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白雪石 - 王兆辉:我的老师白雪石

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白雪石,1915年生,北京人,中学时期受教于赵梦朱,后拜梁树年为师习山水画。1937年至1948年间,曾举行个人画展和联展多次,并加入湖社画会和中国画学研讨 会。1958年起任教于北京艺术师范学院、北京艺术学院和地方 工艺美术学院,前后 为讲师、副教授、教授。中国美术家协会会员。擅长山水画。作品有《早春图》、《黄山松》、《漓江1 曲千峰秀》等。自1972年以来,为中南海、人民大会堂、钓鱼台国宾馆等外事部门绘制巨幅国画数十幅。作品多次入选国内外展出,并为中国美术馆等博物馆收藏。日本为之出版《白雪石匠作展》、《白雪石画展》等专集,有<荣宝斋画谱·山水部分>行世。并出版有专著《中国画技法》,与孙其峰黄均合著的《国画技法》。


自幼习画,1932年在中学读书时受教于花鸟画家赵梦朱,后拜梁树年黄胄)为师学习山水画,1 九三三年,经画界友人推荐,即加入了当年北平画坛颇具影响的绘画团体——“湖社”。1935年,从师诗、书、画、印皆长的著名山水画家梁树年先生研习山水画技法,并于次年与梁树年先生及画友郭北峦在中山公园举办山水、花鸟作品三人联展。
1937-1948年期间曾多次举办个人画展,同时参加湖社画会和中国画研讨 会。1942年参加“北京画学研讨 会“。50年代加入北京中国画研讨 会。60年代加入全国美协。1959-1964年曾任北京艺术师范学院及北京艺术学院讲师。1964-1984年前后 担任地方 工艺美术学院讲师、副教授和教授。现任北京山水画研讨 会会长。白雪石早年师事赵梦朱、梁树年(黄胄),研习没骨花鸟和山水画,传统功基深厚。他的山水画师宗北派,旁及南派,广采博取,兼收各类画种之精华,具有宋画之严谨,元画之轻快,水彩画之秀润,版画之纯净、明快而具装潢 美。1977年至今20年间,应邀为中南海、人民大会堂、钓鱼台国宾馆和 北京饭店等大宾馆绘制巨幅山水画50余幅。1980-1996年曾多次赴日本、香港、新加坡、美国访问并举办画展。


作品有《早春图》、《黄山松》、《漓江1 曲千峰秀》等。自1972年以来,为中南海、人民大会堂、钓鱼台国宾馆等外事部门绘制巨幅国画数十幅。作品多次入选国内外展出,并为中国美术馆等博物馆收藏。日本为之出版《白雪石匠作展》、《白雪石画展》等专集,有《荣宝斋画谱·山水部分》行世。并出版有专著《中国画技法》,与孙其峰黄均合著的《国画技法》。
白雪石擅画山水,不管 是黄山、泰山及桂林风景,都在他笔下弥漫 着灵性及活力。他巧妙地应用 石线,表花及浓而不浊的墨色烘托出青山绿水的明洁意境。他的作品清新俊逸,朴秀多姿,题材广泛,具有浓郁的时代气息,尤以桂林为题材创作的青绿山水画最能体现和代表白雪石的绘画风格。他的1 种独具风貌的桂林山水画法被称为“白派山水”。
雪石先生山水中的漓江系列山水,应当 说是最能集中代表画家在传统山水画革新方面突出的艺术成就的。综观其漓江山水,不管 其是雄壮 浓重,或是秀润空灵,抑或是疏淡迷朦,不管 是绝句式抒情小景,或是全景式长卷巨制,雪石先生皆能以其纯熟 老辣的笔墨功夫应用 浓、淡、干、湿、泼、破等不同墨趣、勾皴点染的不同笔情,恰到好处地挥写漓江晴、云、雨、雾中山光水影迷离的奥妙 变化。抽象 的剪裁、章法的处置,繁简、疏密、真假 、主次的艺术处理,皆极其讲究而又能自然稳健毫无斧凿之痕。勾、皴、擦、点苍老沉雄的笔道,墨色渲染的丰富层次,所塑造的漓江水色天光、奇峰倒影、竹林农舍、烟雨渔筏、芭蕉新篁,构成了层次丰富空间深远发人遥想 的迷人画卷。



