何韵兰(1937.1—)女,浙江海宁人。擅长中国画、油画。1953年入地方 美术学院附中,1962年毕业于地方 美术学院版画系。历任《体育报》美术编辑,地方 戏剧学院舞台美术系教研室主任、副教授,中国美协少儿艺委会主任。作品有《信心 》、《溯》、《京剧脸谱》等。出版有《韵兰集》、《何韵兰作品集》。
He Yunlan (1937.1, ) female, zhejiang sea peaceful person. Be good at Chinese picture, canvas. Entered attached middle school of central academy of fine arts 1953, was graduated from department of woodcut of central academy of fine arts 1962. Have successively held the posts of " sports signs up for " art edits, art of arena of central Thespian institute fastens staff room director, associate professor, china is beautiful assist little art appoint conference chairman. Work has " belief " , " go against the river " , " Beijing opera types of facial makeup in operas " etc. Publish have " charm Lan Ji " , " collect of He Yunlan work " .