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王福明,1966年12月生于河北承德。1988年毕业于河北师范学院美术系。硕士学位。现为河北师范大学美术学院副院长、教授、硕士生导师。中国美术家协会会员。  作品入选第七、九、十、十1 届“全国美展”和第二、5 届“全国体育美展”、“携手新世纪——第三届中国油画展”、“第三届全国青年美术作品展”等;获“中国首届水彩画艺术展”铜奖、“首届中国青年百人油画展”艺术奖、“第二届全国风景·风情油画展”优秀作品奖、“第十1 届全国美展”获奖提名等。
作品多次发表于《美术》、《美术观察》、《装潢 》、《江苏画刊》、《中国油画》、《艺术界》、《美苑》、《连环画报》等专业报刊,并被中国美术馆及国内外机构和个人收藏。

1988年8月,《解救 》(连环画)荣获“华北地区(5 省市)连环画作品联展”优秀作品奖。
1989年11月,《草原那间小屋》(连环画)荣获“建国四十周年河北省美术作品展”1 等奖。
1996年10月,《北京旧影之1 —炸麻花》(水彩)荣获“中国首届水彩画艺术展”铜奖。
1999年10月,《秋日》(油画)荣获“建国5 十周年河北省美术作品精品展”铜奖。
1999年10月,《那日图——太阳升起的地方》荣获“建国5 十周年河北省美术作品精品展”银奖。
2001年11月,《轻舞飞扬》(油画)入选“第5 届全国体育美展”。
2001年9月,《轻舞飞扬》(油画)荣获“第5 届河北省体育美展”银奖。
2002年10月,《马相之1 》(油画)荣获“携手新世纪——河北油画作品展”铜奖。
2003年,《马相之1 》(油画)入选“携手新世纪——第三届中国油画展”。
2004年8月,《最初 的请求》(连环画)入选“第十届全国美术作品展”。
2004年10月,《最初 的请求》(连环画)荣获“庆祝建国55周年河北省美术作品展”并银奖。
2004年10月,《春天纪事之1 》(水彩画)荣获“庆祝建国55周年河北省美术作品展”并优秀奖。
2005年8月,《美好生活》(油画)荣获“第5 届河北省体育美展”银奖。
2007年11月,《纸墨笔砚 》(水彩)入选“第八届届全国水彩·粉画作品展”并入编画集。
2009年12月,《依山人家》(油画)入选“第十1 届全国美术作品展览”并获奖提名,中国美术馆收藏,并入编画集;河北省选区作品展览并获银奖。
2009年12月,《纸墨笔砚 》(水彩)入选“第十1 届全国美术作品展览”并获奖提名,并入编画集;河北省选区作品展览并获银奖。
《装潢 》2002年8期——《丰收的舞蹈》等作品。
《传承与创造——河北师范大学美术学院教师作品展》第1 、二届展览大型画集。

Introduction to the artist

Wang Fuming, was born at Heibei in December 1966 bear heart. Was graduated from faculty of art of institute of Heibei normal school 1988. Master's degree. It is assistant dean of academy of fine arts of Heibei Normal University, professor, Master to lay a teacher now. Chinese artist academician. Work is selected the 7th, 9, 10, 11 " countrywide beauty is exhibited " with the 2nd, 5 " countrywide sports beauty is exhibited " , " hand in hand new century -- canvas of the 3rd China is exhibited " , " the 3rd; Obtain " first aquarelle art of Chinese is exhibited " cupreous award, " 100 people canvas exhibits first China youth " artistic award, " canvas of amorous feelings of · of scenery of the 2nd whole nation is exhibited " outstanding work reward, " eleventh countrywide beauty is exhibited " bear the palm.
Work is published at for many times " art " , " art observes " , " adornment " , " Jiangsu pictorial section of a newspaper " , " Chinese canvas " , " artistic bound " , " beautiful garden " , " serial pictorial " wait for professional the press, be collected by Chinese art gallery and domestic and international orgnaization and individual.

