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张晨初,1973年出生,上海师范大学美术学院副教授,硕士生导师。1992年毕业于中国美术学院美术教育系,1998年结业于中国美术学院油画系,2001年地方 美术学院油画系研讨 生毕业,获硕士学位,师从靳尚谊孙为民教授。2001年任教于上海师范大学美术学院绘画系。2003年进修于美国韦伯大学视觉艺术系。现为上海师范大学美术学院副教授。
4、第十届全国美展获奖作品赴日本巡回展(东京等5 城市)2005/115、大河上下——新时期中国油画回顾展中国美术馆2005/11
9、央美术学院历届先生 优秀作品展(北京、广州、深圳、台北等地美术馆)2001-2002
12、2001届地方 美术学院研讨 生毕业展地方 美院美术馆
1、十届全国美展获奖作品展中国美术馆等获优秀奖、日中敌对 会馆大奖2004/11
2、004上海春季艺术沙龙获优秀青年艺术家奖、观众评选的最好 印象作品奖2004/6
5、三届上海青年美术大展刘海粟美术馆获1 等奖2003/5
作品曾入编《中国近古代 美术史》;前后 在《新华文摘》、《美术》、《中国油画》、《文汇报》、《收藏》、《艺术界》等报刊杂志发表;作品被中国油画博物馆、何香凝美术馆、地方 美术学院美术馆等机构及国内外私人收藏。

Introduction to the artist

At the beginning of Zhang Chen, was born 1973, associate professor of academy of fine arts of Shanghai Normal University, the Master lays a teacher. Was graduated from art of Chinese academy of fine arts to teach a department 1992, complete a course was fastened at canvas of Chinese academy of fine arts 1998, canvas of academy of fine arts fastens graduate student graduation in the center of 2001, obtain master's degree, master from Jin Shangyi, sun Weimin is taught. Teaching to draw at academy of fine arts of Shanghai Normal University 2001 is. Attend in a advanced studies was fastened at art of vision of university of American Wei Bai 2003. It is associate professor of academy of fine arts of Shanghai Normal University now.
Work exhibition
1, 2006 Shanghai of Shanghai of new fighting spirit are much 2006/7 of house of Lun Yi art
2, the Shanghai that provide an elephant 2006 -- focusing Shanghai of art gallery of millet of 70 Shanghai bang east outside 2006/6 of beach art house
3, special impression -- " young man is acting " canvas work exhibits Beijing now art gallery 2006/3
4, beauty of the 10th whole nation exhibits work of bear the palm to go to Japanese itinerate to exhibit (the 5 cities such as Tokyo) 2005/115, great river fluctuates -- canvas of new period China reviews exhibit 2005/11 of Chinese art gallery
6, 2005/11 of Guangdong of China of section of art of international of the 7th Asia
7, 2005/2 of museum of art of Macao of contemporary line of sight
8, sketch of the canvas at the beginning of morning exhibits 2003/11 of art gallery of university of American Wei Bai
9, center the academy of fine arts is all previous outstanding work exhibits the student (art gallery of and other places of Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Taipei) 2001 - 2002
10, 01 Shanghai art exhibits 2001/10 of Shanghai art gallery greatly
11, with surmount- - China is small now canvas exhibits the 2001/11 such as art gallery of Shanghai of Chinese art gallery greatly
12, graduation of graduate student of 2001 central academy of fine artses exhibits art gallery of central beautiful courtyard
What give honor
1, beauty of 10 whole nations exhibits work of bear the palm to exhibit Chinese art gallery to wait obtain 2004/11 of large award of outstanding award, meridian and friendly guild hall
2, salon of art of 004 Shanghai spring obtains outstanding youth artist the 2004/6 of reward of optimal impression work that award, audience chooses
3, hand new century -- canvas of the 3rd China is exhibited greatly reach handpick work to exhibit the 2003/12 such as Chinese art gallery
4, art of Chinese Beijing international double year exhibit Chinese art gallery to obtain 2003/10 of reward of work of Chinese youth artist
5, art of 3 Shanghai youth exhibits bang millet art gallery to obtain first prize 2003/5 greatly
6, effigies of canvas of gold a list of names posted up exhibits 2002/10 of museum of Chinese revolution history
Work ever was entered make up " China is modern art history " ; Be in early or late " new Hua Wenzhai " , " art " , " Chinese canvas " , " civil report " , " collect " , " artistic bound " wait for newspapers and periodicals to publish; Work is reached by the orgnaization such as art gallery of art gallery of Chinese canvas museum, He Xiangning, the academy of fine arts central domestic and international private collect.

