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次要 作品《枯木逢春》入选第二届全国青年美展、《崇高的精神》入选第六届全国美展、《岁月无声》入选第八届全国美展、《苦咖啡》入选中国美术出版界美术家作品展、《草书横幅》入选中国美术出版界书画家作品展。另有多幅作品参加其他类型美展,并被发表和收藏。绘画题材广泛,尤擅长人物、风景、静物。作品功底扎实、技法纯熟 ,努力 于东方情调和东方 色彩的画面探求。出版有《李瑞兆油画集》《李瑞兆书法集》等。

Introduction to the artist

Li Ruizhao (1960.3, ) Henan Xu Chang's person. Be good at canvas, traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy. Publishing house of art of people of Chinese artist academician, Shaanxi calligrapher academician, Shaanxi reads and edit. Was graduated from department of canvas of Xi'an academy of fine arts 1981, grind high in this courtyard the class takes advanced courses. Went to American new York to undertake art makes an on-the-spot investigation 1995 with creation.
Main work " get a new lease of life " selected beauty of the 2nd whole nation youth is exhibited, " great mind " selected beauty of the 6th whole nation is exhibited, " years is breathed " selected beauty of the 8th whole nation is exhibited, " bitter coffee " work of artist of the press of selected China art. Additionally many work attends other type beauty to exhibit, be published and collect. Painterly subject matter is extensive, be good at character, scenery, still life especially. Work skill law of solid, ability is adept, devote oneself to Oriental emotional appeal and hunting of western colorific picture. Publish have " collect of Li Ruizhao canvas " " collect of Li Ruizhao calligraphy " etc.