1937-1948年期间曾多次举办个人画展,同时参加湖社画会和中国画研讨 会。1977年至今20年间,应邀为中南海、人民大会堂、钓鱼台国宾馆和 北京饭店等大宾馆绘制巨幅山水画50余幅。1980-1996年曾多次赴日本、香港、新加坡、美国访问并举办画展。
200810月10日,由中国文联主办的第七届外型 艺术成就奖颁奖典礼在北京西藏大厦举行。著名国画家、清华大学美术学院教授白雪石因其在中国美术领域取得的成就被授予“外型 艺术成就奖”。
相干 评价
白雪石早年的师承和刻苦的研习,为其创作奠定了深厚的传统基础。他的花鸟画具有工细、绚丽、淡雅的格调。而山水画是他最为擅长的,他的山水画不管 是大幅或是小品,皆各有独到的地方 。不管 是黄山、泰山还是桂林风景,都弥漫 着自然的灵性和活力。其笔下的“老树繁枝,笔笔无力 ,或苍老、或挺秀,繁而不乱,加强了画境的深邃感,而不杂乱 。山石的皴笔或繁或简,坚挺朴质,不泥古,有深厚的传统技巧,更注重 ‘师造化’,构成 本身 独有的风格”( 张安治先生语)。在画法上白雪石从不拘于传统,他不断 深入研讨 传统山水的古代 化,努力 于“西洋绘画民族化,民族绘画古代 化”的探索之路。他的山水画师宗北派,旁及南派,并广采博取,兼收各类画种之精华,既有宋画的严谨精湛,又有元画的轻快悠然,具备水彩画之秀润的同时又兼具版画的纯净与明快的装潢 美感。因而 说,他的作品突破了传统的定式,以其独具个性的绘画言语 构成 了本身 的“白家”款式 ,被誉为“京派”新山水的代表人物之1 。

为了努力变革求新,他深入理想 生活,畅游名山大川,开阔艺术视野,丰富画思。他曾远赴桂林、黄山、泰山等地写生,以自然造化为师。集毕生血汗 使祖国的万千气象汇聚于数尺画幅中。他的每1 幅作品都抒发着对祖国大好河山的感慨。《深秋拒马河畔》便是他艺术人生的1 处印记。作品以清新俊逸,朴秀多姿的风格展示 于观者。那精巧轻快的笔墨,兼工带写的豪放之风,可以想像出作者落笔时的自信与纯熟 。笔情墨意之间的自若 挥洒,又自然地抒写出秋日深邃与萧疏的意境。远处高大威武雄浑 的青山配以闲适静谧的乡间小院,加之河畔上鸡儿悠哉的觅食,既具气势又不失灵秀。山间红叶的点缀,金叶与画幅色调的冷暖对比,不但烘托了浓郁的秋意,而且也突出了画面鲜明 雅妍的格调。

白石先生的绘画题材广泛,而且具有浓厚的时代气息,最能体现和代表其绘画风格的尤以桂林为题材创作的青绿山水画。他那独具风貌的桂林山水画被称为“白派山水”。为了绘制漓江之景,他曾多次到桂林,对漓江作进1 步观察、研讨 、探索和搜集。这幅《漓江金秋》就是在写生基础上,以更加概括和夸张的表现手法,艺术性地再现了漓江山水“江作青罗带,山如碧玉簪”式清新娟秀 的神韵。图中描绘的是漓江的深秋之景,远远望去,那秀逸劲拔的青山、清澈明丽的湖水、鲜明 雅妍的红叶,1 种高洁舒爽之气扑面而来。画面在布局上巧妙地注入了1 种感人的空间意象,将感情自然融化于山水画当中 ,从而创造出1 种前无古人的独特画境。加之那萧洒 利落的笔法和浓而不浊的墨色自然地烘托出这青山碧水的明洁意境,正所谓“巧裁桂林千重秀,妙剪漓江1 段春”。

不管 是作为卓有成就的山水画家,还是作为从教六十年的美术教育家,白雪石其画其人都是无愧于时代的,而且堪称为人师表的楷模。先生宽厚谦和,平易近人,其先生 可谓是桃李满天下。这与其独特的教学方法是分不开的。在教学中,先生对先生 们谆谆教导,1 丝不苟,不管 用笔、用墨还是构图、技巧都毫不保留的逐一 传授,使先生 们不仅从绘画作品中而且从全部 的作画过程中去领悟,去思考。聘请社会各名家进行讲座、示范,或带领先生 登门拜访请教。他总是教导先生 多习各家之优点 ,从不张扬自家之所能。因而 使他的先生 可以广益多师,很快的熟悉各家的特点,大大开阔了眼界。白雪石还身体力行,坚持带领先生 们深入山区写生,在实践中反复体会“师法造化”。难怪有人说“写生”能如白雪石者不多。他还根据每个先生 的不同个性因材施教,为先生 各自发展尽量指导 路径。

