2000年,“沛沛英语”(儿童版)宣扬 、推广装帧设计,中标;
2000年,“内蒙古智胜企业工程征询 无限 责任公司”企业识别、零碎 手册(CI)设计,中标。并任该公司艺术总监;
2000年,“乌兰察布盟国税局”全体 室内设计,中标;
2001年,“内蒙古瑞地美食无限 责任公司”企业识别零碎 (CI)手册设计,中标;
2001年,“中国内蒙古二机科技馆”全体 内外、室内设计,中标;
2001年,《OKE网抽象 篇》荣获“内蒙古第四届优秀广告作品评选”二等奖;
2002年6月,被评为“中国设计师500强”,中国企业文明 年组委会主办;
2002年6月,《VI》作品,荣获“中国广告艺术设计大展”银奖,国务院发展研讨 中心、国家环保总局、中国企业文明 组委会主办;
2002年7月,“内蒙古银安科技”设计标志及全体 CI策划,中标;
2002年8月,“呼铁客运89/90次大草原号列车”设计标志及全体 CI策划,中标;
2002年8月,“北京朗群科技”设计标志及全体 CI策划,中标;
2002年8月,“内蒙古师范大学民俗博物馆”整体 室内设计施工,中标;

论文《水彩艺术的古代 认识 》入选“99北京国际美术设计研讨会”,中国艺术教育促进会主办。
论文《装潢 艺术在室内设计中的利用 》,2001年发表与《教育学与教育原理》1 书中,朝阳 干主编。
论文《灯饰艺术的教学实践性研讨 》发表与《内蒙古师大学报》哲社版2001年6期。该文荣获“内蒙古师范大学首届教学论文评奖”,三等奖。
《装潢 陈设艺术在古代 商业空间中的利用 》,2002年获校级科研立项,实施中。
论文《论中学美术教育中的色彩成绩 》发表于《艺术史与教育学彼此 关系和彼此 作用的辩证法》2004年俄罗斯出版;
论文《装潢 风格与浪漫色彩》发表于《内蒙古师大学报》2005年6期;
论文《东方的精神意境东方 的视觉真实》发表于《理论新探索》2005年6期;
论文《东东方 的突围》发表于《全国高校油画教学研讨会论文集》2005年11月;
论文《外型 万物》及油画作品四幅发表于俄罗斯《圣彼得堡》2005年6期
论文《永久 的理想 主义》发表于《内蒙古师大学报》2006年3期;
作品《动力》发表于第十5 届新人新作展作品集2001年9月

Introduction to the artist

Male, was born in Inner Mongolia on September 24, 1973. Chinese artist academician. Was graduated from art of Inner Mongolia Normal University to tie undergraduate course 1996, obtain bachelor's degree, of the same age stays school teach. Teach now at international of Inner Mongolia Normal University institute of contemporary design art, associate professor. Attended take a refresher course of Malaysia art institute 1998 contemporary and artistic design; 1998, had the honor to win Inner Mongolia Normal University twice 2000 the 5th, achievement of the 6th scientific research is literary award of creation third class; ; Was approved 2001 initiate, become Chinese artist academician. Undertake the main course that pass: Colour of design sketch, adornment, stereo form, lamp of design of all of home of fluoroscopy of law of ability of performance of introduction of advertisement design morphology, interior design, interior design, interior design, cartography, interior design, interior design acts the role of design, interior design to decorate the course such as art. Was judged to be 2002 " Chinese stylist 500 strong " . Was studied abroad by the country 2003 fund appoint admit for the country public school is gone to " Russia state-maintaineding Normal University " assiduously study master's degree. Graduation obtains master's degree of Russian Federation art and obtained with outstanding achievement 2005 " outstanding Master is graduate " title. Respectively 2005, guest was listed in Russia 2006 academy of fine arts, art gallery of Chinese Inner Mongolia holds individual art exhibition twice. Publication individual monograph " the brigade of Russia art -- collect of Zhang Keyang work " .

