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生于南京,1985年毕业于河北师范大学美术学院,并留校任教。1990年在地方 美术学院国画系进修,2004年调入地方 民族大学美术学院任教授,中国美术家协会会员。1987年《男人在前方》获建军六十周年全国美展佳作奖1989年《老井》入选第七届全国美展1994年《紫光》入选第八届全国美展1996年《母与子》入选第四次世妇会中国女美术家作品展,并被中国美术馆收藏。1998年《母与子》等三幅作品入选中国美术家协会、妇女协会主办的“世纪·女性艺术展”。1998年《三母亲》等六幅作品参加上海美术双年展·首届水墨画展1999年《三个吸烟的男人》等六幅作品参加“水墨与都市·水墨试验展”。1999年《欢乐北方》获全国九届美展优秀奖1999年《舞蹈》入选第八届全国《群星奖》美术作品展1999年写生及论文参与水墨人物教学对话?2000年《两个女人》等两幅作品参加“中华世纪之光中国画提名展”?2000年《晨雾》等四幅作品参加深圳第二届国际水墨·水墨都市作品展?2001年《浴女》等两幅作品参加国际中国画联展2001应深圳美术馆约请 举办《纪京宁水墨作品展》?2001年出版《纪京宁作品集》2002年《风景中人》等作品参加第三届深圳国际水墨双年展?2004年《布衣》参加深圳第四届国际水墨双年展?2004年《大班车》参加“傅抱石奖南京水墨画传媒三年展”2004年《人体》参加“中国水墨人体画·人人怯隐走向坦显艺术展”?2004年《布衣坊》参加水墨报告——当代水墨艺术家巡回展

Introduction to the artist

Be born at Nanjing, was graduated from academy of fine arts of Heibei Normal University 1985, stay school teach. Traditional Chinese painting of centrally academy of fine arts tied take a refresher course 1990, transferred into academy of fine arts of central nation university holds the post of a professor 2004, chinese artist academician. 1987 " man forwardly " obtain found an army 60 years does countrywide beauty exhibit award of an excellent work 1989 " old well " selected is beauty of the 7th whole nation exhibited 1994 " violet light " selected is beauty of the 8th whole nation exhibited 1996 " mother and child " selected the 4th times work of female artist of world Fu meeting China is exhibited, be collected by Chinese art gallery.  1998 " mother and child " wait for what association of selected China artist, woman association sponsors 3 work " art of century · female is exhibited " .  1998 " 3 mothers " wait for 6 work to attend Shanghai art double year exhibit · is first wash exhibited? 1999 " the man of 3 smoking " wait for 6 work to attend " water Chinese ink and experiment of Chinese ink of city · water are exhibited " . 1999 " happy north " obtain 9 beauty of countrywide to exhibit outstanding award? 1999 " dancing " selected the 8th whole nation " galaxy award " is art work exhibited? Did paint from life and paper share conversation of education of character of water Chinese ink 1999? 2000 " two women " wait for two work to attend " is nomination of the traditional Chinese painting in the light of China century exhibited "  2000 " the pride of the morning " wait for 4 work to attend Shenzhen is work of city of Chinese ink of water of · of Chinese ink of water of the 2nd international exhibited 2001 " bath daughter " is couplet of the traditional Chinese painting in waiting for two work to attend international exhibited 2001 should does Shenzhen art gallery invite hold " is work of Chinese ink of Ji Jingning water exhibited " ? Published 2001 " collect of Ji Jingning work "  2002 " scenery go-between " wait for work to attend Mo Shuangnian of water of international of the 3rd Shenzhen to exhibit? 2004 " commoners " attend Shenzhen is Mo Shuangnian of water of the 4th international exhibited? 2004 " car of the top class in a kindergarten " attend " is medium of wash of Nanjing of Fu Baoshi award exhibited 3 years " 2004 " human body " attend " does calm of trend of concealed of cowardly of everybody of · of picture of human body of Chinese water Chinese ink show art to exhibit "  2004 " commoners lane " attend water Chinese ink to report -- itinerate of artist of contemporary water Chinese ink is exhibited

