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陈崇平男,出生于1940年10月,浙江镇海人。副研讨 馆员。1959年毕业于云南昆明师范学校。曾任昆明市5 华区文明 馆馆长,1993年获副研讨 馆员职称,已退休。现为中国美术家协会会员,昆明市美术家协会主席,云南省美协常务理事,云南省水彩画艺术委员会副主任,是昆明市第九届和第十届人大代表。
擅长水彩画、重彩画、油画。前后 200多幅美术作品在全国、省、市美展中展出。曾荣获第六届全国美展水彩优秀作品奖;第二届全国水彩、粉画展优秀作品奖;云南省优秀作品奖二件次;云南省美展1 等奖1 件次;三等奖两件次;市级奖及其他奖若干。1987年组成“云南省5 人水彩画展”在四川成都展出;1990年在昆明5 人联合举办“滇城乡情画展”;1991年以来,重彩画和水彩画作品在台湾、法国、美国、英国举行过联展六次。1994年6幅水彩画作品入选北京“中国当代水彩名家约请 展”两幅入编《中国当代水彩画艺术》画册。多幅作品发表在“美术”、“中国水彩”、“中华文明 画报”、“中国美术报”等全国性刊物上。100多幅美术作品被许多国家和地区私人收藏,1995年云南省美术出版社出版《陈崇平画集》,1996年昆明电视台拍摄并播放电视专题片《画家陈崇平》上、下集。1998年油画“卓玛”入选全国“群星美术大展”并荣获优秀奖。1998年中国邮电电信总局选用重彩画四幅发行了“中国古代 绘画”系列之第1 套IC电话磁卡《高原之花》。又重彩画16幅在美国洛杉矶华商博览会上举办“中国云南画家陈崇平个展”,1999年油画“卓玛”荣获云南省彩云奖之银奖、水彩画“燃情岁月”入选全国第九届美展。2000年“昨天——温情昆明展”昆明。2001年“云南重彩画大展”昆明国贸中心。2001年北京工艺美术出版社出版“当代名家古代 重彩画精品——陈崇平”画册。2002年“2002云南古代 水彩,水粉画约请 展”昆明。1989年至2007年任云南省美协水彩艺委会副主任。

次要 美术作品
有水彩画:“摩梭人在田间”、“姐相市场”、“金色沙滩”、“早市”、“爱伲姑娘”。“静静的沪沽湖”、“栅栏”、“小格兰与羊”、“高原明镜”。油画:“母子情”、“图腾”、“卓玛”。重彩画:“舂米歌”、“鹿恋”、“深秋色浓”、“佛光”、“思”、“格桑花”、“灯”、“伴侣”、“古格遥想 ”、“远方的歌”、“高原牧歌”等。

Introduction to the artist

Chen Chongping male, be born in in October 1940, zhejiang presses down sea person. The deputy member that study a house. Was graduated from Yunnan Kunming training school 1959. Ever held the post of curator of 5 house of China area culture, won title of the deputy member that study a house 1993, emeritus already. It is Chinese artist academician now, chairman of association of Kunming city artist, yunnan saves the United States assist standing director, yunnan saves vice director of aquarelle art council, it is Kunming city is mixed the 9th times delegate of the 10th National People's Congress.
Be good at the aquarelle, picture that weigh colour, canvas. Early or late work of many 200 art is exhibited in beauty of the whole nation, province, city in showpiece. Ceng Rong obtains beauty of the 6th whole nation to exhibit watercolour outstanding work reward; Art exhibition of watercolour of the 2nd whole nation, pink is outstanding work reward; Yunnan saves outstanding work reward 2 second; Yunnan province beauty exhibits first prize second; Third class award two second; Etc of city class award award a certain number of. Comprised 1987 " Yunnan saves art exhibition of 5 people watercolour " exhibit in Sichuan Chengdu; In Kunming 5 people were held jointly 1990 " another name for Yunnan Province is urban and rural affection art exhibition " ; Since 1991, the picture that weigh colour and aquarelle work had held couplet to be exhibited 6 times in Taiwan, France, United States, England. 6 aquarelle work is selected 1994 Beijing " a person of academic or artistic distinction of Chinese contemporary watercolour invites exhibit " enter twice make up " Chinese contemporary watercolour painting is artistic " an album of paintings. Many work is published in " art " , " Chinese watercolour " , " China culture pictorial " , " Chinese art signs up for " wait for national publication to go up. Work of many 100 art is mixed by a lot of countries the area is private collect, publishing house of Yunnan province art was published 1995 " Chen Chongping draws volume " , kunming TV station filmed 1996 and broadcast TV special subject piece " painter Chen Chongping " on, next collect. 1998 canvas " Zhuo Ma " selected whole nation " galaxy art is exhibited greatly " have the honor to win outstanding award. Total bureau of telecommunication of Chinese post and telecommunications chose heavy colour to drew 4 to issue 1998 " China is contemporary and painterly " the magnetic card of phone of the first IC of series " downy flower " . Weigh colour to draw 16 to be in the United States again los angeles is held on China trade fair " Chen Chongping of Chinese Yunnan painter exhibit " , 1999 canvas " Zhuo Ma " the silver-colored award that has the honor to win Yunnan to save pink clouds award, aquarelle " years burning passion " the 9th beauty of selected whole nation is exhibited. 2000 " yesterday -- softhearted Kunming is exhibited " Kunming. 2001 " picture of Yunnan heavy color is exhibited greatly " center of Kunming nation trade. Press of Beijing arts and crafts was published 2001 " contemporary a person of academic or artistic distinction is contemporary high-quality goods of the picture that weigh colour -- Chen Chongping " an album of paintings. 2002 " 2002 Yunnan are contemporary watercolour, gouache invites exhibit " Kunming. Came to held the post of Yunnan to save the United States 2007 1989 assist watercolour art appoint conference vice director.

Main art work
Have watercolour painting: "Rub shuttle person is in field " , " market of elder sister photograph " , " aureate beach " , " early city " , " girl love Ni " . "Silent Shanghai buy lake " , " the barrier " , " Xiao case orchid and sheep " , " downy bright mirror " . Canvas: "Mother child affection " , " the totem " , " Zhuo Ma " . Weigh color picture: "Pestle rice song " , " Lu Lian " , " deep autumn scenery is thick " , " Buddha is smooth " , " think of " , " case mulberry is beautiful " , " the lamp " , " spouse " , " Gu Gexia thinks " , " the song of distance " .

