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 吴俊卿在民国元年当前 以字行或署仓硕、苍石,别号缶庐、老缶、缶道人, 苦铁、破荷、大聋、酸寒尉、芜菁亭长、5 湖印芒等。他的青少年时代曾历尽饥寒,但对艺术的寻求 却从末停止。虽曾在5 十5 岁那年当过安东(江苏涟水)县令,但1 个月当前 便辞职了。



 他的篆刻从浙派入手,后受邓石如、吴让之、赵之谦的影响,上追秦汉玺印,尤能貌掘气盛地作石鼓文,以玺印封泥、砖甓---瓦及碑碣等书体融入书法、绘画、篆刻的创作。篆刻用刀化钱松、吴让之的刀法为1 种新的刀法,钝刀硬入,使他的创作别具1 种古拙浑厚、苍劲郁勃的气息,有别于他之前的任何一名 高手,实在是一名 食古能化、自出新意的大家,其印谱有《削觚庐印存》、《缶庐印存》、《吴昌硕印谱》等行世。




扇页有自题:“公之来先生属写妃子笑,为放(仿)戴石屏设色,而顾荼老以为极似张孟皋。丙午闰四月病臂草草。俊卿记。”钤“缶”白文 印。“丙午”是清光绪三十二年(1906年),吴昌硕时年63岁。

图绘没有任何背景陪衬的妃子笑荔枝斜向出枝。饱含汁液的荔枝果,先用淡红色铺底,再以深红色在其上添画,使得局部描写丰富了层次,添加 了立体感。枝与叶使用了朴茂雄壮 的草篆笔法,显现出书法中气贯神通的审美意趣。作者这类 画气不画形,“以作书之法作画”的艺术手法,对中国近古代 绘画及日本绘画均有较大的影响。

English Introduction

 Wu Junqing (1844-1927), formerly Jun, was born in Anji, Zhejiang Province. He was the last outstanding artist in the late Qing Dynasty. In poetry, calligraphy, painting, printing and other aspects, he surpassed the past and the present. He was a self-made artist with great achievements. His flowing charm lasted to the present age.


After the first year of the Republic of China, Wu Junqing used words or scripts, such as Shuangshuo and Cangshi, nicknamed Xulu, Lao Xu, Xu Dao, Bitter Iron, broken lotus, deafness, sour and cold wei, turnip pavilion, Wuhu Yinmang, etc. In his youth, he suffered from hunger and cold, but his pursuit of art never ceased. Although he was a county magistrate of Andong (Lianshui, Jiangsu) at the age of 55, he resigned a month later.


His seal engraving started from the Zhejiang School, and was later influenced by Deng Shiru, Wu Jean-zhi and Zhao Zhiqian. He pursued the seal of Qin and Han Dynasty, especially made stone drum inscriptions with vigorous appearance, and integrated the seal of mud, brick, tile and stele into the creation of calligraphy, painting and seal engraving. Qian Song and Wu Rangzhi's method of cutting seals with knives is a new kind of knife method. The blunt knife hardens in, which makes his creation unique with a kind of ancient clumsy, vigorous and vigorous atmosphere. Unlike any other master before him, he is really an old-fashioned and innovative person. His stamps are "Cutting and Imprinting Preservation", "Luxu Preservation", "Wu Changshuo Preservation" and so on.


"Litchi Picture" Fan Page, Qing Dynasty, Wu Junqing Painting, Paper, Colour Settings, 18.7 cm in length and 51.1 cm in horizontal.


The fan page has its own title: "Mr. Gong Zhilai writes the concubine's laughter and sets up colours for putting on (imitating) a stone screen, while Gu Tea always thinks it is very similar to Zhang Menggao. Brachiaria sinensis in April. Jun Qingji." Jun "Qian" Zhu Wenyin. "Bingwu" was the thirty-second year of Guangxu in Qing Dynasty (1906). Wu Changshuo was 63 years old.


The picture shows the princess Xiao Litchi with no background. The juicy litchi fruit is first laid with light red, then painted with deep red, which enriches the level of local description and increases the three-dimensional sense. Branches and leaves use simple and vigorous grass seal writing, which shows the aesthetic interest of calligraphy. The artistic technique of "painting by calligraphy" has great influence on modern Chinese painting and Japanese painting.