白雪石不但画艺非凡,而且人品更高。他为人性情 谦和、朴厚、笃诚,具有1 派君子之风,正如漓江山水那样的清澈、明净。难怪蔡若虹曾赞誉道:“作画山河美,为人品格高”。他的确是“人如其画,画如其人”

English Introduction

Stone, born in 1915, Beijing middle school, taught by Zhao Mengzhu, after the worship beam Shunian landscape painting. From 1937 to 1948, held a personal exhibition and exhibition many times, and joins the lake and Chinese Painting Research Association Painting agency. Since 1958, he has taught at the Beijing Art Teachers College, the Beijing Academy of Arts and the central process of Academy of Fine Arts, and has been a lecturer, associate professor, and professor. Member of Chinese artists association. Good at landscape painting. Works have "early spring", "Mount Huangshan song", "Li Song thousand peaks show" and so on. Since 1972, drawing huge painting dozens of pieces of Zhongnanhai, the Great Hall of the people, such as the Foreign Affairs Department of Diaoyutai State Guest House. Works have been selected at home and abroad for many times, and for the Chinese Art Museum and other museum collections. Japan is the publication of "snow," he Exhibition "Bai Xueshi Art Exhibition" and other albums, with < rongbaozhai - > part of world landscape painting. And published a monograph "Chinese painting techniques", and Sun Qifeng, Huang were co authored the "Chinese painting techniques".
In April 22, 2011, stone died in Beijing at the age of 96.
He studied painting in 1932 at the secondary school taught by artist Zhao Mengzhu, after worship Liang Shunian (Huang Zhou) for the study of landscape painting, the painting in 1933, friends recommended, joining the Peking painting influential painting group "Lake community". 1935, from the poetry calligraphy and painting are long famous landscape painter Mr. Liang Shunian studied painting, and in the following year with Mr. Liang Shunian and his friends Guo Beiluan held in Zhongshan Park landscape, flower and bird paintings exhibition three.
During the period of 1937 - 1948, he held many personal exhibitions, and participated in the society and the Chinese painting research society. In 1942 to participate in the Beijing painting research association". Beijing Chinese Painting Research Association of China in 50s. In 60s to join the national association. 1959 - 1964 served as lecturer of Beijing Art Teachers College and the Beijing Institute of arts. 19641984 years has served as the central Academy of Fine Arts lecturer, associate professor and professor. The current president of the Beijing landscape painting research association. Stone, Liang Shunian early Zhao Mengzhu Peterman (Huang Zhou), and study the Mogu flower bird painting, traditional power base deep. His landscape painting of Shizong north, and south, adopted widely, and various kinds of painting essence, with paintings of Song Dynasty painting of the yuan is rigorous, lively, watercolor prints show smooth, pure, bright and decorative beauty. Since 1977 20 years, was invited to draw a huge landscape painting more than 50 pieces for the Zhongnanhai, the Great Hall of the people, Diaoyutai State Guest House and Beijing Hotel hotels. 19801996 years repeatedly went to Japan, Hongkong, Singapore, the United States visit and exhibition.

Works have "early spring", "Mount Huangshan song", "Li Song thousand peaks show" and so on. Since 1972, drawing huge painting dozens of pieces of Zhongnanhai, the Great Hall of the people, such as the Foreign Affairs Department of Diaoyutai State Guest House. Works have been selected at home and abroad for many times, and for the Chinese Art Museum and other museum collections. Japan is the publication of "snow," he Exhibition "Bai Xueshi Art Exhibition", a "album, rongbaozhai Huapu landscape section" the world bank. And published a monograph "Chinese painting techniques", and Sun Qifeng, Huang were co authored the "Chinese painting techniques".
Bai Xueshi is good at painting landscape, whether it is Mount Huangshan, Taishan and Guilin scenery, all in his pen is permeated with the spirit and vitality. He skillfully used the stone line, table flowers and thick but not muddy black foil bright mood green mountains and rivers. His works are fresh, colorful theme park show, widely, with rich flavor of the times, especially in Guilin as the theme of the green landscape painting can best embody and represent Bai Xueshi's style of painting. His unique style of Guilin Scenery painting is known as the "white landscape"".
Mr. Snow stone landscape in the Lijiang River series, it should be said that the most concentrated in the traditional landscape painting on behalf of the outstanding achievements in the art of painting. The Lijiang River landscape, whether it is strong or powerful, show run ethereal, or thin Mimeng, regardless of type or small lyrical quatrains, panoramic scroll masterwork, snow Mr. Shi all can be skilled use sophisticated pen and ink work thick and thin and dry wet, splash, broken etc. the same, Moqu hook cracked Dianran pen is different, just perfect to write Lijiang sunny, cloud, rain and fog blurred the subtle changes in Ying Shan Kwong water. Image clipping, art disposal, art processing simplified, the density, the actual situation, primary and secondary, are extremely exquisite and natural sound without pretension. Hook, cracked, rub, little old good pen, rich level ink rendering, Xinhuang color skylight, Lijiang Qifeng reflection, farmhouse, amidst the bamboo and banana shaped fishing raft, form a rich space profound people daydream charming picture.

