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游龙姑(1923.8—1993.9)女,福建福州人。中国美术家协会会员,擅长油画、宣扬 画。1949年毕业于南京国立地方 大学艺术系。曾任军政大学文工团员、美术教员、总政文明 部美术创作员。上海人民美术出版社专业画家。前后 创作宣扬 画、年画、中国画、水彩画及油画百余幅,并出版或发表,或参加展览。
代表作有宣扬 画《援助 世界人民的反帝斗争》,1962年以中外文出版在国内外发行,并被日本东京讲谈社收入《古代 世界》第1 卷以彩版刊出。1991年所作宣扬 画《改革开放,建设有中国特色的社会主义》,获全国宣扬 画展三等奖,并以彩版刊于《美术》杂志1991年第10期。为中国美术家协会会员、上海市美术家协会会员、上海人民美术出版社副编审。

Introduction to the artist

You Longgu (1923.8, 1993.9) female, fujian Fuzhou person. Chinese artist academician, be good at canvas, poster. Was graduated from Nanjing to state-maintained 1949 central university art is. Teacher of the member that ever held the post of stratocracy university song and dance ensemble, art, total politics the member that culture ministry art is created. Painter of major of publishing house of Shanghai people art. Create picture of poster, New Year picture, China, aquarelle and canvas early or late more than 100, be published or publish, or enter an exhibition.
Masterpiece has poster " the anti-imperialist that assists world people struggles " , published with article of China and foreign countries 1962 in issue domestic and internationally, be told to talk about company income by Japanese Tokyo " modern world " hank goes out with colour edition print. What made poster 1991 " reforming and opening, the socialism that construction has Chinese distinguishing feature " , obtain countrywide poster to exhibit third class award, and with colour edition print at " art " magazine 1991 the 10th period. For publishing house of art of people of Chinese artist academician, Shanghai artist academician, Shanghai deputy read and edit.

