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罗工柳 - 无声的榜样──罗工柳谈胡一川

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 罗工柳(1916~2004 ),中国油画家。1916年1月5日生于广东开平。1936年考入杭州艺术专科学校,自学木刻。

对于老1 代艺术家来说,他们在创作革命历史画方面的1 大优势就在于这1 批人基本上都参加过中国革命的具体实践,在思想和情感上对革命历史都怀有普遍的认同,因而 在创作过程中他们可以倾注本身 全部的理想主义激情。罗工柳的《地道战》正是这样1 种情形下的创作,对事件的体验与革命的理想压倒了情势 的规定,而在这个基础上表现出来的情势 又具有1 种历史感。

回国后历任地方 美术学院教授、绘画系主任、副院长,中国美术家协会理事、常务理事,中国美术家协会书记处书记、全国文联委员。后任地方 美院教授、中国文联荣誉委员,中国美术家协会顾问。罗工柳早年次要 从事版画创作,作品表现抗日根据地军民的生活和斗争。1949年后多作油画,他的油画以描绘中国革命历史题材为主,在探索油画民族化方面作出了贡献 。长时间 从事美术教育工作,掌管 文明 部主办的油画研讨 班和地方 美院油画系罗工柳工作室的教学,在油画人才的培养上有明显 贡献。绘画技法和教学方法对中国油画创作和油画教学有广泛影响。掌管 第二套至第四套人民币的设计工作,这3套人民币以其完善 的设计入选奥地利出版的介绍世界各国钱币的《国际钱币制造者》1 书,在国际上产生了严重 影响。






1936年考入杭州艺术专科学校,自学木刻。抗日和平 爆发后,投入抗敌宣扬 活动。1938年在武汉参加筹组全国木刻协会,当选理事。



1949年参与创建地方 美术学院,新中国建立之初,罗工柳随华北联大进入北京,1949年参与创建地方 美术学院,在新成立的地方 美术学院担任领导工作。

1951年,第1 次拿起油画笔的罗工柳就创作出了两件重要作品《地道战》和《整风报告》,其中《地道战》在中国古代 油画史上占有极为重要的地位。

1953年,参加文明 部组织的“麦积山考察团”考察研讨 麦积山石窟艺术。

1955~1958年以教授身份赴苏联留学,入列宾绘画雕塑建筑学院研讨 油画艺术。

1959年,地方 美院油画首创工作室制,他掌管 “罗工柳工作室”的教学,1960年改为油画系第二工作室。

1961年至1963年,他掌管 油画研讨 班的教学工作。



2016年3月29日,为纪念罗工柳诞辰100周年,地方 美术学院主办了“创新先驱之路——罗工柳百年诞辰纪念展”。该纪念展览分为5 个部分:在战役 的前线、为新中国而创作、留学研讨 在苏联、中国油画要走本身 的路、柳色长青,以时间为线索梳理了罗工柳的艺术历程。

是我国著名艺术家、美术教育家、地方 美术学院原副院长罗工柳先生诞辰100周年,为纪念这位为革命美术事业、油画创新事业、美术教育事业做出出色 贡献的艺术先辈,大型展览“创新先驱之路——罗工柳百年诞辰纪念展”于3月29日在地方 美术学院美术馆隆重开幕。展览由地方 美术学院主办。


次要 成就


央美教授、批评家邵大箴曾说:“东方 油画的次要 特点是在写实中求神韵,中国传统水墨画是在写意中求神韵,罗工柳将两者结合,创作了具有时代特点和个人色彩的油画艺术言语 。”

在《毛主席在井冈山》、《前仆后继》和《井冈山》等作品中,罗工柳以写意的笔调使带有苏联滋味 的油画技术与中国水墨画的写意传统结合。 


罗工柳曾担任地方 美院绘画系主任,这1 时期,他倾全力于教学组织,提出将学制由三年改为5 年,将国、油、版三个科改为三个系,推动了地方 美院学科建设的正轨 化历程。

中国美院教授全山石曾是罗工柳的先生 ,他提到:“他将东方 的教学理念与鲁艺教学经验和 中国的美术教育实际情况相结合,把深入生活与创作实践纳入教学计划,将解放区的教学经验与国立北平艺专的教学方式相结合,构成 新的教学方式,为奠定新中国高等美术教育的体系作出了开拓性的贡献。” 


1950年4月,地方 同意中国人民银行提议,进行人民币改版工作,并约请 了担任地方 美术学院教员兼党总支副书记的罗工柳。罗工柳又推荐了擅长图案刻绘的周令钊参加。

由奥地利地方 银行行长克拉尼斯特(W. Kranister)主编的《国际钱币制造者》1 书,从艺术设计和印刷技术两个方面拔取 八个国家的钱币,加以研讨 介绍。其中亚洲只要 中国的人民币(第二、三、四套)入选。


