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刘南,黑龙江人。擅长油画。前后 毕业于云南艺术学院及四川美术学院油画进修班,现任中国美术家协会会员、云南油画学会理事、云南画院二级美术师、云南省政协特聘画家。《澜沧江畔》获全国第二届科普美展二等奖。《佤乡集市》、《彝族女司机》、《故乡的小河》等被中国美术馆、北京民族文明 宫、全国政协收藏。
作品十余次入选全国美展,其中《苦聪的重生 》、《晨牧》、《白族人家》等分别入选“第六届、第七届、第八届全国美展”并在省内获“1 等奖”、“优秀奖”、“云南省文艺创作奖”等。作品《圣殿之门》获“中国油画首届精品大赛”“鼓励奖”,作品《春到衰牢山》入选“中国首届风景油画约请 大展”《在那悠远 的地方》入选“中国油画精品展”(香港)、《洱海渔村》入选“当代中国绘画名家精品大展”(香港)、《石棹铭耻》入选“99澳门回归—中国艺术大展”《绿中传情》入选“全国第三届油画展”。近几年还搞过四次个人展览。

中国美术馆、北京民族文明 宫、全国政协、澳洲皇家昆士兰美术馆、斯坦索普美术馆、日本千代田俱乐部、云南省民族博物馆、昆明市博物馆等。
1998年到澳门访问并参加画展,1991年到澳大利亚访问并在布里斯班、墨尔本等地举为画展,2007年应邀到韩国访问并参加画展。1 批作品发表于《人民日报》、《光明日报》、《国际日报》、《欧洲日报》、《中国油画》、《美术》、《江苏画刊》等报刊。《中国妇女》(英文版)作过专题介绍。还有1 些作品被选入《中国古代 美术全集》、《中国当代油画艺术》等大型画册。名字及作品被收录入《世界华人名家年鉴》、《中国当代书画家名人大辞典》等十余部辞书。彝族女司机》、《故乡的小河》等被中国美术馆、北京民族文明 宫、全国政协收藏。

Introduction to the artist

Liu Na's Heilongjiang person. Be good at canvas. Be graduated from Yunnan art institute and class of attend in a advanced studies of canvas of Sichuan academy of fine arts early or late, currently hold the post ofcanvas of Chinese artist academician, Yunnan to learn whose paintings were characterized by delicate brushwork and close attention to detail of director, Yunnan the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of province of division of 2 class art, Yunnan hires an artist especially. " river bank of billows dark blue " obtain beauty of the 2nd popular science of countrywide to exhibit second-class award.
More than 10 times beauty of selected whole nation exhibits work, among them " suffering acute hearing new student " , " morning herd " , " other people of the Bai nationality " divide into equal parts is fastened selected " the 6th, the 7th, beauty of the 8th whole nation is exhibited " be in provincial obtain " first prize " , " outstanding. Work " the door of Temple of God " obtain " Chinese canvas contest of first high-quality goods " " encourage award " , work " spring arrive decline firm hill " selected " first scenery canvas invites China to be exhibited greatly " " in that distant place " selected " Chinese canvas high-quality goods is exhibited " (Hong Kong) , " Er sea fishing village " selected " high-quality goods of contemporary China painterly a person of academic or artistic distinction is exhibited greatly " (. Still had done an individual 4 times to exhibit in last few years.

The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of the Cultural Palace of the Nationalities of Chinese art gallery, Beijing, whole nation, Australia is royal 1000 Dai Tian clubs of art gallery, Japan, Yunnan saves Kun Shilan art gallery, Sitansuopu ethical museum, Kunming city museum.
Was visited to Macao 1998 and enter art exhibition, was visited to Australia 1991 and in Bulisi and other places of class, Melbourne is lifted for art exhibition, was visited to Korea on invitation 2007 and enter art exhibition. A batch of work are published at " People's Daily " , " bright daily " , " international daily " , " European daily " , " Chinese canvas " , " art " , " Jiangsu pictorial section of a newspaper " wait for the press. " Chinese woman " (English edition) had made special subject introduction. Still a few work are chosen " complete works of Chinese modern art " , " Chinese contemporary oil painting is artistic " wait for large an album of paintings. Name and work are collected " almanac of world Chinese a person of academic or artistic distinction " , " big dictionary of celebrity of home of Chinese contemporary painting and calligraphy " wait for more than 10 dictionary. Chauffeuse of the Yi nationality " , " the brook of birthplace " wait to be collected by the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of the Cultural Palace of the Nationalities of Chinese art gallery, Beijing, whole nation.

