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杨新武,福建龙岩万安人,1995年福建师范大学美术学院油画专业毕业,2001-2002湖北美术学院水彩画研讨 课程班结业。作品入选第六、七届全国水彩画展览,参加第十届全国美术作品展,福建师范大学美术学院艺术硕士;现为福建省艺术研讨 院二级美术师、福建省画院特聘画师、中国美术家协会会员、福建省美协水彩画艺术委员会秘书长。
????作品次要 参展:
2001年于湖北美术学院教育系水彩画专业研讨 生课程班进修1年。
2001年2作品《风险 性游戏》参加福州(同异性描述)当代艺术展。
2008年水彩画《小妹》入选福建第5 届青年美术作品展并荣获二等奖。
????2009年油画《海西高速》入选全国第十1 届美术作品展览。(湖北省艺术馆)
2009年水彩《十八岁·单车NO1》获福建省首届高校美术教师作品展1 等奖,并被省美术馆收藏。
2012年水彩《空间愈来愈 小》入选全国第十届水彩、粉画展。(广西民族博物馆)
2013水彩《形态 》入选第十届中国艺术节——全国优秀美术作品展。(山东美术馆)

Introduction to the artist

Yang Xinwu, fujian Longyan 10 thousand bring a person, major of canvas of academy of fine arts of Fujian Normal University graduated 1995, complete a course of class of courses of research of aquarelle of 2001-2002 Hubei academy of fine arts. Work is selected the 6th, exhibition of aquarelle of 7 whole nations, attend work of art of the 10th whole nation to exhibit, master of art of academy of fine arts of Fujian Normal University; It is academy of Fujian Province art now imperial art academy of division of 2 class art, Fujian Province hires academician of artist of painter, China, Fujian Province especially beautiful assist watercolour painting is artistic committee secretary-general.
? ? ? ? Main ginseng exhibits work:
July 2000 work " green strong and pervasive fragrance " attend the Fujian Province " far too cup " aquarelle is exhibited greatly, win outstanding award (Fuzhou imperial art academy) .
At Hubei academy of fine arts education tied take a refresher course of class of course of aquarelle major graduate student 1 year 2001.
2001 2 work " dangerous sex game " attend Fuzhou (describe with the opposite sex) contemporary art is exhibited.
In August 2001 work " the flower of the dream " enter art exhibition of colour of cliff of first whole nation (Chinese art gallery)
Attended work of art exhibition of watercolour of the 6th whole nation, pink 2002 " die " , " time " selected ginseng is exhibited (Shanghai art gallery) .
2003 " Qiu Shi " attend aquarelle of the 8th China to be exhibited greatly (sketchy high-quality goods is exhibited) (Ning Bo art gallery) .
2003 " great still life " selected whole nation the 2nd " award of Li Jian morning " double year exhibit (Jiangsu saves art gallery) .
2004 watercolour " be in harmony " work of the 10th art of selected whole nation is exhibited (Shan head art gallery) .
2005 " bicycle of 18 years old of · " selected art exhibition of watercolour of the 7th whole nation, pink (Zhengzhou art gallery) .
2005 aquarelle " Fujian landscape " attend Fujian nomination of the 2nd aquarelle is exhibited.
2008 aquarelle " little younger sister " work of art of the 5th youth exhibits selected Fujian and have the honor to win second-class award.
? ? ? ? 2009 canvas " the sea on the west high speed " eleventh of selected whole nation art work exhibition. (Hubei visits artistic shop)
2009 watercolour " NO1 of bicycle of 18 years old of · " obtain the Fujian Province work of teacher of first college art exhibits first prize, be collected by province art gallery.
? ? ? ? 2010 canvas " pass through the sea on the west " selected whole nation " Jin Ling of a hunderd schools " art exhibition. (Jiangsu art gallery)
? ? ? ? 2011 watercolour " scene · content " beauty of the 4th youth of selected whole nation is exhibited. (Chinese art gallery)
2012 the Fujian Province the 2nd " Feng Shan cup " commissioner of watercolour art exhibition.
2012 canvas " the scenery of die " selected whole nation " Jin Ling of a hunderd schools " art exhibition. (Jiangsu art gallery)
2012 watercolour " the space is less and less " art exhibition of the 10th watercolour of selected whole nation, pink. (Guangxi nation museum)
2013 watercolour " condition " selected artistic moral integrity of the 10th China -- work of countrywide fine art is exhibited. (Shandong art gallery)
2013 watercolour " listen respectfully " selected aquarelle of 2013 Shenzhen international double year exhibit. (Shenzhen art gallery)
2013 canvas " corrode " canvas of the youth in the 2nd whole nation that association of selected China artist sponsors is exhibited. (Shenzhen is big fragrance art gallery)