Art creative work:
1995, " the twelfth month of the lunar year " selected " aquarelle of 95 Hangzhou China is exhibited greatly " , china is beautiful assist sponsor;
1995, " 6 walnut " selected " aquarelle of first China youth is exhibited greatly " , publish at " collect of work of Chinese youth watercolour " , central beautiful courtyard is sponsorred;
In December 1995, " the flight plans " wait for 4 work to was published 1995 12 period " Inner Mongolia is taught " ;
In December 1995, " still life " published in December 1995 " prairie " ;
In April 1996, " warm winter " selected " art exhibition of pink of watercolour of the 3rd whole nation is seen " , publish at " art exhibition of pink of watercolour of the 3rd whole nation sees work market " in, published at weekly of news of Inner Mongolia daily on May 10, 1996, china is beautiful assist sponsor;
June 1997, " our times " selected " congratulatory municipality establishs the United States 50 years to exhibit " , win outstanding award;
In July 1997, " dialog " selected " canvas of still life of the 2nd China is exhibited " , publish at " canvas of Chinese still life " picture concentration, china is beautiful assist sponsor;
August 1988, " in road " selected " art exhibition of pink of watercolour of the 4th whole nation is seen " , publish at " art exhibition of pink of watercolour of the 4th whole nation sees work market " in, china is beautiful assist sponsor;
October 1998, " Qiu Shi " selected " times elegant demeanour -- work of whole area paint from life is exhibited " ;
December 1998, " sweet dream " selected " times elegant demeanour -- countrywide sketchy work is exhibited " , china is beautiful assist sponsor;
May 1999, " the leaf that disappear " series is had the honor to win " the 3rd watercolour of Inner Mongolia is exhibited greatly " second-class award, " dreamy series " selected;
August 2000, " sea of another name for Taishan Mountain is crepuscular " selected " 5 municipal beauty of the 3rd whole nation are exhibited " , china is beautiful assist sponsor;
September 2000, " Xue Cun " selected " Inner Mongolia small-sized canvas is exhibited " ;
November 2000, " Xue Shu " selected " Inner Mongolia is beautiful assist Shanghai of work of painting and calligraphy is exhibited " ;
November 2000, " go up in the field of the hope " selected " beauty of Inner Mongolia youth was exhibited 2000 " ;
June 2001, " firm rock in midstream " selected " 80 years of Inner Mongolia beauty exhibit found a party " ;
August 2001, " piping person " have the honor to win " China is artistic 2001 exposition " outstanding work reward, the 21st world carries conference organizing committee is sponsorred greatly;
In September 2001, " motivation " selected by Chinese beauty assist those who sponsor " the 15th times new personality is made newly exhibit " ;
2001, watercolour work distributes postage postcard by national general post office " prairie affection is drawn " a dicker;
In May 2001, " platform " have the honor to win " congratulatory Tibet liberates artistic couplet of 50 years of whole nations to exhibit " , " outstanding award " ;
In October 2001, " the lamb that holds Ya and her in the palm " selected " nation 100 flowers art of each folk of the 5th whole nation is exhibited " , china is beautiful assist sponsor;
December 2001, " ancient chariot " " off-street and deep " selected " countrywide watercolour art is exhibited " , china is beautiful assist sponsor;
December 2001, " results? Receive disaster! " have the honor to win " design of art of China International computer is exhibited " , " outstanding award " , china is beautiful assist sponsor;
December 2001, " Chun Xiao of emerald green caw " have the honor to win " contest of painting and calligraphy of whole nation of new century of grand sight cup " " silver-colored award " " art grand sight " sponsor.
May 2002, " elephant and red plum " " Xue Rong in Feburary " selected " speech of literary informal discussion publishs Yan'an 60 years countrywide beauty is exhibited " , china is beautiful assist sponsor:
November 2002, " noonday " " Chun Zhiyun " " in September prairie " selected " art of painting of first watercolour of Inner Mongolia, pink is exhibited " . " Chun Jiang water is warm " have the honor to win this to exhibit " cupreous award " , neimengmei assist sponsor.
April 2005 " old Ladejia " selected " Russia Sanket art year exhibit " . Russia is beautiful assist sponsor.
May 2005 " paper person series " selected " Russia modern art exhibits the 9th international " . Russia is beautiful assist sponsor.
May 2005, at Russia the academy of fine arts that list guest is held exhibit, china is stationed in Sanket to always get a house to sponsor.
November 2005, " lakefront old church " obtain " work of paint from life of first watercolour of Inner Mongolia is exhibited " gold prize. Inner Mongolia is beautiful assist sponsor.
January 2006, hold at Inner Mongolia art gallery exhibit, inner Mongolia Normal University is sponsorred.
In April 2006 " paper person series " selected " modern art exhibits Estonian international " . Russia is beautiful assist sponsor.
May 2006 " paper person series " selected " Russia modern art exhibits the 10th international " . Russia is beautiful assist sponsor.

