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刘晓光(油画家),1963年生于吉林市,1988年毕业于吉林艺术学院油画专业。日本上智大学研讨 生毕业,中国美术家协会会员,清华大学美术学院高研班导师,吉林省油画学会副主席,法国当代艺术家协会常委理事,中国古代 美术研讨 院油画院院长,吉林大学客座教授。
2010年油画作品《俺们那嘎1 条街》入选在韩国举办的新中国美术60年纪念展,在韩国四城市巡展;油画作品《俺们那嘎1 条街》入选在日本举办的古代 中国美术展,在日本四城市巡展;油画作品《小城正月里》入选中国油画学会主办的“油画艺术与当代社会”中国油画展,在中国美术馆展出;
2009年油画作品《俺们那嘎1 条街》入选第十1 届全国美展,获首届中国美术奖获奖提名;
2000年油画作品《西藏女》在东京都美术馆获东京都知?a href=https://www.meishu.com/baike/1/8/9873.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>陆保?br /> 1999年油画作品《高原女》在东京都美术馆再获日本艺术家协会奖;
1990年招贴画《亚洲的节日》入选第二届全国体育美展;油画《亚麻绳子》等5 幅作品与吴冠中刘迅韦启美等参加在新加坡举办的第二届中国古代 油画展;油画作品《笛》入选中国美协主办的“古代 中国美术展”,在日本巡展;

Introduction to the artist

Liu Xiaoguang (canvas home) , was born at Jilin city 1963, was graduated from major of canvas of Jilin art institute 1988. On Japan wisdom college graduate student graduates, chinese artist academician, tsinghua university academy of fine arts grinds high class adviser, jilin saves canvas to learn a vice-chairman, france is contemporary director of artist association members of standing committee, dean of courtyard of canvas of academy of Chinese modern art, jilin college visiting professor.
2014 Canvas work " in small town the first month of the lunar year " selected dozenth the United States exhibits a whole nation;
2012 Canvas work " hazy blueness is spent " selected China is beautiful assist those who sponsor " my earth I civilian " oily art exhibition;
2010 Canvas work " we that a street " selected 60 years souvenir exhibits the new China painting that holds in Korea, in Korea 4 cities make one's rounds is exhibited; Canvas work " we that a street " selected the contemporary China art that holds in Japan is exhibited, in Japan 4 cities make one's rounds is exhibited; Canvas work " in small town the first month of the lunar year " selected China canvas learns to sponsor " canvas art and contemporary society " Chinese canvas is exhibited, exhibit in Chinese art gallery;
2009 Canvas work " we that a street " selected eleventh countrywide beauty is exhibited, win nomination of bear the palm of award of first China art;
2000  Canvas work " Tibetan daughter " in Tokyo art gallery obtains Tokyo to know work reward;
1999  Canvas work " highland daughter " in Tokyo art gallery wins award of Japanese artist association again;
1998  Canvas work " those who be fond of Malaya is female " in Tokyo art gallery wins gold prize of Japanese artist association;
1990  Poster " Asian festival " selected beauty of sports of the 2nd whole nation is exhibited; Canvas " flax cord " in waiting for 5 work and Wuguan, liu Xun, contemporary canvas of Wei Qimei the 2nd China that attends to be held in Singapore is exhibited; Canvas work " flute " selected China is beautiful assist sponsor " contemporary China art is exhibited " , exhibit in Japanese make one's rounds;
1989  Canvas work " flute " selected beauty of the 7th whole nation is exhibited, win cupreous award;

