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 关维兴,男,1940年生,中国吉林省敦化县人。1959年由鲁迅美术学院附中考入该院油画系,1960年由鲁迅美术学院油画系破格考入罗马尼亚尤金. 博巴(Eugen.Popa)油画训练班,1962年以研讨 生资历 结业。回美术学院任教,1964年被提拔 入伍,去了边疆高机密的部队,在偏僻封闭的部队里从事了8年基层群众性的实用美术工作,后来调回北京总部机关,作品多次参加国内外重要展览、发表、收藏。前后 赴美日法等十几个国家和地区展出。水彩画"初雪"获美国水彩展金奖"朋友"获美国举办的126届国际水彩展优秀作品奖,并在全美巡回展出。为台湾著名作家林海音代表作小说《城南旧事》作水彩插图80余幅,分三册精装出版,世界发行,并于92、 93、94连续三年获国际插图大奖。


 水彩上的艺术成就得到中外水彩界极高评价。特别是他的水彩人物,外型 严谨厚重,神形兼备,笔法洒脱,色彩高雅。诸如《人间圣母》《初看世界》《秋趣》《陕北老农》《青春》《卫士》《盛装的少女》《童趣》等,都是脍炙人口,享誉世界之作,被赞为"前沿""高峰""无与伦比""美不胜收""大师风范"。作为亚洲独一 人选,进入了英国皇家水彩画协会主席沃斯先生(Leslie.Worth)组建的世界十人著名水彩画家代表团。沃斯先生称赞他"想不到中国有这样高水平的水彩画家""他的画清新优美,每1 幅画都是1 首抒情诗""是天才和技巧的完善 结合,已达出神入化的境界"。


 1996年受文明 部的拜托 ,作为中国水彩专家赴突尼斯共和国举办"中国水彩画展",其中有他的12件精品,结果获得极大成功。人们盛赞他的作品是"不可思议的""人类几乎达不到的"称他为"水彩画的魔术师",崇拜者、跟随 学画者颇众,甚至认为是他的笔有秘密,收藏了他的全部绘画工具,特邀他为美术学院讲课、拍摄电视专题片。

近期完成的巨幅水彩《乡情》(200x130cm)刻画了几十位性情 各异、表情生动、呼之欲出的淳朴农民抽象 ,开创了用水彩深入表现众多人物的先河,将中国水彩画推到了前所未有的境界。98年十月在北京举办的个人水彩作品展,更是"盛况空前""好评如潮"。被誉为当今最具权威的水彩人物画家。

出版有《名家讲座-水彩人物》、《水彩临本-人物》、《水彩头像》、《希望——关维兴水彩作品》。作品有水彩画《冬云——周总理像》、《描猫幼童 》等。

曾任第1 届中国美协水彩画艺委会委员,第二届副主任。现为中国美术家协会理事,中国美术家协会水彩画艺术委员会副主任,北京水彩画学会副会长,全国美展水彩画评委,国家1 级美术师。

Introduction in English

 Guan Weixing, male, born in 1940, is from Dunhua County, Jilin Province, China. In 1959, he was admitted to the Oil Painting Department of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts, in 1960, he was admitted to the Eugen Popa Oil Painting Training Course of Romania by the Oil Painting Department of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts, and graduated in 1962. He returned to the Academy of Fine Arts to teach. In 1964, he was selected and enlisted in the army. He went to the high-secret troops in the frontier. He worked in the remote and closed forces for 8 years, and then returned to the headquarters of Beijing. His works have participated in many important exhibitions, publications and collections at home and abroad. He has been to the United States, Japan, France and more than a dozen other countries and regions to exhibit.


Guan Weixing, male, born in 1940, is from Dunhua County, Jilin Province, China. In 1959, he was admitted to the Oil Painting Department of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts, in 1960, he was admitted to the Eugen Popa Oil Painting Training Course of Romania by the Oil Painting Department of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts, and graduated in 1962. He returned to the Academy of Fine Arts to teach. In 1964, he was selected and enlisted in the army. He went to the high-secret troops in the frontier. He worked in the remote and closed forces for 8 years, and then returned to the headquarters of Beijing. His works have participated in many important exhibitions, publications and collections at home and abroad. He has been to the United States, Japan, France and more than a dozen other countries and regions to exhibit. Watercolor "first snow" won the gold medal of the American Watercolor Exhibition "friend" won the excellent works award of the 126th International Watercolor Exhibition held by the United States, and was exhibited on tour throughout the United States. More than 80 watercolor illustrations were made for Lin Haiyin's representative novel "Old Stories in the South of the City", which was published in three hardcover volumes. It was published worldwide and won the International Illustration Award for three consecutive years in 92, 93 and 94.


The artistic achievements in watercolor have been highly appraised by the watercolor circles at home and abroad. Especially his watercolor characters, rigorous and heavy shape, both physical and spiritual, free and easy brushwork, elegant color. Such works as The Virgin Mother of the World, First View of the World, Autumn Interest, Old Peasants in Northern Shaanxi, Youth, Guards, Dressed Girls and Children's Interest are all well-known works in the world and are praised as "frontier", "peak", "incomparable", "magnificent" and "master's style". As the only candidate in Asia, he joined a delegation of ten world-renowned Watercolor Painters organized by Leslie Worth, President of the Royal Watercolor Association of the United Kingdom. Mr. Voss praised him for "unexpectedly having such a high level of Watercolor Painters in China", "his paintings are fresh and beautiful, each painting is a Lyric poem", "is the perfect combination of genius and skills, has reached a superb state".


In 1996, entrusted by the Ministry of Culture, he went to the Republic of Tunisia as a Chinese watercolor expert to hold the "Chinese watercolor exhibition". Among them, 12 of his fine works were successful. People praised his works as "incredible" and "almost impossible for human beings" and called him "the magician of watercolor painting". Many admirers and followers even thought that his pen was secret. He collected all his painting tools and invited him to lecture for the Academy of Fine Arts and shoot TV special films.


The recently completed giant watercolor "Hometown" (200x130cm) depicts dozens of simple peasant images with different personalities, vivid expressions and desire to express themselves. It pioneered the watercolor in-depth representation of many people and pushed Chinese watercolor painting to an unprecedented level. In October 1998, an exhibition of personal watercolor works was held in Beijing, which was "unprecedented grandeur" and "high praise". It is known as the most authoritative watercolor figure painter nowadays.


His publications include Lecture of Famous Experts - Watercolor Persons, Watercolor Linben - Persons, Watercolor Head, Hope - Watercolor Works of Guan Weixing. His works include watercolor paintings "Winter Cloud - Premier Zhou" and "Describing Cats and Children".


He was a member of the First Watercolor Arts Committee of China Artistic Association and the Second Deputy Director. He is currently the director of the Chinese Artists Association, the vice-director of the Watercolor Art Committee of the Chinese Artists Association, the vice-president of the Beijing Watercolor Painting Society, the judges of watercolor paintings at the National Art Exhibition, and the first-level artist of the country.