Achievement honor
During the period of 1937 - 1948, he held many personal exhibitions, and participated in the society and the Chinese painting research society. Since 1977 20 years, was invited to draw a huge landscape painting more than 50 pieces for the Zhongnanhai, the Great Hall of the people, Diaoyutai State Guest House and Beijing Hotel hotels. 19801996 years repeatedly went to Japan, Hongkong, Singapore, the United States visit and exhibition.
Works have been selected at home and abroad for many times, and for the Chinese Art Museum and other museum collections. Japan is the publication of "snow," he Exhibition "Bai Xueshi Art Exhibition", a "album, rongbaozhai Huapu landscape section" the world bank. And published a monograph "Chinese painting techniques", and Sun Qifeng, Huang were co authored the "Chinese painting techniques".
200810 March 10, sponsored by the Federation of the seventh session of the Chinese art achievement awards ceremony held at the Beijing Tibet Mansion. Bai Xueshi, a famous Chinese painter and professor of Academy of Fine Arts, was awarded the "plastic arts achievement award" for his achievements in the field of Chinese art ".
Related evaluation
Stone from early and hard study, laid a deep foundation for the creation of tradition. His painting is exquisite, gorgeous and elegant style. Landscape painting is his most good, his landscape painting or whether it is a comedy, all have originality. Whether it is Mount Huangshan, Taishan or Guilin scenery, are permeated with the natural spirit and vitality. The writing of "the old tree branches, Bibi strong, or old, or Tingxiu, complex but not chaotic, strengthen the profound sense of painting, but no miscellaneous. The rocks of the brushwork of simple or complex, strong natural, not imitation, have deep traditional skills, pay more attention to the "shizaohua", formed a unique style "(Zhang Anzhi said). In the drawing stone never stick to the traditional, he has been deeply study on the traditional landscape of the modernization, committed to the "Western painting nationalization, explore the national painting modernization road. His landscape painting Shizong beipai, and south, and adopted widely, and various kinds of painting of the essence of both the exquisite paintings of Song Dynasty, and Yuan painting have a leisurely, watercolor show run and both pure and bright prints decorative beauty. Therefore, his works break through the traditional mode, with its unique painting language has formed its own "White House" style, known as the "Beijing school" one of the representatives of new landscape.
In an effort to reform and innovation, he goes deep into real life, broaden the vision of art, tour well-known mountains and rivers, rich thought of painting. He has traveled to Guilin, Mount Huangshan and Taishan provinces, with nature as a teacher. In life to make our motherland thousands of weather together in a few feet frame. Each of his works to express his feelings for the motherland beautiful rivers and mountains of a country. "Late autumn" Juma River is a mark of his artistic life. Works with fresh, simple and colorful style show show in the audience. The delicate light ink, and work with writing the bold style, can imagine the author put pen to paper as confident and skilled. Between the ink pen Italy freely freely, naturally express deep and desolate mood to write autumn. A tall magnificent castle with quiet quiet rural courtyard, and the riverside chickens leisurely foraging, both with and without losing momentum show. The mountain red embellishment, golden hue contrast of changes in temperature and painting, not only heighten the rich autumn, but also highlights the bright picture Ya Yan style.
Mr. Bai Shi's painting of a wide range of subjects, but also has a strong flavor of the times, the most can reflect and represent the style of painting especially in Guilin as the theme of the green landscape painting. His unique style of Guilin Scenery painting is known as the "white landscape" ". In order to draw the scene of the Lijiang River, he has repeatedly to the Guilin, the Lijiang River for further observation, research, exploration and collection. This picture is in "Jinqiu" Lijiang painting basis, with more generalization and exaggeration of expression, artistic representation of the Lijiang River landscape "Jiang Qing Luo mountain belt, such as biyuzan" fresh and beautiful charm. In the picture, the scene is in the Lijiang River, from afar, the hideitsu Jinba hill, lake, clear bright bright Yan of the leaves, a fresh air blowing Gao Jie. The picture in the layout cleverly into a moving image space, will melt in the feelings of natural landscape painting, creating a unique painting with no predecessors. In addition to the handsome neat brushwork and thick but not muddy ink naturally express the blue mountains bright mood, is the so-called "smart cut thousands of Guilin Lijiang wonderful show, a shear spring".

