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田宇高,1923年1月生于河北徐水。河北徐水人。于2013年3月5日上午10时在贵阳逝世,享年91岁。国家1 级美术师,中国美术家协会会员。曾任和现任美术编辑、贵大贵州师大等校客座教授、中国水彩画家学会副会长、贵州水彩画研讨 会会长、贵州水彩水粉画艺委会名誉主任。擅长水彩画。出版有《田宇高水彩画集》、《田宇高水彩画》。
早年在北平加入了著名水彩画家衡平先生画室学习素描和水彩画。1941年结识从英国留学回来的著名水彩画家关广志,受到关先生的指点 和鼓励;后来又结识李剑晨、张充仁、王麦秆等画家,并在北平、西安、上海等地举办多次个人画展及联展。1949年水彩画《工农之家》参加首届全国美展,同年与王麦秆、孟慕颐一同 参加二野5 兵团南下入贵州。来到贵州后先生佳作频出,如《春到人间》入选1954年全国水彩速写;《林区厢道》入选1958年全国美展;《侗寨的凌晨 》入选1960年全国美展;《伐木》入选1964年全国美展等。1967年由于“文革”严重干扰,先生的水彩画创作被迫停止。“文革”结束后,先生的艺术生命也随之复苏,创作了1 批优秀的水彩画作品。
作品《苗家》获89杭州中国水彩画大展荣誉奖、佳作奖,作品多次参加全国美展及赴日本、韩国、新加坡及香港、台湾等国家和地区展出。有百余幅作品被海外藏家收藏。其代表作《岁末》[3]入选“中国百年水彩画展”并由中国美术馆收藏,《苗寨瑞雪》江苏美术馆收藏,并收入《中国古代 美术全集·水彩卷》,《清江晨雾》、《侗乡银妆》收入《中国水彩画》,《石头寨的冬天》收入《世界水彩画鉴赏》,《银妆》被日本千代田俱乐部收藏。其传略收入《中国水彩画史》、《中国水彩画图史》、《世界华人美术年鉴》、《中国当代艺术界名人录》、《中国艺术家辞典古代 第四分册》等多种辞书。出版有《田宇高水彩画集》、《田宇高水彩画》。
清华大学高冬教授对田宇高先生的水彩画评价是“田宇高先生的作品题材较为广泛,画家陶醉于它关注的自然变化:春、夏、秋、冬,风、晴、雨、雾无不收入画幅,成为绘画表现的题材,而研讨 用色彩表达自然的万千变化,是水彩画的擅长,在奥妙 的灰色调中如何使色彩饱满、丰富,表现内心的丰富情感,经过多年的探索,反复尝试终究 可以应用 水彩特有的表现力,应用 色彩和外型 的手法,表达出对自然的感受。”
中国美术家协会水彩艺术委员会主任黄铁山教授感慨:“先生的画品人品,确是我辈楷模。先生的水彩画,扎根于生活,是作者真诚的感受,朴实、自然、耐人寻味;先生的水彩画最鲜明地体现了水彩画的特色,透明、轻快,色彩很美,画得洒脱自若 ,技法纯熟 ,对我们是非常有学习借鉴意义的。”
著名水彩画家张举毅教授来信提到“先生终身 勤耕水彩艺术,实为我辈楷模。先生的画生活气息浓,这就使观者有1 种感情上的呼应,这是很难的,再则先生特别考究水彩本身的言语 艺术,始终保持着1 种清丽爽目的视觉效果,这是目前很多以唱工 见长的人是难能体会的,先生以耄耋之年仍能保持洒脱轻松的水色情韵诚然不易。”
著名水彩画家白统绪认为先生的“作品都是真情实感的自然流露,朴实大方、气质高雅、画得率真、随意、清新明快、赏心顺眼 、用笔苍劲老辣、气丰韵足,充分发扬了水彩画的特长,很多佳作都是写生得来的,常常 比室内闭门造车来得更生动更有生气,既有英国传统水彩画的涵养 ,又有浓厚的生活气息。”
著名水彩画家崔豫章教授看了先生的作品感慨万分:“他的脚印 遍及全国各地名山大川,描写了很多美丽风光,山村野径、江河秋林、冬雪晨雾、民族风情、树皮屋、石板房等等不少杰作都给我们宁静优美恼人 的享用 ,他的勤奋求索研究 精神结出了累累硕果。”
原地方 工艺美术学院院长张仃和著名东方 美术史专家、著名美术评论家吴甲丰看了田宇高先生的作品,十分感动,张仃先生连连说:“好!好!好!这个人的功力很深、很踏实、很纯熟、难得难得!”吴甲丰先生又说:“他的画很有生活,很有底子,画得这样好不该埋没。”张仃先生自动 题字“气象浑穆、厚积薄发”称赞田宇高先生作品。[1]

Introduction to the artist

Tian Yu is tall, was born at Heibei Xu water in January 1923. Person of Heibei Xu water. On March 5, 2013 10 Shi Zaigui this world die in the morning, die at the age of is 91 years old. Country division of one class art, chinese artist academician. Ever held the post of and currently hold the post ofdivision of art editor, expensive big Guizhou to wait greatly school gouache of watercolour of chairman of seminar of aquarelle of vice-chairman of society of aquarelle home of visiting professor, China, Guizhou, Guizhou art appoint meeting reputation director. Be good at aquarelle. Publish have " Tian Yu is tall aquarelle collect " , " Tian Yu tall aquarelle " .
