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现定居美国纽约,是中国美术家协会会员、美国肖像画廊成员。他前后 任教于上海教育学院和上海交通大学艺术系。1986年赴美前作品多次入选全国美展和上海美展并获奖。1986年赴美后曾研习于旧金山艺术学院和纽约艺术联盟,在美期间曾多次举办年展。1996-1997年在台北亚洲艺术中心举行个展。作品为国内外的收藏家所注重 ,并被上海美术馆、上海鲁迅纪念馆、康州的NECCA博物馆和香港的徐氏博物馆收藏。作品有《党课》、《鲁迅与瞿秋白》、《赛前》等。

Introduction to the artist

Wu Jian (1942.11, ) Jiangsu Suzhou person. Be good at canvas. Learned in Shanghai art training school 1961. Went to institute of art of American san Francisco learning 1987. Have successively held the posts of Shanghai to face teacher of Tong middle school, shanghai teachs academic art to fasten a teacher, art of literature of Shanghai traffic university fastens a teacher. Work has " party class " , " Lu Xun and Qu Qiu Bai " , " before contest " etc.  
Show new York of resident United States, it is member of gallery of effigies of Chinese artist academician, United States. He teachs to teach institute and art of Shanghai traffic university to fasten at Shanghai early or late. The work before going to the United States 1986 for many times beauty of selected whole nation is exhibited and Shanghai beauty is exhibited and bear the palm. The Ceng Yan after going to the United States 1986 reviews at san Francisco art the institute is mixed new York art is allied, ever held for many times during the beauty year exhibit. 1996-1997 year in Taipei Asia art the center is held exhibit. Work takes seriously for domestic and international collector place, be mixed by the NECCA museum of memorial hall of Lu Xun of Shanghai art gallery, Shanghai, health city the Xu museum of Hong Kong is collected. Work has " party class " , " Lu Xun and Qu Qiu Bai " , " before contest " etc.