Ginseng exhibit bear the palm:
In August 1988, " save " (comic) have the honor to win " China north area (5 provinces city) comic work couplet is exhibited " outstanding work reward.
1989, " prairie that hut " (comic) selected " the 7th work exhibits a countrywide painting " .
In November 1989, " prairie that hut " (comic) have the honor to win " found a state 40 years work of Heibei province art is exhibited " first prize.
In September 1990, " contend for " (canvas) selected " art of sports of the 2nd China is exhibited " .
In July 1990, " contend for " (canvas) selected " be in the 2nd times greet inferior art of sports of canal north province is exhibited " third class award is had the honor to win in happening.
In December 1990, " the Yun Duo on the prairie " (comic) have the honor to win " the 2nd comic is exhibited " second-class award.
In October 1994, " members of a revolutionary martyr's family " (comic) have the honor to win " congratulatory People's Republic of China establishs Heibei 45 years to save art work to exhibit " third class award.
In October 1996, " one of Beijing old movies, scamper fried dough twist " (watercolour) have the honor to win " art of first aquarelle of Chinese is exhibited " cupreous award.
In January 1997, " friend " (comic) have the honor to win " art exhibition of winter jasmine of province of Heibei of Hong Kong regression " silver-colored award.
In August 1998, " Qiu Yuan " (canvas) have the honor to win " scenery of canvas of landscape painting · of Heibei province China is exhibited " award of an excellent work.
In October 1999, " autumn day " (canvas) have the honor to win " found a state 50 years high-quality goods of work of Heibei province art is exhibited " cupreous award.
In October 1999, " that day of graph -- the place that the sun rises " have the honor to win " found a state 50 years high-quality goods of work of Heibei province art is exhibited " silver-colored award.
In September 2001, " Qiu Sai " (watercolour) selected " art exhibition of character of first watercolour of Chinese " .
In June 2001, " the trend wins " (canvas) have the honor to win " work of 80 years of calligraphy, art, photography exhibits Heibei province congratulatory found a party " outstanding award.
In November 2001, " small dance with sth in one's hands flies upwards " (canvas) selected " beauty of sports of the 5th whole nation is exhibited " .
In September 2001, " small dance with sth in one's hands flies upwards " (canvas) have the honor to win " beauty of sports of province of the 5th Heibei is exhibited " silver-colored award.
In September 2002, " late autumn " (watercolour) selected " watercolour of the 6th whole nation, gouache is exhibited greatly " write part of suitable for a painting.
In May 2002, " autumnal dancing " (canvas) have the honor to win " commemorate Mao Zedong 5 · 23 speeches work of art of 60 years of whole nations is exhibited " Heibei exhibits area copper award.
In October 2002, " one of equestrian photographs " (canvas) have the honor to win " hand in hand new century -- Heibei canvas work is exhibited " cupreous award.
2003, " one of equestrian photographs " (canvas) selected " hand in hand new century -- canvas of the 3rd China is exhibited " .
In September 2004, " late autumn " (watercolour) selected " watercolour of the 6th whole nation, gouache is exhibited greatly " .
In August 2004, " final request " (comic) selected " work of art of the 10th whole nation is exhibited " .
In October 2004, " final request " (comic) have the honor to win " celebrate found a state 55 years work of Heibei province art is exhibited " silver-colored award.
In October 2004, " spring age issue " (aquarelle) have the honor to win " celebrate found a state 55 years work of Heibei province art is exhibited " outstanding award.
In October 2004, " spring one of age issues " (aquarelle) have the honor to win " celebrate found a state 55 years work of Heibei province art is exhibited " outstanding award.
In August 2005, " good life " (canvas) have the honor to win " beauty of sports of province of the 5th Heibei is exhibited " silver-colored award.
In October 2007, " close Yunnan hill " (canvas) have the honor to win " 100 people canvas exhibits first China youth " artistic award merges into the collect that write a picture.
In November 2007, " the four treasures of the study " (watercolour) selected " the 8th picture work exhibits a pink of countrywide watercolour · " merge into the collect that write a picture.
In December 2007, " warm winter " (canvas) have the honor to win " canvas of whole nation of amorous feelings of · of the 2nd scenery is exhibited " outstanding work reward merges into the collect that write a picture.
In August 2008, " happy life " (canvas) selected " work of congress of 2008 Olympic art is exhibited " merge into the collect that write a picture.
In December 2008, " Na Shanqiu is lubricious " (canvas) selected " work of art of youth of the 3rd whole nation is exhibited " merge into the collect that write a picture.
In December 2009, " the other people that depend on hill " (canvas) selected " eleventh countrywide art work is exhibited " and bear the palm nominates, chinese art gallery is collected, merge into the collect that write a picture; Heibei saves electorate work to exhibit and win silver-colored award.
December 2009, " the four treasures of the study " (watercolour) selected " eleventh countrywide art work is exhibited " and bear the palm nominates, merge into the collect that write a picture; Heibei saves electorate work to exhibit and win silver-colored award.
May 2010, " northward " (canvas) selected " the 2nd small canvas work of countrywide is exhibited " .
Work publishs:
" Chinese comic signs up for " 1997 9 period -- " brother, we do not cry " .
" Chinese comic signs up for " in October 1997 -- " friend " .
" Chinese comic signs up for " 1998 2 period -- " swan " .
" comic signs up for " 1999 6 period -- " white shoe " .
" comic signs up for " " 1999 year award of judge of 10 an excellent work " outstanding and painterly award June 2000 -- " that day of graph -- the place that the sun rises " .
" beautiful garden " 2001 6 period -- " Qiu Sai " (watercolour) .
" Chinese canvas " 2002 5 period -- " harbor of Qin Huang island " (canvas) .
" art observes " 2002 6 period -- special subject introduction (" friend effigies " wait for canvas work) .
" adornment " 2002 8 period -- " the dancing of the bumper harvest " wait for work.
" Jiangsu pictorial section of a newspaper " 2002 7 period -- " friend effigies " (canvas) .
" artistic bound " 2002 3, in April period -- " effigies " (canvas) .
" heavy model foundation, forum of art of Chinese advanced academy of fine arts " in December 2003 -- " I talk about sketch " paper.
" art observes " 2003 10 period -- " La Ding house " wait for canvas work.
" Chinese canvas " 2006 the 3rd period -- " good life " (canvas) .
" art " 2009 5 period -- " the other people that depend on hill " (canvas) .
" inheritance and creation -- work of teacher of academy of fine arts of Heibei Normal University is exhibited " the first, show large picture market 2 times.

