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王乃壮,男,别名 王洲,号静敛斋主,寒山稚子。汉族,浙江杭州人,1929年2月生。祖父王福盦为杭州西泠印社创始人之1 。
幼承家传,酷爱书画。1947年入上海美术专科学校学西画,1949年考入地方 美术学院,得徐悲鸿吴作人指点 。1953年毕业于地方 美术学院。后任清华大学美术学院教师、教授。60年代初又从李苦禅学习水墨大写意与书法,作品寻求 新意,具有粗犷浑厚、精致典雅、深沉耐看的风格。现为中国美术家协会理事,清华大学美术学院教授、中国华翰书画院院长、中国古代 书法研讨 中心艺术顾问,台湾美术家协会荣誉理事,新加坡南洋艺术学院客座教授。
近年探索创作古代 佛画及古代 书法,1986年香港《美术家》发表其1 组古代 佛画。
1987年书法作品入选《古代 书法》集。

Introduction to the artist

Wang Naizhuang, male, renown Wang Zhou, fast of date static collect advocate, cold hill child. The Han nationality, zhejiang Hangzhou person, unripe in Feburary 1929. Bao of grandfather king blessing imprints for Hangzhou Xi Ling one of agency author.
Young bear handed down from the older generations of the family, love painting and calligraphy. Learned into Shanghai art training school 1947 draw on the west, took an examination of central academy of fine arts 1949, xu Beihong, Wu Zunren is directive. Was graduated from central academy of fine arts 1953. Teacher of academy of fine arts of successor Tsinghua university, professor. Meaning of capitalization of water Chinese ink and calligraphy learn from Li Kuchan again at the beginning of 60 time, work pursues new idea, have straightforward and simple and honest, delicate elegance, dark be able to bear or endure the color that see. It is director of Chinese artist association now, art of research center of contemporary calligraphy of dean of courtyard of painting and calligraphy of writing of professor of Tsinghua university academy of fine arts, China China, China is advisory, director of honor of Taiwan artist association, visiting professor of college of art of Singapore southern Asia.
Artistic achievement, work exhibited in Hong Kong first 1978. work is in " art " " Chinese art " " China is drawn " etc publish on the journal. Fast of Beijing flourish treasure was published " Wang Naizhuang painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style " picture division.
1987 spring go to academy of fine arts of Singapore southern Asia to discourse on an academic subject on invitation reach showpiece work, obtain Singapore republic Ministry of Education twice award.
Publication company of Hong Kong HIKO was published 1985 " Wang Naizhuang draws volume " .
Explore creation in recent years contemporary Buddha picture and contemporary calligraphy, 1986 Hong Kong " artist " publish one of serieses contemporary Buddha picture.
Calligraphy work is selected 1987 " contemporary calligraphy " collect.

