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2022-03-11 17:34:12 3377




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 张万凌著名油画家,1954年出生甘肃宁县,毕业于东南 民族学院美术系,中国美术家协会理事,中国油画学会理事,民盟地方 美术院副院长,甘肃省文史研讨 馆馆员,师从朱乃正先生,现任甘肃省美术家协会常务副主席。

张万凌曾经这样表述过,艺术不是单纯的工具,而是真实的开拓者,它要引导人们看清纯真的事物。在这1 点上,它不是具体事物的简单解释,而是揭示事物之精神的光芒。




油画《贺兰山春雪》、《先人 留给我的思考》、《暖冬》入选“第十二届全国新人新做美 展”。









油画《大地鎏金》入选“吾土吾民—传承东南 油画约请 展”。

油画《阳光记忆1 》入选庆祝建党90周年全国美术作品展。



Introduction in English

 Zhang Wanling, born in June 1954 in Ningxian County, Gansu Province, is good at oil painting. In 1987, he graduated from the Department of Oil Painting, Northwest College of Nationalities. He is a director of the Chinese Artists Association, a senior artist, a director of the Chinese Oil Painting Association, a vice-president of the Central Academy of Fine Arts of the Democratic League of China, a librarian of the Gansu Provincial Literature and History Research Museum, a teacher from Mr. Zhu Naizheng, and currently a standing vice-president of the Gansu Prov


Zhang Wanling, a famous oil painter, was born in Ningxian, Gansu Province in 1954. He graduated from the Department of Fine Arts of Northwest Institute of Nationalities, the Director of China Artists Association, the Director of China Oil Painting Association, the Vice-President of the Central Academy of Fine Arts of the Democratic League of China, the librarian of the Gansu Museum of Literature and History, under the Tute of Mr. Zhu Naizheng, is currently the executive vice


Zhang Wanling once said that art is not a simple tool, but a real pioneer, it should guide people to see the pure things. At this point, it is not a simple explanation of concrete things, but a light to reveal the spirit of things. ...


Oil painting "Lucky Days of Mountain People" was selected as the first Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition.


The watercolor "Green Apple" was selected as the "Third National Watercolor Painting - Painting Exhibition".


Oil paintings "Spring Snow in Helan Mountain", "Thoughts Left to Me by Ancestors" and "Warm Winter" were selected in the "12th National New Artists Art Exhibition".


The Fourth National Sports Exhibition of Oil Painting "Snowy Regions".


Oil painting Qilian Gaoqiu was selected as the National Exhibition of Sketches of the Times.


Oil painting "Spring Snow in Helan Mountain" was selected as "Contemporary Chinese Youth Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition" and won the second prize.


The oil painting "Friends Come from afar" was selected as the "Chinese Art Exhibition" and won the bronze prize. Collection by Macao Museum.


Oil painting Gaotian Hou Tu was selected as the national art exhibition to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Mao Zedong's speech at Yan'an Literature and Art Symposium.


Oil painting "Land Without Grain" was selected as the "Third National Oil Painting Exhibition".


The oil painting "Bavarian Farm" was selected as the "Landscape - Style - National Small Oil Paintings Exhibition" sponsored by China Aesthetic Association.


The oil painting Friends was selected as the "Spirit of the Times - National Portrait Oil Painting Exhibition" and won the award of Excellent Works.


Oil painting "The Earth's Gold" was selected as "Invitation Exhibition of Northwest Oil Paintings Inherited by Our Native People".


Oil painting "Sunshine Memory I" was selected to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the party in the national art exhibition.


Oil painting "Maihuang season" is collected by the Chinese Art Museum.


Published as follows: Zhang Wanling Oil Painting Collection, Looking Back to the Plateau - Zhang Wanling Oil Painting Sketch Collection, Contemporary Strength Painter Zhang Wanling Oil Painting Collection.

