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原名:陈凯上海市人现为中国美术家协会会员,中国民间文艺家协会书画艺委会主任,中国艺术研讨 院研讨 生院受聘副教授,江苏国画院特聘画家,北京电子科技职业学院艺术系副教授,北京至高美术馆专职画家。
次要 群展
1990年水墨人物画《人的主题》获地方 美术学院先生 优秀作品展银奖。
1999年山水画《贺兰山高》参加地方 美术学院研讨 生优秀作品毕业展,同时作品被收录由浙江人民美术出版社出版的《1979——1999中国当代美术中国画下卷》大型文献画册。
2001年水墨人物画《霓裳曲》荣获文明 部《爱我中华---全国中国画油画作品展》优秀奖,作品同时被收藏。
2001年山水画《秋声无边 》荣获《第四届当代中国山水画展》优秀奖。
2003年水墨人物画《1 路旭日 》《北京女孩》入选北京中华世纪坛主办的《今日中国美术大展》。
2005年十六幅水墨人物画创作入选《当代中华文明 名家专题邮票》,由中国集邮总公司发行。
次要 出版
《1979---1999中国当代美术》,《今日中国美术》1卷,《今日中国美术展览卷》,《中国美术全集 》,《古代 中国绘画》,《中国当代画家图典---人物》,《中国当代画家线描集》,《当代速写艺术》,《中国艺术》,《美术》,《美术导游 》,《中国书画》,《东方画刊》,《江苏画刊》,《中国画廊》,《艺术名家》,《视觉前沿》,及出版《中国美术家---陈恺》等。

陈恺男,1951年9月生,广东省中山市人。长时间 努力 于世界尖端科学的研讨 ,特别是在逆境坎坷中对《永世 磁铁的特性》的研讨 矢志不移,已有严重 突破性进展。几十项的发明与发现,并在网上发表《百慕大魔鬼三角区之迷揭秘--地球的磁眼》的论文。做为中国人的1 员敢以簇新 的学说对“百慕大之迷”进行论证与解说。另外研制发明“鞭抽陀螺玩具”(多种系列)获全国优秀专利称号,99年重点推广项目。使这个古老的鞭抽陀螺运动添加 了趣味性,该产品集声、光、电、色、香味、夜明、夜反光于1 身,达到了“鸟语花香”的趣味文娱 的境界,可做为生日礼物、节日礼物、圣诞礼物,市场前景看好,将风行世界。另附针对《永世 磁铁》的物理特性专项研讨 部分课题。


    自幼受外祖父---著名花鸟画家孔小瑜先生和舅舅---著名山水画家孔仲起先生启蒙临习中国画,1985年毕业于安徽省艺术学校美术科中国画专业,1992年毕业于地方 美术学院中国画系本科,1997-1999年攻读地方 美术学院中国画系硕士学位。受业于卢沉姚有多韩国榛李少文黎明张凭贾又福等诸先生。2005年起为地方 美术学院中国画系唐勇力工笔人物画工作室访问学者。