Artistic design:
1996, found " huge rock sheep designs atelier " hold the post of chief inspector of general manager, design;
1996, inner Mongolia " big fair " flour factory, "Flour series is packed " design, win the bid;
1997, "Abundant abundant English " series of conduct propaganda, promotion is designed (adult edition) , win the bid;
1998, "Temple street 5 bar " , " empty hollow Che Di " integral design, construction, win the bid;
1999, "Degree of the State Council does, committee of guidance of expert of countrywide education Master " the mark wins the bid;
1999, "Bar of hundred fragrance Zhi " integral design, construction, win the bid;
1999, "Hotel of Inner Mongolia new city " (5 stars class) recreational space decorates a design, win the bid;
1999, "Chinese UniCom " design of placard of series sales promotion, newspaper, win the bid;
1999, inner Mongolia TV station designs station sign to win outstanding award;
2000, "Big public house of Yue of Inner Mongolia guest " , " big public house of boat of Inner Mongolia country " (4 stars class) recreational space decorates a design, win the bid;
2000, "Abundant abundant English " (children edition) design of binding and layout of conduct propaganda, promotion, win the bid;
2000, "In Gu Yun " series wine packs a design, win the bid;
2000, "Project of company of Inner Mongolia psych consults finite liability company " manual of enterprise identifying, system (CI) design, win the bid. Hold the post of this company artistic inspector general;
2000, "Bureau of tax of allied country of cloth of black orchid examine " whole is indoor design, win the bid;
2001, "Cate of ground of Inner Mongolia luck is finite liability company " enterprise identifying system (CI) manual design, win the bid;
2001, "House of cake of auspicious person lane " series food packs a design, win the bid;
2001, "Houses of 2 machine science and technology " integral inside and outside, interior design, win the bid;
2001, " OKE net figure piece " have the honor to win " work of the 4th outstanding advertisement of Inner Mongolia is chosen " second-class award;
In June 2002, be judged to be " Chinese stylist 500 strong " , chinese company culture year the organizing committee is sponsorred;
In June 2002, " VI " work, have the honor to win " design of Chinese advertisement art is exhibited greatly " silver-colored award, organizing committee of culture of company of total bureau of environmental protection of research center of development of the State Council, country, China is sponsorred;
In December 2001, design of the 10th games meets the Nei Monggol Autonomous Region mark, win the bid;
2001 " yuan porcelain new warning " publish at " China designs almanac " (2000, 2001) in large an album of paintings;
July 2002, "Inner Mongolia silver brings science and technology " design mark and integral CI plan, win the bid;
In August 2002, "Breathe out 89/90 of iron passenger transport second llano date train " design mark and integral CI plan, win the bid;
In August 2002, "Beijing Lang Qunke ability " design mark and integral CI plan, win the bid;
In August 2002, "Museum of folk-custom of Inner Mongolia Normal University " construction of overall and interior design, win the bid;
2002, " the mark is designed " publish at " Chinese originality 100 divisions " in large an album of paintings;

Paper and work publish:
Paper " the contemporary consciousness of watercolour art " selected " seminar of artistic design of 99 Beijing international " , chinese art teachs stimulative meeting to sponsor.
Paper " the application in decorating art to be designed indoors " , published 2001 with " pedagogic with educational principle " in one book, the rising sun does chief editor.
Paper " shallow analyse is indoor the display that designs education is artistic " publish with " Inner Mongolia is taught " 2001 6 period, education paper supplementary issue.
Paper " the education practicality with lamp artistic act the role ofing studies " publish with " university of Inner Mongolia division signs up for " sagacious company edition 2001 6 period. This article is had the honor to win " Inner Mongolia Normal University decide on awards through discussion of first education paper " , third class award.
" the application of adornment display art in modern trade space " , obtained project approving of school level scientific research 2002, in carrying out.
Paper " the colour problem in be being taught by middle school art " publish at " the dialectics of art history and pedagogic correlation and interaction " Russia was published 2004;
Paper " adornment style and romantic colour " publish at " university of Inner Mongolia division signs up for " 2005 6 period;
Paper " the beauty lives namely " publish at " Inner Mongolia is artistic " 2005 2 period;
Paper " the visual sense of west of Oriental mental artistic conception is real " publish at " academic new exploration " 2005 6 period;
Paper " thing square break out of an encirclement " publish at " market of paper of seminar of teaching of countrywide college canvas " in November 2005;
Paper " of religion illuminative the Europeanize with art " publish at " market of paper of seminar of teaching of countrywide college canvas " in November 2005;
Paper " modelling everythings on earth " reach canvas work to publish Yueluosi 4 times " Sanket " 2005 6 period
Paper " forever realistic " publish at " university of Inner Mongolia division signs up for " 2006 3 period;
Work " results, receive disaster " publish at " design of art of China International computer extends work market " in December 2001;
Work " piping person " publish at " collect of work of Chinese artistic exposition " in August 2001
Work " motivation " publish at the 15th new personality to be made newly extend work market in September 2001
Work " Chun Xiao of emerald green caw " publish at " art grand sight " 2001 10 period;
Work " paper person series, urban hero " publish Yueluosi " artistic " 2005 2 period;
Work " paper person series, float " publish Yueluosi 2 times " artistic " in March 2005;
Work " the forest of island of tile orchid Mu " wait to be published 4 times at " university of Inner Mongolia division signs up for " 2005 5 period;
Work " An Na " wait to be published 2 times at " university of Inner Mongolia division signs up for " 2006 1 period
Work " Nigula cathedral " wait to be published 4 times at " Inner Mongolia daily " on Feburary 14, 2006;
Monograph " the brigade of Russia art, collect of Zhang Keyang work " distance press was published in December 2005.

