李汇泉(1954.12—)四川简阳人。擅终年 画、水粉画。毕业于四川教育学院美术系,原任职于简阳市电影公司,现任简阳市文明 馆美术干部。作品《小谨慎 意》获第四届全国年画展1 等奖,《战地婚礼》、《群星灿烂》获三等奖;《神州之春》参加第七届全国美展,《钱学森》参加第5 届全国年画展览,《敬爱的小原同志》(组画)(合作)获第八届全国美展优秀作品奖。
Li Huiquan (1954.12, ) Sichuan Jian Yang's person. Be good at New Year picture, gouache. Be graduated from Sichuan to teach academic art is, hold a post formerly company of movie of Yu Jian in relief city, currently hold the post ofcadre of art of house of culture of Jian Yang city. Work " little careful hint " obtain New Year picture of the 4th whole nation to exhibit first prize, " battleground is bridal " , " galaxy is bright " win third class award; " of China spring " attend beauty of the 7th whole nation to exhibit, " Qian Xuesen " attend New Year picture of the 5th whole nation to exhibit, " respected and beloved Comrade Xiaoyuan " (group picture) (collaboration) obtain beauty of the 8th whole nation to exhibit outstanding work reward.