Introduction to the artist

Original name: Chen Kai Shanghai person It is Chinese artist academician now,  Painting and calligraphy of association of Chinese folk literary home art appoint conference chairman, graduate school of Chinese artistic academy suffers hire an associate professor, courtyard of Jiangsu traditional Chinese painting hires an artist especially, art of institute of profession of Beijing electron science and technology fastens an associate professor, painter of full-time of Beijing supreme art gallery. 
Is the individual exhibited
Was at Beijing art museum held 1997 first is individual work exhibited
At Beijing art museum held the 2nd individual work to exhibit 2002. 
Main group exhibit 
Character of water Chinese ink was drawn 1990 " the person's theme " catch student of central academy of fine arts outstanding work exhibits silver-colored award. 
1993 landscape painting work " pluvial hill " selected China is beautiful assist " landscape painting of China of first whole nation is exhibited " .  
Attended American new York 1994 " art exhibition of first landscape of Chinese " (China is beautiful assist sponsor) .  
Character of water Chinese ink was drawn 1994 " star " obtain Canadian Toronto " maple leaf cup " art exhibits outstanding award greatly.  
Attended Australia 1995 " work of the traditional Chinese painting in now is exhibited " (China is beautiful assist sponsor) .  
Work of year of the art gallery on selected Japan village collected work 1995 exhibit.  
1998 landscape painting " too travel hill is sketchy " selected China is beautiful assist " times elegant demeanour---Countrywide drawing from nature is exhibited " . 
Landscape painting work sufferred 1998 invite attend " picture choosing extends the state in Beijing youth " . 
Character of water Chinese ink was drawn 1998 " excurse " obtain " old lotus cup " picture of countrywide China character exhibits award of an excellent work greatly. 
1999 landscape painting " He Lan hill is tall " join graduate student of the academy of fine arts central outstanding work finish school is exhibited, at the same time work is collected what publish by publishing house of Zhejiang people art " 1979 -- coil below the traditional Chinese painting in 1999 China contemporary art " large document an album of paintings. 
Character of water Chinese ink was drawn 2000 " dream red building " have the honor to win Chinese beauty assist " work of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation was exhibited 2000 " cupreous award. 
Character of water Chinese ink was drawn 2001 " Neon skirt music " have the honor to win culture ministry " love my China---Work of canvas of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation is exhibited " outstanding award, work is collected at the same time.  
2001 landscape painting " Qiu Sheng is not had border " have the honor to win " Chinese landscape painting is exhibited the 4th now " outstanding award. 
Picture of character of water Chinese ink was had the honor to win 2002 " painting and calligraphy of China of first small high-quality goods creates large award to surpass " silver-colored award. 
Character of water Chinese ink was drawn 2003 " all the way the setting sun " " Beijing girl " altar of century of selected Beijing China sponsors " Chinese art is exhibited greatly now " .  
Character of water Chinese ink was drawn 2004 " century effigies " suffer invite attend what art gallery sponsors Beijing now " 60-70 ' nomination of work of outstanding youth artist is exhibited " . 
Character of water Chinese ink was drawn 2004 " zephyr is free from worry " selected China is beautiful assist those who sponsor " high-quality goods of picture of China of academician of first China artist is exhibited " , work is undertaken at the same time art gallery collects Fang Qilu.  
Was character of water Chinese ink drawn 2005 " big Buddha " etc suffer invite attend " now water Chinese ink -- is itinerate of work of a person of academic or artistic distinction of picture of China of the 6th whole nation exhibited "  
Creation of picture of character of 16 water Chinese ink is selected 2005 " stamp of special subject of famous expert of contemporary China culture " , issue by head office of Chinese stamp collecting.  
at the same time work is sponsorred just collect. 
Basically publish 
" 1979---1999 China contemporary art " , " now Chinese art " 1, " Chinese art exhibition coils now " , " Chinese art selected works " ,  " contemporary China is painterly " , " picture of Chinese contemporary painter is in charge of---Character " ,  " collect of line drawing of Chinese contemporary painter " , " contemporary literary sketch is artistic " , " China is artistic " , " art " , " art guide " ,  " Chinese painting and calligraphy " , " Oriental pictorial section of a newspaper " ,  " Jiangsu pictorial section of a newspaper " , " Chinese gallery " , " artistic a person of academic or artistic distinction " , " visual forward position " , reach publish " Chinese artist---Chen Kai " wait. 

Old Kai Male, unripe in September 1951, guangdong saves Zhongshan city person. Devote oneself to the research of world advanced science for a long time, be opposite in adversity twist especially " the character of permanent magnet " research arrow annals does not move, already had significant revolutionary progress. A few invention and discovery, publish on the net " of area of Bermuda devil triangle fan uncover secret - - magnetism eye of the earth " paper. As the Chinese one dare is opposite with brand-new doctrine " of Bermuda fan " have argumentation and explanation. Additionally development is invented " toy of whip spinning top " (a variety of series) win title of countrywide outstanding patent, 99 years the key popularizes a project. Make motion of this old whip spinning top increased interest sex, tone of this product market, smooth, report, color, fragrance, night bright, night glances at a suit, achieved " charactizing a fine spring day " gout recreational state, but as gift of birthday present, festival, Christmas gift, market prospect is valued, faddish world. Add additionally in the light of " permanent magnet " physical character is special research part task.