1950年,地方 革命博物馆(今国家博物馆)筹备处接到中宣部和文明 部的唆使 ,为举办“中国共产党三十周年纪念展览”向知名美术创作人员征集党史题材美术作品,分配给罗工柳的任务是《地道战》和《整风报告》。


《地道战》终究 成为中国革命历史题材油画的经典作品。罗工柳曾说“是老百姓教我画出了《地道战》”


罗工柳早年次要 从事版画创作,作品表现抗日根据地军民的生活和斗


1938年到武汉政治部第三厅艺术处美术科,负责木刻组织工作并进入延安鲁迅艺术文学院美术系学习。年底加入“鲁艺木刻工作团”,赴抗日前线开展宣扬 工作。1939年,罗工柳任《新华日报(华北版)》美术编辑,从事木刻工作。




为了庆祝罗工柳诞辰1 百周年,地方 美术学院美术馆于2016年举办了《创新先驱之路——罗工柳百年诞辰纪念展》的大型学术展览。在展览上罗工柳的艺术生涯大略被分为5 个阶段。

第1 阶段为“在战役 的前线”(1936-1948年),是罗工柳在延安用木刻和版画的情势 记写了军民抗战的事迹,描绘了抗日民主根据地的生活风貌,以鼓舞斗志和宣扬 抗战。

第二阶段是“为新中国而创作”(1949-1954年)。这时候 期的罗工柳创作了1 批纪念中华人民共和国建国的历史的作品,如《地道战》和《整风报告》等。

第三阶段是“留学研讨 在苏联”(1955-1958年),展出了罗工柳赴苏联在列宾美术学院研讨 油画时的作品,体现了他对于对东方 油画的深入了解与成就 。

第四阶段为“中国油画要走本身 的路”(1958-1976年)。这1 时期的罗工柳专注探索中国传统艺术的写意性与油画写实技法的融合,创作了如《前仆后继》、《毛主席在井冈山》和巨幅风景画《井冈山》等的著名作品。

第5 阶段为“柳色长青”(1976-2004年),代表了改革开放后罗工柳的艺术探索。此时的罗工柳对绘画、书法、浮雕进行了综合性尝试,也同时继续发展其大写意风格。此时期的作品有《生气勃勃 》和《山色有没有 中》等。


2017年,地方 美术学院及罗工柳家属还设立了“罗工柳青年创作奖”,通过支持地方 美术学院“青春·脚印 ”先生 主题创作展,引导和鼓励青年先生 创作出反映时代主题的艺术作品。“青春·脚印 ”先生 主题创作展每年确定1 个主题,至今已连续举办六届。


 中国美术学院院长许江在2016年《创新先驱之路——罗工柳百年诞辰纪念展》上致辞时总结罗工柳的艺术为:“对东方 的优长伸延之,以东方的精神改造之。”

地方 美术学院院长范迪安在在《罗工柳百年诞辰纪念展》开幕式上认为罗工柳先生是20世纪中国美术发展中的1 座的高峰,其艺术人生与时代发展紧密相连,其艺术思想与人民思想情感紧密相连,罗工柳在不同时期创作的艺术作品,展示 出反映革命文艺理想、彰显时代精神的亮丽光采,成为中国美术主流在历史中前行的标志。他在美术教育事业上,特别是油画教育上有着承前启后的重要意义,为地方 美院积累了培养艺术人才的重要经验。 

古元美术馆首任馆长包泽伟认为,“在中国油画史上,罗工柳是举足轻重的。他把东方 油画和中国画相结合,其作品有很多新意。罗工柳的油画特色在于很好地把握对象色彩的真实感、形态 和人物的关系,这在当时的历史背景条件下是很难做到的。“ 

“写意油画”的概念由罗工柳在上世纪60年代最早 提出,并渐渐得到油画界部分有识之士的呼应,但写意油画真正普遍获得艺术界的认同,该当 是近十年来的事。罗工柳早在建国初期就对当时国内流行的苏式油画提出“繁、满、实、抠、腻、死、板”的尖锐批评,并极力主张从传统写意中国画中汲取营养 ,以改造苏式油画。

Introduction in English

 Luo Gongliu (1916-2004), a Chinese oil painter. Born on January 5, 1916 in Kaiping, Guangdong Province. In 1936, he was admitted to Hangzhou Art College and taught himself woodcut.


For the older generation of artists, one of their great advantages in creating revolutionary historical paintings is that they have basically participated in the specific practice of the Chinese revolution, and have universal recognition of the revolutionary history both ideologically and emotionally, so they can pour all their idealistic passion into the process of creation. Luo Gongliu's Tunnel Warfare is created in such a situation. The experience of events and revolutionary ideals overwhelm the rules of form. On this basis, the forms expressed have a sense of history.