One's early years is made the same score in north joined atelier of famous watercolour painter Mr Hengping to learn sketch and aquarelle. Got acquainted with 1941 study abroad from England the Guan Anzhi of famous watercolour painter that come back, coach and encourage what be closed a gentleman; Get acquainted with the Li Jian morning, Zhang Chongren, painter such as king wheat stalk again later, and in north and other places of smooth, Xi'an, Shanghai holds individual art exhibition and couplet for many times to exhibit. 1949 aquarelle " the home of workers and peasants " attend beauty of first whole nation to exhibit, of the same age and king wheat stalk, Meng Muyi attends together 2 wild Guizhou falls south 5 corps. Frequency of an excellent work of the gentleman after coming to Guizhou goes out, be like " spring to the world " selected 1954 countrywide watercolour literary sketch; " forest zone compartment " selected countrywide beauty was exhibited 1958; " the morning of Dong stockaded village " selected countrywide beauty was exhibited 1960; " cutting " selected countrywide beauty was exhibited 1964 etc. 1967 as a result of " Culture Revolution " serious interference, aquarelle creation of the gentleman is forced to stop. "Culture Revolution " after the end, artistic life of the gentleman also anabiosises subsequently, created a batch of outstanding aquarelle work.
Work " seedling home " obtain aquarelle of 89 Hangzhou China to exhibit award of honorary award, an excellent work greatly, work attends countrywide beauty to exhibit for many times reach go to country and the area such as Japan, Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong, Taiwan to exhibit. More than 100 work are collected by abroad Tibet home. Its masterpiece " year old end " [3] is selected " hundred years aquarelle of Chinese is exhibited " collect by Chinese art gallery, " auspicious snow of seedling stockaded village " Jiangsu art gallery is collected, and income " watercolour of · of complete works of Chinese modern art coils " , " clear river the pride of the morning " , " Dong countryside is silver-colored makeup " income " Chinese aquarelle " , " the winter of stone stockaded village " income " world aquarelle appreciate " , " silver makeup " by Japan 1000 Dai Tian clubs are collected. Income of its biography brief " Chinese aquarelle history " , " Chinese watercolour draw history " , " almanac of world Chinese art " , " blue book of group of Chinese contemporary art " , " Chinese artist dictionary is contemporary the 4th fascicule " wait for a variety of dictionary. Publish have " Tian Yu is tall aquarelle collect " , " Tian Yu tall aquarelle " .
The aquarelle evaluation that Tsinghua university tall winter teachs tall to Tian Yu gentleman is " the work subject matter of Mr Tian Yu tall is relatively extensive, the painter is intoxicated at the natural change that it pays close attention to: Spring, summer, autumn, winter, picture of income of all without exception of wind, fine, rain, mist, become the subject matter of pictorial display, and the myriad that studies coloring colour conveys nature changes, it is the speciality of aquarelle, how to make color full, rich in subtle gray shift, manifest rich affection of the heart, through old exploration, try to be able to apply watercolour spy some to behave force eventually repeatedly, use colour and formative technique, expression gives pair of natural feeling. Expression gives pair of natural feeling..
Huang Tieshan of chairman of committee of art of watercolour of Chinese artist association teachs deep feeling: "The gentleman's picture tastes bearing, it is my generation model truly. The gentleman's aquarelle, take root at the life, it is the feeling of author sincerity, guileless, natural, afford for thought; The gentleman's aquarelle most the distinguishing feature that brightly reflected aquarelle, transparent, light, colour is very beautiful, the picture gets free and easy freely, ability law is adept, to us dispute often has study to draw lessons from a meaning. To us dispute often has study to draw lessons from a meaning..
Incoming letter of famous watercolour painter Professor Zhang Juyi is mentioned " gentleman lifetime ploughs frequently watercolour is artistic, solid for my generation model. Picture life breath of the gentleman is thick, the person that this makes watch has echo of a kind of soulful, this is very difficult, again criterion the gentleman is special the language of fastidious watercolour itself is artistic, maintaining effect of vision of purpose of a kind of Qing Lishuang from beginning to end, this is a lot of more current the person with be good at of charge for the making of sth. is difficult can experience, the water pornography charm that the gentleman still can retain free and easy and relaxed with the octogenarian indeed not easy.
Bai Tongxu of famous watercolour painter thinks of the gentleman " the nature that work is feeling of fact of the real situation is revealed, temperamental and easy, decorous, picture gets guileless pure and fresh and forthright and sincere, optional, lively, find the scenery pleasing to both the eye and the mind, with the pen vigrous old Feng Yun of hot, gas is sufficient, developed the specialty of aquarelle adequately, paint from life must come to a lot of an excellent work, often compare indoor act blindly will more racily have life more, have the accomplishment of British tradition aquarelle already, have grumous life flavor again. Have grumous life flavor again..
The work that Cui of famous watercolour painter pleaseds chapter professor saw a gentleman sighs with emotion extremely: "His footmark pervades famous mountains and great rivers of countrywide each district, depict a lot of beautiful scene, room of house of amorous feelings of mist of Xue Chen of Qiu Lin of river of hill boorish diameter, river, winter, nation, bark, flag waits many classic a moment to give us halcyon and beautiful delightful enjoy, his search conscientiously studied mental knot to give great achievements of again and again. His search conscientiously studied mental knot to give great achievements of again and again..
Former Zhang Ding of prexy of central arts and crafts and famous west art history abundant of Wu Jia of essayist of expert, famous painting saw Tian Yu the work of tall gentleman, touch very, mr Zhang Ding says again and again: "Be good! Be good! Be good! The work force of this person is very very deep, dependable, very god-given and practised, god-given! " gentleman of Wu Jia abundant says again: "His picture has the life very much, have a copy kept as a record very much, draw so that ought not to bury very much so. " Mr Zhang Ding is active inscribe " atmosphere muddy solemn, thick accumulate thin hair " praise work of Mr Tian Yu tall. [1]

