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何坚宁 - 何坚宁访谈

2022-03-11 17:36:20 3584




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何坚宁,海南人。1960年4月出生。高中毕业后到海南黎母山林场当知青,1977年成为文革后首批大先生 ,1982年广州美术学院油画系毕业后到广州幼儿师范学校任美术教师。这期间创作了近千幅油画作品,次要 反映故乡海南的风土人情。1991年调入广州画院任专职画家,前后 创作了大自然系列、黄色系列、广州建设工业系列、渔港、菠萝蜜、香蕉等题材的油画作品。现为广州画院画家、中国美术家协会会员、国家1 级美术师。前后 创作了1 千多件作品。其作品色彩强烈、富有绘画张力和个人艺术风格。
作品入选第六、七、八、九届全国美展,第1 、二届全国油画展、中国青年美展、中国油画艺术展;“纪念毛主席在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话发表50周年”全国美展;“研讨 与超越”中国小型油画大展;中国共产党成立80周年全国美展等。前后 在广州、汕头、台湾、新加坡、法国等地举办八次个人画展.。油画作品在《中国古代 美术全集》、《中国当代美术》、《中国油画风景》等大型画集上发表。
作品有《海南风情》、《故乡梦》、《故乡的椰树》、《故乡风情》、《大自然系列》、《黄色风景系列》、《广州城市建设系列》、《渔港·码头·菠萝蜜·蕉林·棕榈树·椰树等系列》……共1 千多件作品。等。出版有《何坚宁油画》、《何坚宁画集》、《何坚宁画册》十四本。

Introduction to the artist

He Jianning, hainan person. Was born in April 1960. Field of mountain forest of Hainan goosefoot mother arrives after high school graduates when educated youth, became first undergraduate after Culture Revolution 1977, guangzhou cheeper training school reachs after canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts fastened graduation 1982 hold the post of art teacher. Work of nearly 1000 canvas was created during this, basically mirror the local customs of birthplace Hainan. Transferred into Guangzhou imperial art academy holds the post of full-time painter 1991, the canvas work that created nature series, yellow series, Guangzhou to build the subject matter such as honey of industrial series, fishing port, pineapple, banana early or late. It is academician of artist of painter of Guangzhou imperial art academy, China, country now division of one class art. Created more than 1000 work early or late. Its work majolica, rich painterly tension and individual art style.
Work is selected the 6th, 7, 8, beauty of 9 whole nations is exhibited, the first, beauty of youth of oily art exhibition of 2 whole nations, China is exhibited, Chinese canvas art is exhibited; "Commemorative wool chairman is in the speech on literary informal discussion publishs Yan'an 50 years " countrywide beauty is exhibited; "Research and surmount " Chinese small-sized canvas is exhibited greatly; The Chinese Communist establishs countrywide beauty 80 years to exhibit etc. Hold individual art exhibition 8 times in and other places of head of Guangzhou, Shan, Taiwan, Singapore, France early or late. . Canvas work is in " complete works of Chinese modern art " , " Chinese contemporary art " , " Chinese canvas scenery " wait for large picture publish on collect.
Work has " Hainan amorous feelings " , " birthplace dream " , " the coco of birthplace is cultivated " , " birthplace amorous feelings " , " nature series " , " maize scenery series " , " Guangzhou city builds set " , " honey of pineapple of · of dock of fishing port · . Etc. Publish have " He Jianning canvas " , " He Jianning draws volume " , " He Jianning an album of paintings " 14.