After returning to China, he has successively been a professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, chairman and Vice-President of the Department of Painting, director and executive director of the Chinese Artists Association, Secretary of the Secretariat of the Chinese Artists Association and member of the National Literary Federation. He was appointed Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Honorary Member of the Chinese Federation of Artists and Consultant of the Chinese Artists Association. Luo Gongliu was mainly engaged in printmaking in his early years. His works show the life and struggle of the army and the people in the anti-Japanese base areas. After 1949, he painted more oil paintings. His oil paintings mainly depicted the theme of Chinese revolutionary history, and made contributions in exploring the nationalization of oil paintings. He has been engaged in art education for a long time, presided over the oil painting research class sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and the teaching of Luo Gongliu Studio of the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, which has made remarkable contributions to the training of oil painting talents. Painting techniques and teaching methods have a wide impact on Chinese oil painting creation and teaching. He presided over the design of the second to fourth sets of RMB. These three sets of RMB were selected by Austria for their perfect design in the book "International Coin Maker", which introduced the world's coins, and had a significant impact on the international community.


His representative works include woodcut Lu Xun Portrait, oil painting Tunnel Warfare, Rectification Report, Former Servants and Successors, Comrade Mao Zedong in Jinggangshan, etc., and publishing Luogongliu Painting Collection, Master Weekly Luogongliu Special Collection, Luogongliu Art Dialogue, etc.


Many works are collected by the Museum of Chinese Revolutionary History and the Chinese Art Museum.


He died of illness on 23 October 2004.


Born on January 5, 1916 in Kaiping, Guangdong Province.


In 1936, he was admitted to Hangzhou Art College and taught himself woodcut. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, propaganda activities against the enemy were launched. In 1938, he participated in the organization of the National Woodcut Association in Wuhan and was elected director.


In 1938, he joined the Department of Fine Arts of Lu Xun Academy of Arts and Literature, and soon joined the "Luyi Wood Carving Working Group". At the end of the year, he went to the Anti-Japanese Front of Taihang Mountains, where he was the art editor of Xinhua Daily (North China Edition) and engaged in printmaking creation.


From 1946 to 1949, he taught in the College of Arts and Literature of North China University and North China University. He was the chairman of the Department of Fine Arts of the College of Arts and Literature of North China United University.


In 1949, Luo Gongliu participated in the founding of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. At the beginning of the founding of New China, Luo Gongliu entered Beijing with the North China United University. He participated in the founding of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1949 and took the lead in the newly established Central Academy of Fine Arts.


In 1951, Luo Gongliu, who first picked up the oil brush, created two important works, Tunnel Warfare and Rectification Report, in which Tunnel Warfare occupied a very important position in the history of modern Chinese oil painting.


In 1953, he participated in the "Maijishan Investigation Mission" organized by the Ministry of Culture to study the art of Maijishan Grottoes.


From 1955 to 1958, he went to the Soviet Union as a professor to study oil painting in the Liebin School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.


In 1959, the Central Academy of Fine Arts initiated the studio system of oil painting. He presided over the teaching of "Luo Gongliu Studio" and changed it to the second studio of the Department of Oil Painting in 1960.


From 1961 to 1963, he presided over the teaching of oil painting research classes.


From 1950 to 1985, Luo Gongliu, as the head of the Renminbi Design Group, organized and personally participated in the design of the second, third and fourth sets of Renminbi, which had an important impact on the international community.


He died of illness on 23 October 2004.


On March 29, 2016, in order to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Luo Gongliu's birth, the Central Academy of Fine Arts sponsored the Centennial Anniversary Exhibition of Luo Gongliu, a pioneer of innovation. The commemorative exhibition is divided into five parts: in the front line of the battle, for the creation of new China, study abroad in the Soviet Union, Chinese oil painting to follow its own path, Liu Changqing, time as a clue to sort out Luo Gongliu's artistic history.


It is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Luo Gongliu, a famous artist, art educator and former vice-president of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. In commemoration of this artistic predecessor who has made outstanding contributions to the cause of revolutionary fine arts, oil painting innovation and art education, the large-scale exhibition "The Road of Innovation Pioneer-Luo Gongliu's Centennial Birthday Commemoration Exhibition" was held on March 3. The Gallery of the Central Academy of Fine Arts opened on 29 February. The exhibition is sponsored by the Central Academy of Fine Arts.


In June 2017, the Academic Committee of Guangdong Art Centennial Exhibition published 21 selected artists in Guangdong's Centennial art history, including Luo Gongliu, Li Tiefu, Gao Jianfu, He Xiangning, Chen Shuren, Lin Fengmian and Zhao Shao'ang.

