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1992年宣扬 画《楚天风云》在全军单应宣扬 画展中获奖。1998年油画《帐篷小学》入选全军美术作品展。1999年粉画《丰年》入选建国50周年全军美术作品展。2001年粉画《在欢庆的日子里》入选第5 届全国体育美展。2002年油画《加注兵士 》入选第十届全军美术作品展。2002年粉画〈闹正月〉入选第六届全国水彩,粉画展2003年油画《粉色记忆》粉画《丰年》编入《中国中青年美术家作品集》。2003年油画《冰清玉洁》入选全国抗非典书画展,并获全军抗非典题材优秀文艺作品奖。2003年油画《加注兵士 》入选第三届中国油画展。2004年油画《鸡冠花》编入《中国当代美术家作品集》2004年粉画《秧歌闹春》入选第十届全国美展。

Introduction to the artist

King greatly, jilin city person, was born 1965. Was graduated from faculty of art of institute of Jilin normal school 1989. Was graduated from art of institute of liberation army art to fasten canvas major 1997. It is Chinese artist academician now, credential draws artistic committee member in, art of newspaper office of arms of rocket of the 2nd artillerist edits.
1992 poster " Chu Tianfeng cloud " in horse and foot Chan Yingxuan passes the bear the palm in art exhibition. 1998 canvas " tent elementary school " work of art of selected horse and foot is exhibited. Pink was drawn 1999 " good year " selected found a state 50 years work of art of horse and foot is exhibited. Pink was drawn 2001 " in joyful day " selected beauty of sports of the 5th whole nation is exhibited. 2002 canvas " add note a soldier " selected work of art of the 10th horse and foot is exhibited. Pink was drawn 2002 < make the first month of the lunar year > selected watercolour of the 6th whole nation, powdery art exhibition 2003 canvas " pink is remembered " pink is drawn " good year " be classified " collect of work of artist of the youth in China " . 2003 canvas " pure and noble " selected whole nation fights SARS book art exhibition, obtain horse and foot to fight SARS subject matter reward of outstanding and literary work. 2003 canvas " add note a soldier " selected oily art exhibition of the 3rd China. 2004 canvas " cockscomb " be classified " collect of work of Chinese contemporary artist " pink was drawn 2004 " yangko is troubled by spring " selected beauty of the 10th whole nation is exhibited.

